Spoiler for the Multiverse: The Opening Live Marvel

Chapter 220 (Part 3) Harry, who felt betrayed, did it to himself?death of gwen

Chapter 220 (Third) Harry, who felt betrayed, did it to himself?death of gwen
"This reward, hiss~"

Hearing the system's description, everyone in the live broadcast room cast envious glances.

"Observation card, bring two people..."

Tony said with a look of envy: "If only I could get such a reward, I have always wanted to see what kind of advanced technology is there to create a world of Gundam, and the world of the source of fire. What kind of mechanical civilization was born..."

Master Modu didn't understand: "By the way, don't you have these two things yourself? You can create them yourself?"

"You know what, the technology in our world is different from the other world's. Even if I do it and combine the technologies of the two worlds, it's just a new technology, but their own development is different. I'm even more curious about what it's like!"

Strange made a look at this moment, signaling Tony to stop talking, and quietly pointed his finger in the direction of Extraordinary Peter, only to find the sluggish and complicated face of Extraordinary Peter.

Seeing this, Tony also sighed softly: "I hope this kid can distinguish between reality and spoilers, I really doubt whether he will choose to break up with her again in order to protect Gwen after this spoiler live broadcast is over. "

Bruce Banner nodded and said: "I think it's very possible. Peter seems to be someone who tends to regress in love. He is a bit like his father, too responsible."

[Video continues]

【After watching Gwen enter the control room, Peter swayed the spider web and went around with the electric man. Finally, the two came to the broken joint of the cable duct. 】

[With his super eyesight, Spiderman saw that Gwen in the control room in the distance was ready, so he shot spider silk to cover Electron's eyes, and took the opportunity to shoot spider silk with both hands to connect those who were disconnected. cable. 】

【Tearing away the spider threads stuck to his face, Max fired an electric current again to bind Peter's body, with a ferocious expression on his face. 】

[Feeling the impact of electric current on his chest one after another, Peter hurriedly connected his conductive spider threads, and slammed at the electric man Max, knocking out the shock that was originally aimed at his chest. The current is connected to the connection points of these dozens of spider silks. 】

【After doing these actions, Peter also quickly shouted to Gwen in the control room: "Turn on the switch, Gwen, restart!"】

[Gwen looked at her boyfriend who was still suffering from an electric shock in the distance, and pulled down the switch forcefully. Peter was blown out in a burst of golden electric shock, and the golden electric current that was re-supplied into the cable It also violently followed the connection point of the spider silk, and poured it into Max's body. 】

[Things were just as Peter had guessed, a powerful electric current crazily poured into Max's body, and soon his body was filled with electric energy, so that the energy meter on his head that counted the electricity kept beeping alarms. 】

【"Didi Didi~Boom~"】

[After a burst of rapid alarms, Max the Electro-Optical Man was finally forced to explode by the energy from the hydropower tower he designed himself. 】

[And with his death, the whole of New York has regained its light. 】

【Gwen hurriedly ran out of the control room, preparing to celebrate their victory with her boyfriend, but at this moment, there was another burst of crazy laughter in the sky. 】

[Harry, who has turned into a green goblin, came, but when he fell to the ground and saw Gwen, Harry's face suddenly showed a look of astonishment. 】

【He suppressed his smile and glanced back and forth between Spider-Man and Gwen. After several times, his face showed a ferocious expression again, and he also saw through Spider-Man's identity. 】

【"Peter~" Harry opened his mouth, showing his ferocious teeth: "It turns out that when you said Spider-Man said 'no', you were actually saying 'no' yourself!"]

[Facing Harry who looks so crazy, Peter kept persuading him to do this to protect Harry. 】

[The Green Goblin Harry, who could sense the betrayal, didn't accept his favor, but directly said in a dark voice: "You took away my hope, and now, I'll take yours too!"]

【As soon as the words fell, Harry turned the glider around and took Gwen into the sky. 】

[Spiderman rushed to the top of the tower with him when he saw this, but because the Green Goblin could fly, Peter couldn't lock his body with spider silk at all, so he could only yell at Harry continuously: "This is not the same as Gwen It doesn't matter, you let her go, something is coming at me, don't you want to fight me one-on-one?"]

