Spoiler for the Multiverse: The Opening Live Marvel

Chapter 290 Tony's Anxiety, Philosopher Master Ultron

Chapter 290 Tony's Anxiety, Philosopher Master Ultron
Because there are villains present, Rocky and others who have experienced the broadcast of Avengers 1 did not choose to expose Tony's lies.

But Thanos didn't know about this matter, so at this moment on this barren planet, Thanos heard the criticism from the live broadcast room, clenched his right hand into a fist again, and made a creaking sound.

'In their eyes, I'm not even a threat? '

And that Tony Stark, who was able to ignore the Infinity Stones?

When people don't know the truth, they will always have reverie and hesitation in their hearts!If it was Thanos before, he might have sneered at all these claims, but since he experienced the Asa protoss' battle against the Dark Order and entered this weird live broadcast room, Thanos' heart is no longer so peaceful.

Standing behind Thanos, Ebony Throat showed an angry expression on his face, but because Thanos didn't show his attitude, Ebony Throat also held back and didn't get angry. He just winked at General Deathblade and Proxima Dark Night, three People silently stepped aside, discussing the identities and handling methods of these superheroes in the live broadcast room.

In his opinion, Thanos is the doomed overlord of this universe in the future, and as the first counselor and mage under the overlord's command, he should take the initiative to help the overlord solve all the enemies and stumbling blocks on his way.

[Watching the captain and Thor condemn him, Tony also seemed a little angry, raised his finger upwards, and asked everyone present: "Does anyone still remember that I carried a nuclear bomb through the wormhole?" 】

[Rhode immediately understood what his friend meant, and sarcastically said: "No, I've never heard of it!"]

[Tony continued to complain: "Then I saved New York? Do you want to hear it?"]

[The Avengers immediately turned their heads and sighed in embarrassment. Indeed, if Tony Stark hadn’t carried the nuclear bomb through the wormhole and sent the nuclear warhead to the Chitauri battleship, perhaps New York If there is a war, they will all die in battle, not only aliens will invade the earth, even they may all die under nuclear bombs. 】

[But although Tony has such a great contribution, after the war, the government concealed the matter of the nuclear bomb, so the public is not fully aware of Tony's contribution in the Battle of New York. 】

[The US team also saw the resentment in Tony's heart, and finally stopped complaining, but said that they would face these with him, unite as one, and defeat Ultron. 】

[At this moment, in a church in Sokovia, the Maximov brothers and sisters walked in in the dark. 】

[When Ultron landed on this land, Wanda already had a little sense of it, but he didn't know whether the other party was an enemy or a friend, so he came to have an interview with it. 】

[And when she saw Ultron with her back facing her, she was surprised to find that her thought power, which could touch people's hearts, had no response to the other party, like a mud cow entering the sea, unable to read its thinking. 】

[Ao Chuang also teased her at this time, saying that she must be wondering why she couldn't see through her heart. Wanda was not discouraged by this, but replied coldly: "It is indeed a bit difficult, but everyone Sooner or later, they will show their true colors.”]

【Hearing Wanda's answer, Ultron smiled and stood up abruptly, revealing his metal body. Seeing its tall appearance, the Maximov brothers and sisters were also taken aback for a moment. 】

["I'm sure they are like this, but you need more than people, so you let Stark take the scepter!" Ultron walked up to Wanda step by step, with an anthropomorphic look on his mechanical face smile. 】

[Wanda curled her lips: "It's really unexpected, but I saw Stark's fear, and that fear will control him and make him go to self-destruction."]

"Fear... is it my fear again?"

Tony spread his hands in confusion: "No, am I that fragile in that multiverse? I don't understand what I'm afraid of at all, the destruction of the Avengers?"

Reed rubbed his chin, pondered for a while and analyzed: "Perhaps, it's because of a mentality problem? Although I haven't watched Avengers 1, in your description, it seems that it was because Loki led the Chitauri to invade the earth. At that time, you were still a group of scattered superheroes, under pressure to form this Avengers!"

"Because of the hasty establishment, you have to deal with the invasion of Loki and aliens, so you, Tony Stark, have great fear in your heart. You are afraid of facing the death scene of the government launching a nuclear bomb again, And the fear of the crushing failure in the face of an alien invasion, the frustration of being powerless to fight."

"These emotions haunt you, torture your heart all the time, and make your heart fall into confusion and madness!"

Tony frowned: "I think what you said is too sensational?"

Konstantin silently threw a peanut into his mouth, and said with a chuckle, "Sensational? I don't think so. From your current perspective, you won that battle, and You also know the enemy's weaknesses, and once they attack again next time, you can easily face them. What's more, through the live broadcast room of this system, you have obtained various powers, so for the deeper and stronger Enemy, you also feel fearless."

"This is the most fundamental difference between you and the Tony Stark in the image, not only the state of mind, but also the confidence brought by strength."

There was a short silence in the live broadcast room, Tony seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and finally nodded slowly: "Perhaps... what you said is really possible."

Charles shook his head and sighed, "It's not possible, but inevitable."

[Looking at Wanda, Ultron shrugged and said disapprovingly: "Everyone creates their own fears, peacemakers create war machines, invaders create avengers, adults create smaller people... er , yes, it is 'children', I forgot the word."]

【"Children are born instead of parents and end their lives!"】

【Wanda laughed when she heard the words: "Are you born for this too? The end of the Avengers?"】

[Ao Chuang immediately became excited when he heard the words: "I was born to save the world, but maybe... yes."]

[The scene changed, and Ultron brought the Maximov brothers and sisters to the bunker of Baron Sterak, showing them the robot army that was still in full swing. 】

["As you can see, these are all me. I have the quality that the Avengers don't have, harmony. And they don't trust each other, they are in a mess. Stark alone has caused them to suspect each other, waiting for you to control The consciousness of the rest of them..."]

(End of this chapter)

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