Spoiler for the Multiverse: The Opening Live Marvel

Chapter 205 Story God Loki, Open a Back Door in This World, Chapter 1

Chapter 205 Story God Loki, Open a Back Door in This World, Return
"Aiolos, you are mistaken,"

Just after Aiolos finished talking about her doubts, Lyfia, who was surrounded by all the saints, finally woke up and stood up from the ground. With a flash of white light, the huge Odin battle clothes floated to her. Beside him, there was a buzzing white light.

Lyfia caressed Odin's divine clothes, opened her blue eyes, and explained to the saints: "Loki actually has nothing to do with Huo's authority. In the language of Asgard, Loki and Logi have very similar pronunciations, and The meaning of Logi is the flame that devours everything. Therefore, some people will misunderstand him and call him the god of fire and tricks, but in fact, this guy does not have any theocratic functions related to fire."

As she said that, Lyfia looked at Loki who was in close combat with Superman who had broken free from the shackles of the ice, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: "But it's no wonder that this Loki can use the power of ice so smoothly, It turns out that the blood of the Frost Giant is circulating in his body."

Frost giant...

Although the saints don't understand the Nordic protoss, they probably understand the literal meaning.

At the same time, Superman, who was in close combat with Loki, became more and more shocked.

If it is said that the situation in the previous battle with Aiolia was comparable, he could use the fact that he had just been resurrected and did not get enough sun as an excuse to cover up the past, then at this moment, he has already received the radiation of the sun's energy, and his body has almost recovered more than half With strength, he can no longer find a reason to explain why he cannot defeat Loki.

In 10 seconds, for people at the level of Superman and Flash, they can almost make thousands of attacks without redundant movements. However, Loki still avoided most of Superman's attacks. .

And even those attacks that Loki couldn't dodge, after breaking through his evasive figure and hitting the gorgeous battle suit on him, they were completely ineffective.

It's like a stone sinks into the sea, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to let him shake it.

The Flash Barry Allen has already escaped from trouble at this moment, but because he was scared and fell by Loki before, so looking at Superman and Loki fighting together, Barry hesitated for a few seconds and decided not to get involved with the big guys battle.

"Gungnir Break"

In the face of Superman's continuous attacks, Loki seemed to have lost his patience. After using his mind to control Superman's figure for a short time, Loki's figure flashed, and he pulled away from Superman, and then swung The Gun of Eternity slashed a stream of black flame blades, and slashed towards Superman and the Justice League behind him.

There, Batman and Wonder Woman and others can barely get out of trouble.

The black blade slashed at Superman's body, and the huge energy directly chopped down Superman who had broken free from Loki's shackles, and also chopped on the crown of the tree under their feet, igniting the crown of the World Tree.

"No, this black flame, if left alone, will burn down the World Tree!"

Seeing this, Lyfia said something quickly, and then a layer of white light flashed in her hand, which triggered the power of ice around the World Tree that had not dissipated to extinguish the flame caused by the Eternal Gun.

And her actions quickly attracted the attention of Loki and the Justice League.

"No way..." Sea King sighed, looking at the blue-haired girl standing behind the 12 golden saints, looking at Loki, waved the harpoon to push away the green smoke that came after the fire was extinguished, and scratched speechlessly. He scratched his head: "How many enemies do we have to face now!"

Wonder Woman looked at Batman and shook her head slightly: "Bruce, are you still fighting?"

Batman gritted his teeth, looked at Superman who was struggling to get up from the ground, and kept panting, closed his eyes and sighed slightly: "It depends on the situation, if that group of golden warriors wants to make a move, we can only give up."

Superman clutched his chest that was still smoking black, stepped back to the side of the Justice League Six, then put his left hand on Batman's shoulder, panting and said: "Bruce, I can't suppress him, his strength is indeed Very strong, if you want to bury me back in the coffin, then I can fight again."

Batman:  …


While Superman and the others were still discussing whether to continue the battle, Loki suddenly showed a suspicious expression on his face, and then looked behind him.

His actions also caught Lyfia's attention, and then she also turned her head to look at the area behind Loki.

"Is the time coming so soon?"

Sensing the rejection of himself by the will of the world and the call from the live broadcast room, Loki chuckled, put away the gun of eternity, and after a few seconds of meditation, he slowly pulled out an A4-sized ordinary Parchment: "I was thinking of taking this treasure away, but unfortunately, this time is still too little."

"Are you going?"

