Spoiler for the Multiverse: The Opening Live Marvel

Chapter 222 Electrocution, father and son meet, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibil

Chapter 222 Electrocution, father and son meet, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility
Constantine laughed and said, "No, I'm a person who knows a lot of tricks. Besides, even Satan can't take my life, let alone this system."

At this time, Little Spider and the others also looked at the extraordinary Peter who gave up answering the question, and Reed asked inexplicably: "Peter, why did you abstain from this question? I remember that when you first started, you didn't want your father to live." Is it?"

Extraordinary Peter glanced at everyone silently, without nodding or shaking his head, he just replied weakly: "I used to hope so, but then I felt... just like Mr. Constantine said, he betrayed his own. My friend, the investor who betrayed him, if he is alive, I feel that the image of my father in my mind is really shattered."

New Peter smacked his lips: "Although I denied your opinion before, I think, after reading your story, I think your father may have real difficulties."

"After all, the Osborne Group in this world has deteriorated from top to bottom. Compared with my world, it may be more harmful than Uncle Norman's turning into the Green Goblin. Then your father hides I can understand the matter of looking for opportunities in secret."

Little Spider: "...Why do I feel that you are so unprincipled..."

While everyone was still chatting, Wolverine and Constantine, who answered the wrong questions, were about to face systematic punishment.

Konstantin lit a tobacco leaf with a lighter, waved his hand over the smoke, and drew a hexagram array in a flick, and then, with Wolverine's circus-like eyes, rubbed the burned tobacco leaf into ashes, and He engraved two copies of the six-pointed star formation made by smoke, and patted it on the chests of himself and Wolverine, and said complacently: "This formation can transmit lightning to other worlds. In this way, in the face of electrocution, we will It's safe and sound."

Wolverine rubbed the fur on his chest suspiciously, and asked with disbelief, "Are you sure this thing works?"

T'Challa, who was still a newcomer, looked at the actions of the two curiously, but Tony and others, who had been fighting for a long time, showed expressions of watching the excitement.

Do they remember that Thor was punished by the system in order to avoid the punishment of the system.

In their expectant eyes, two thunderbolts shot from a distance, just like the thunderbolts that punished them for smoking before.

"Oh, I knew it would be like this!"

A confident smile suddenly appeared on Constantine's face, and he said nonchalantly to Wolverine, "Don't worry bro, with my magic, this thunder and lightning will definitely not cause... ohhh~"

The confident Konstantin didn't notice that when the thunder and lightning were about to come, it seemed that because they had noticed their sneaky resistance, the whole thunder and lightning suddenly expanded to more than three times its size, and when the thunder and lightning were about to hit them A moment ago, the smoke magic circle attached to their chests was also erased.

Therefore, Constantine and Wolverine endured the system's three-fold lightning penalty, and they endured it for more than four minutes before finally stopping the penalty.

And the "old man" such as Tony on the side was already out of breath from laughing.

Reed Richards shook his head speechlessly: "I said that the current rookie is really crazy about the operation. It might have been a punishment of electric shock, but it turned into a 4-minute thunderstorm because of your anger. Are you Masochist?"

Wolverine twitched and turned himself over, then twisted out a leaf that had been charred by lightning from his hand, put it on the lower end of his nose, took a deep breath, and then pointed at the still unrepentant man next to him. Konstantin complained: "I was hurt by you, brother~"

【As autumn and winter come, Peter still stands in front of Gwen's grave with a dejected look on his face. 】

[But on this day, a figure appeared in the cemetery behind Peter Parker. 】

【As if sensing something, Peter turned around numbly and glanced backwards, but just this one glance made Peter stand still in place. 】

【It was an old man with a beard and white hair, wearing a heavy down jacket, but even so, Peter recognized who he was at a glance...】

[That was his father, Richard Parker, who had disappeared for 15 years. 】

[Richard Parker looked at his son's sluggish expression and red eyes, and kept apologizing, hoping that Peter could listen to his explanation, but after the deaths of his uncle, his girlfriend's father, and his girlfriend, Peter finally tensed up. He couldn't stop, he didn't want to listen to Richard Parker's explanation, and yelled at him:]

【"My father is dead, he is dead, who are you?"】

[Richard Parker raised his hand to signal Peter to calm down. He explained to Peter that the reason why he disappeared was to protect him, and he also had his own difficulties. 】

【But Peter shook his head and grabbed his collar, and continued to yell: "What's the problem, why? Tell me, what do you want to say! Tell me! Where have you been?"]

【After a brief yell, Peter repeated with a dejected expression: "...you are dead!"】

【Peter didn't want to believe that his father was still alive, but the body of the man in front of him was not fake. Soon, after Peter calmed down again, the father and son also had a conversation on the stone chair by the roadside. 】

[Richard told Peter that he hid his research in order to curb Norman Osborn's conspiracy, but if Peter continued to degenerate like this, then Osborn and his son would win, and his mother and Gwen would win. It was a sacrifice in vain. 】

【Peter shook his head. He told his father that after losing Gwen, he didn't know how to go on in the future.And Richard also said to Peter at this time: "You have not lost her, she has been walking with you, you have to keep working hard, keep going, because that is what she wants to see."]

[At the end, Richard Parker also meaningfully said the classic Spider-Man line to Peter: "With great power comes great responsibility!"]

[Hearing this sentence, Peter was silent for a few seconds, and finally opened his mind. 】

Extraordinary Peter closed his eyes in disappointment. When he saw the image left by his father before, he felt that his world had been overturned once. Hearing his father's narration now, he felt that his worldview had been overturned again.

New Peter noticed the confused expression on his face, and comforted him: "If you feel uncomfortable thinking about it, don't think about it."

[Just as Spider-Man opened his mind, in the New York prison, "Gentleman" Phils approached Harry Osborn, and the two chatted about their plan to dominate New York, and Harry also sent Osborn The authority of the group was transferred to him. 】

[With the help of Phils, the Russian thug Alexei escaped from prison, put on the rhino armor researched by the Osborne Group, took to the streets of New York, and began to wreak havoc. 】

【Facing Rhino’s powerful armor, the New York police were powerless to fight him. Seeing that the mechanical rhino seemed to be really going to make a scene on the streets of New York, a child wearing a Spider-Man suit stood up. 】

[He is a child who was once protected by Spider-Man. Now that Spider-Man is not around, this child has innocently stepped forward and wants to protect the public. 】

[Alexey snorted at this, with a face full of disdain, but at this moment, the sound of spider silk shooting out, and under the surprised eyes of countless people at the scene, Spider-Man, who had disappeared for a long time, reappeared on the battlefield superior. 】

【Peter persuaded the child who came forward, and then in the flames of the missile explosion, he brandished the manhole cover and rushed towards the Iron Rhino. 】


[The Amazing Spider-Man 2 finished playing]


"It's gone? What's the result? Don't you show the result of the battle?"

"Damn it, this system is too bad, so what about fishing?"

Seeing this, everyone immediately complained unhappily. Although they already knew the result of the battle, everyone still wanted to see how wonderful the first battle after Peter's unraveling was.

But in the end, that's it?

"However, after a long time, we still guessed wrong before!"

Master Mordo touched his nose in embarrassment: "I thought this Phils was actually Osborne."

"Don't talk about you, we were almost cheated too!"

Strange also sighed with emotion: "It's a pity that I analyzed left and right for Scott Lang before, and Norman Osborn has been paralyzed on the bed for a long time, and I'm still talking about the lizard potion here... ...But now it seems that this Harry Osborn did not experience any abnormalities after being injected with spider venom, so Peter's blood may really help him!"

(End of this chapter)

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