Spoiler for the Multiverse: The Opening Live Marvel

Chapter 256 The outside world is getting more and more complicated, Spider-Man 2

Chapter 256 The outside world is getting more and more complicated, Spider-Man 2
New Peter's question made Tony's face a little embarrassed, he came over and interjected: "Well, let me explain, in fact, things are not as bad as you imagined, after all, even in that world, we all signed Soko After the Via agreement, everyone’s identities have not been exposed, right? These details can actually be resolved by our public relations.”

New Peter sighed: "I'm just a friendly reminder, after all, this lesson learned from the past is really heart-wrenching."

The three Peter Parkers looked at each other and sighed in unison.

At this time, the US team asked: "Tony, if we go back this time, if Pierce uses the conspiracy in the US team 3 to deal with us, will you still stand with us?"

Tony Stark raised his eyebrows, spread his hands and asked, "What does this have to do with me?"

"Don't forget, Iron Man has not officially appeared in this world yet!"

A smirk appeared on Tony's face: "From the first live broadcast to now, I have been using Freedom Gundam all the time!"

Stephen Strange immediately scolded with a smile: "My good fellow, why do you bastard build so many steel armors in the basement but refuse to wear them all the time? You have already prepared it in your heart, haven't you?"

"To be honest, I really didn't think of this at first. After all, the Gundam is enough for me to use. But after watching the story of Steel 2, I think it's better for me to make a steel armor. After all..."

Tony was suddenly stunned while talking, he looked at Captain America and Strange in astonishment: "Son of Bitch, we forgot, and Ivan Vanke, he seems to be in Siberia? If Pierce finds Ivan Vanke Collaboration…”

At this moment, even Casillas in front of the screen felt emotional: "It seems that the real world that Tony Stark and Steve Rogers face after they go out is getting more and more complicated."

Banner also nodded and said: "It can be said that the villains that these people have defeated in spoiling the future are likely to unite..."

And the US team also yelled at the screen when they reacted: "Colson..."

"Yes, Captain, we are already investigating!"

Phil Coulson agreed, and then lamented: "Since it was disbanded, this is the first time I miss the days when S.H.I.E.L.D.

As he said that, Coulson turned on the computer again, connected to the satellite in space, and was about to contact the dark line he left behind through the encrypted channel, when the black brine egg who had been gloomy and silent for a long time suddenly stood up: "Ke Ersen, look up Helmut Zemo of the Echo Scorpion team in Sokovia to see if there is a way to absorb him into our Aegis. This guy can provoke the Avengers by himself. Splitting is a good seed."

Black Widow, Hawkeye, Hill, and Winter Soldier stared at Black Braised Egg with stiff necks, with indescribable expressions on their faces: "..."

Hawkeye's wife also looked at Braised Dan curiously, and asked her husband, "What's wrong with Nick?"

[The screen fell into darkness, and when it was turned on again, the screen changed, and Peter appeared on the street on a motorcycle, looking intently at the picture of Mary Jane on the huge billboard behind him. 】

【But at this moment, the shouts to him in front brought him back to reality, and he braked the car urgently, so as not to hit the owner of the pizzeria. 】

[The boss first complained that Peter was often late recently, and then told him that there was an urgent order, and he needed to run 7 blocks in 42 and a half minutes to deliver the pizza to the customer. 】

[Peter hurriedly rode on the motorcycle to deliver the pizza, but even if he squeezed the accelerator to the end, he couldn’t arrive on time at all, so he looked at the clock above his head, and he had a plan, rushed into the alley and replaced Spiderman In the suit, he swayed towards the client's building by the spider's thread, and even saved a pair of children who were almost killed when they crossed the road picking up a ball. 】

Everyone in the live broadcast room turned their heads to look at Peter, and Cade frowned with an incomprehensible expression on his face: "Dude, are you serious? You have such a powerful superpower, and you use it to deliver pizza?"

Wolverine spat and sprayed out the chewed tobacco leaves: "You have the strength, why bother to deliver pizza!"

"Yeah, I remember you don't have enough knowledge in science?" Scott Lang asked with a strange look: "Since you can get No.1 in the science competition in New York City, then you should apply for a laboratory Can't you? Even if Dr. Connors rejected you, isn't there another laboratory?"

Kuaiyin also asked curiously: "You said just now, isn't your daily superhero job very simple? Why do I feel that you are so busy as if you are saving the world all the time?"

"..." New Peter rubbed his nose in embarrassment: "Ah, the main reason is that I am too serious, and I want to go up and help me when I see everything."

Casillas said: "But this is not a good thing, right? What if one day, when New Yorkers get used to having someone to help them in an emergency, what if they develop a sense of dependence?"

Wonder Woman Diana nodded: "Indeed, if you want to help when you see something, then there are so many people in the world who encounter difficulties all the time, can you save them? Even in our world No Superman can do that."

"The most important thing is, Peter should still be in college, studying, working part-time, and still working as a superhero?" Johnny Blazer frowned: "Boy, what do you think? Everyone is focusing on being a superhero." One thing, or two things, you have three things in parallel, it is difficult to maintain a balance! I feel that you are going to collapse soon, right?"

New Peter: "..."

Captain Marvel reminded: "In fact, there are more than three things. Don't forget, this kid actually has a job as a photographer!"

[Due to the delay on the road, when Peter arrived at the customer with the pizza, it was already beyond the delivery time. Looking at the slightly wrinkled pizza box, the female receptionist shook her head and told Peter that she would not pay for the pizza . 】

【The dejected Peter returned to the shop, seeing his appearance, the owner of the pizza shop fired him without hesitation. 】

[And there is naturally not only one bad thing. When Peter came to the newspaper, Jameson, the boss of the Daily Bugle, fired him without hesitation, because Peter did not provide him with a photo of Spider-Man, but took a picture of Spider-Man. A bunch of self-proclaimed "art" photos. 】

[But these things are worthless in Jameson's eyes. 】

(End of this chapter)

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