The Flash couldn't help but smiled happily when he heard the words, flashed a flash of lightning and jumped to the side of the steel bone, and bumped his mechanical arm with his elbow: "Did you hear that, he said he was leaving."

Steel Bone's scarlet electronic eyes flickered on and off. After looking at the parchment in Loki's hand, he slapped Flash's arm away in a calm voice: "I think you are too happy, the parchment he took out Paper, the power contained on it is almost comparable to the big bang of the universe."

"?? Isn't that thing just a piece of paper?" The scumbag Neptune showed a puzzled look on his face: "And isn't the Big Bang just an energy formula used in science? No one has really seen it before." The Big Bang."

Lyfia also watched Loki take out the parchment, with a curious look in her eyes: "Strange, why does this artifact of Loki give me the illusion that I can create the world?"

Shaka couldn't help but opened his eyes, watching Loki biting his finger and writing on the parchment, he couldn't help frowning and said: "No, it's not creation, it's more like..."

"...he is resonating with the world!"

Diana also widened her eyes, and said with a face full of astonishment: "And I sensed it, the world is responding to him!"

[A page of "Book of Stories" contains powerful magic power. Users can use their own blood as a medium to record a story. When the story is recorded, the page will become a new world completely controlled by the user. 】

After Loki's blood entered the pages of the book, along with the memories in his mind, the scrolling playback speeded up, and the bloody words kept floating on the parchment, recording the events after the Battle of Paradise Island like flying dragons, and after a while, they recorded Arrived at the battle on the crown of the world tree just now.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of golden light burst out from the surface of the parchment, and Loki's form also changed under everyone's surprised and curious eyes.

The gorgeous black and gold battle armor on his body disappeared, and after a flash of green light, it turned into a winter coat with a fur collar.The whole person also became younger, and the black hair on his head gradually shortened, and a sash with antlers wrapped around his forehead, but one of the antlers was indeed broken.

Loki, the god of stories, slowly opened his eyes. Looking at this novel world, he grinned with interest, "Yo, a world that doesn't belong to our world."

Just as he was saying this, he also caught a glimpse of the page between his left fingers, and raised his eyebrows curiously: "So, this time, I didn't take the initiative to enter this world, but you summoned me, come let me Let me see……"

Loki, the god of stories, held the golden parchment in front of him, looked at the content on the page leisurely, nodded in satisfaction from time to time, then raised his right hand and flicked the page: "I see, but Since you want to record this world, I will help you, after all, you are me too!"

Loki, the youth story god, pinched the parchment and punched it into the world tree under his feet.

Accompanied by a wave of tremors, the World Tree also stopped growing and completely stabilized its final form. The area of ​​the canopy also stopped at the size of about 25 football fields.

Looking at the recorded world, the youth story god Loki snapped his fingers, and summoned a gorgeous wooden door beside him: "It's done, I'll leave you a back door in this world... I'm leaving."

With a flash of green light, the story god Loki separated from Loki's body, walked into the wooden door without looking back, and a second before disappearing, he raised his right hand and waved at Loki who was looking at him behind him. He waved: "I have a happy life, I hope that when we meet next time, you can help Asgard get rid of the shadow god's manipulation, and let yourself escape the fixed fate!"

Loki, who had regained his original appearance, looked at the variant of the parallel universe who had left, with a look of surprise on his face.

So, in a certain world, am I already so powerful?
This book page that can record the world as rewarded by the system is actually "my" treasure?


What is the "shadow god who plays with Asgard" he just said?
We Asgardians... being manipulated by others?

Loki quickly flipped through all the books in his mind, but without any hint, he could only suppress the complicated thoughts.

Because at this moment, a revolving star gate has opened behind him.

Rubbing his face, Loki resumed his previous elegant posture, looking at those people who were frightened by the appearance of the Shadow God, Loki slowly bent down and made an exit ceremony: "Then, my The journey is also temporarily over, although some unpleasantness occurred during the period, but I hope that when we meet next time, we can still get along happily."

After speaking, Luo Ji straightened his body, and his body turned into rainbow light, which was absorbed by the star gate channel.

Seeing that he finally left, Superman also relaxed his body, patted the crack of his battle suit on his chest, and exhaled softly: "It's okay, okay, he gave up at the last moment, otherwise I really don't know how to win him."

"Don't worry..." Batman glanced at him, then raised his chin in the direction of the Saints: "These guys haven't left."

(End of this chapter)

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