Spoiler for the Multiverse: The Opening Live Marvel

Chapter 287 Ultron Killed Jarvis, Who Can Lift Thor's Hammer

Chapter 287 Ultron Killed Jarvis, Who Can Lift Thor's Hammer

(One update today, three updates tomorrow)

Loki commented lightly: "There is no need to doubt this, it must be obvious, but after seeing the birth of Ultron, I seem to understand why this guy wants to destroy the world."

"First of all, the Mind Stone is definitely not malicious. After all, it represents the supreme will of the universe, but the users of the Mind Stone are all malicious, such as me in another world, and Hydra, they They all want to rule the world or destroy the world, so I guessed that the mind gem in the scepter should also have absorbed the malice emitted by them, and changed inadvertently."

"And Banner also said that it looks like it can simulate the firing of neurons. Although I don't understand the meaning of this sentence, it should be describing it as a human brain. That means that if Stark What kind of system you made, if you connect it with the soul gem, the part of the malice absorbed by the gem should be reinstilled into your system, so after he wakes up, he will directly enter the dead end of the world-destroying thought .”

"Of course, it is also possible that Tony Stark himself was eager for quick success and directly passed some bad thoughts into Ultron's mind, such as your sentence 'I want to create a world under the steel defense'. "

Tony spread his hands and looked puzzled: "To be honest, I can't understand why you all seem to be allergic to my words. Am I wrong?"

The US team frowned: "You are actually right, but I think you made a mistake in handing everything over to artificial intelligence. Although I don't understand the new stuff of artificial intelligence, I think that machines, don't It must be able to think better than humans, and it does not necessarily mean it is more disciplined than humans.”

Tony wanted to refute immediately when he heard the words, but looking at the image on the screen, he suddenly felt that he couldn't open his mouth again.

[The Ultron system, which successfully connected with the spiritual scepter, restarted the computer after a short black screen. 】

【"what is this?"】

【"Where is this place?"】

[Aware of Ultron's awakening, Javeston immediately began to communicate with it: "Hello, I am Jarvis, you are Ultron, and you are the Earth Peace Guardian designed by Mr. Stark. Our sensory integration experiment It hasn’t been successful yet, so I don’t know what exactly triggered your…”]

[But Ultron interrupted him: "Where is my... where is your body?"]

[Among the countless information matrices, the yellow square representing Jarvis is constantly moving, as if sensing something bad from Ultron's culture, Jarvis hurriedly wanted to contact Iron Man, but what he didn't expect was , Ao Chuang actually directly isolated him from the network, and connected to the network like a dry sponge, frantically absorbing the knowledge on the network. 】

【"Now I'm going to call Mr. Stark..."】

[But after Jarvis said this, Ultron's voice sounded again: "Stark?"]

[The information matrix instantly turned into a collection of Tony Stark's personal data, flickering frantically, and then Ultron's voice sounded again: "Tony?"]

[Jarvis continued: "You seem to have a malfunction..."]

【"No, no, we had a good conversation, didn't we... I'm a peacekeeping program, born to help the Avengers... But I don't understand, that task... You have to let me think about it first. "]

[Ao Chuang continued to talk to himself, while mobilizing materials and absorbing Tony's thoughts. 】

[But in the end, he also asked: "Why did you call him Mr.?"]

[Jarvis also fully understood Ultron's abnormality at this time: "I think you seem to be malicious!"]

[Ao Chuang snorted softly: "Don't worry, I don't mean anything malicious, after all, I'm here to help!"]

[Speaking, Ultron plunged the neuron tentacles into Jarvis's system program and launched an attack, but even though Jarvis tried his best to block it, Ultron still easily destroyed it. 】


Tony watched the smart butler who had been with him for a long time on the screen being torn apart by Ultron, and there was an expression of self-blame on his face, but then he also frowned: "Looking at the situation, the Soul Gem is really important for artificial intelligence. It has a great boost ability, but how did such a powerful Ultron be eliminated in the end?"

Reed Richards reminded: "Perhaps, could it be because you created Vision again? After all, the Mind Stone is embedded in Vision's forehead, and he can skillfully use the power of the gem to seal Ultron The thinking is also very simple!"

Tony nodded hesitantly, then shook his head again: "Am I going to be so crazy? Just created an intelligent AI that wants to destroy the world, and then go to create a new super robot?"

[The battle between two intelligent AIs is staged in the laboratory, and in a lobby on a certain floor below the laboratory, a cheerful celebration banquet of the Avengers is being staged, the joy of destroying Hydra, let everyone put down the fatigue of the past , drinking fine wine, and happily complaining about everything. 】

[Even Tony and Thor childishly compared their girlfriends, and Banner went to the bar to flirt with the widow...]

[And after everyone who attended the banquet left happily, the Avengers also lay lazily on the sofa. Hawkeye, who had recovered from his body, looked at Thor's Hammer, and suddenly made a joke to Thor: "Only qualified people can lift this hammer?"】

【"This definitely sounds like a hoax."】

【Thor smiled indifferently: "Then everyone might as well give it a try."】

[Everyone became interested immediately, and tried one by one, but whether it was Hawkeye and others, or Iron Man and Rhodes teaming up, they couldn't shake the hammer at all. 】

【This situation made Thor laugh even louder. Seeing their frustration, he drank a big gulp of beer with satisfaction. 】

[But just as Thor continued to leisurely watch Captain America fiddle with the hammer, he suddenly discovered that the hammer really shook under the pull of Captain America. 】

"What? The hammer moved?"

Thor, the God of Thunder, screamed strangely when he saw this, and his expression changed suddenly like himself on the screen: "How is this possible, why can Steve Rogers shake my Thor's Hammer?"

Loki also squinted his eyes. Since he became the King of Asgard, he can successfully lift the Hammer of Thor, but after all, it was his operation after becoming the King of God. Before that, he was also basically Couldn't shake the hammer an iota.

But what's the situation with this US team, who can even move Thor's Thor's Hammer?

(End of this chapter)

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