【Looking at Fa Xiao below, a crazy look appeared on Harry's face, and he let go of Gwen directly, causing her to fall downward. 】

【Spiderman quickly jumped up and hugged Gwen, but just as they landed on a platform, Harry dropped his bomb, blowing them away again. 】

【Seeing this, Peter quickly shot out a spider thread, landing his girlfriend on a gear, and then he turned around and continued to wrestle with Harry who flew down. 】

[In order to see her boyfriend's situation clearly, Gwen quickly took a step forward, stood on the circular gear in the center, and raised her head to look upwards. 】

[But what she didn't expect was that the next moment, Peter knocked Harry off his glider, and the unmanned glider immediately fell downwards, smashing the circular gear where Gwen was standing, and causing Gwen to Wen's body also fell downwards. 】

"Oh, this girl is really... Isn't this causing trouble for her boyfriend? Why take that step forward?"

Mystique Raven frowned when she saw this: "This Spiderman has already put his girlfriend in a safe place, but this woman still put herself in a dangerous situation again."

Magneto King Eric also said: "No way, this girl just died because she was in the wrong position..."

Black Widow: "It's hard to say, this Osborn's body has also mutated. Although I don't know how powerful he is, but seeing how he and Peter fought back and forth, it shows that both of them have different strengths. If it belongs to siblings, then Peter must go all out to defeat him, but at this time Gwen added to his confusion and distraction... To be honest, I personally feel that she is half responsible for her death."

Wanda retorted in bewilderment, "But Gwen didn't know it would turn out like this. How can you blame her? Besides, look at the expression on her face, she is also worried about Peter's safety!"

Captain Marvel shook his head, and replied seriously: "For an ordinary person without power, the best choice at this moment is actually to find a safe place to hide, or leave here. I just saw it, and she obviously took a step forward. You can step over to the edge of the tower and stand safely in the corridor, but she refuses to go, just stay there and watch the show. This can be said to be the most stupid way. I can understand how a girl cares about her boyfriend, but As it turns out, she was just making trouble for his boyfriend."

Invisible Woman Susan: "So, just like the plots that often appear in movies, if you are clearly told to leave, but you refuse to leave, then the final outcome is likely to be that the two of you die together."

Diana snorted: "Indeed, I hate seeing such a plot the most. I used to think that those directors were insulting women, but I didn't expect, see you soon, such a plot was actually staged in front of my eyes." !"

The women in the live broadcast room were complaining, while the men in the live broadcast room were all trembling, not daring to make comments at will. Only Wolverine took out a cigar nonchalantly, chopped it up with steel claws, and distributed it to Constantine, the two who can't smoke can only chew tobacco together to enjoy themselves.

"What are they talking about?" Seeing that the chat channel finally stopped updating messages, Wolverine twisted two leaves and stuffed them into his mouth, discussing with Constantine in a low voice: "It sounds like a feeling of righteous indignation. "

Constantine shook his head: "I don't know, it seems to be saying that the girl on the screen shouldn't put herself in a dangerous situation?"

"Oh, I don't think it's a big deal, as long as a man can protect his own woman, why should he listen to other people's comparisons!"

"But the key point is that Spider Boy's girlfriend seems to die next..."

Wolverine paused when he heard the words, stuffing tobacco leaves into his mouth, and then his expression suddenly became serious: "Then he is really a dish."

Extraordinary Peter: "..."

[Seeing Gwen fall, Peter quickly landed on a piece of the floor, shooting out spider webs that stuck to Gwen's wrist, but at this moment, Harry jumped up again, stepped on Peter and pulled the spider webs With his hand, he turned the gear, trying to let the gear pinch the spider web. At the same time, Harry also drew out the dagger in the armor and stabbed towards Spider-Man. 】

【The two began to fight again. During the fight, Peter shot out spider webs to wrap around Harry's neck. Using the rotating gears and his left hand, he tightly strangled Harry. 】

[At the same time, Spider-Man looked at the spider thread hanging Gwen again, and looked at the gear that was about to cut off the spider thread. He quickly raised his left foot and got stuck in the gear above his body , trying to use this method to prevent the gear below from twisting the spider silk. 】

【In this way, Peter not only has to fight against this powerful machine, but also against Harry who wants to kill himself for revenge, and at the same time, he has to work hard to hold his girlfriend's body...】

[But even so, Peter gritted his teeth and persisted. 】

[But what he didn't expect was that the first thing that couldn't hold on was the machine with powerful kinetic energy...]

【Accompanied by a loud rattling sound, the huge gear mechanism stuck by Peter's foot collapsed directly under the reaction force of the clockwork, and the gears that resumed their operation also snapped the spider's thread neatly. 】


【Looking at Gwen who lost his pull and fell straight down, Peter immediately let out an eager cry, and rushed towards Gwen below. 】

(End of this chapter)

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