Spoiler for the Multiverse: The Opening Live Marvel

Chapter 203 failed to obtain the anti-life equation, the gun of eternity that returned to the hand.

Chapter 203 failed to obtain the anti-life equation, the gun of eternity that returned to the hand.

"Besides, as for the demon god you mentioned, I already helped you get rid of him before I came, so you don't have to worry about it at all."

Loki looked at the members of the Justice League who seemed not ready to give up, and flattened his lips: "Of course, I also know what you are worried about. Under normal circumstances, when these three mother boxes are combined, a powerful destruction will erupt. Power, completely destroy the ecosystem of your planet, but the situation is different now, because my artifact, the Eternal Gun, is in those two mother boxes, and it can completely suppress that terrifying power."

Diana frowned her pretty eyebrows, she still had doubts about what Loki said.

Aquaman and The Flash looked at each other, and the two naturally didn't believe Loki's explanation, but because Barry Allen had failed to snatch the mother box before, they had no good way to oppose it for a while.

After all, the other party is a god!They can't fight against them by force...

"Here they are, Diana, we can't stop him now, we have to wait for Superman to come back."

Bruce Wayne stood up in the distance, and made suggestions to Wonder Woman in the communication channel. Then he took a closer look at Loki, and saw the gaze cast by the other party and the wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

Wonder Woman nodded, sheathed her long sword, put her round shield behind her back, and said to Loki in front of her: "In this case, I want to go with you to see the mother box fit together. If there is an accident, maybe I will can help."

"I'm so happy~"

Loki did not object to this, nodded slightly, then turned to look at Aries Mu and said, "Let's go back, time is running out."


At the World Tree, with a flash of golden light, the six of Loki returned to the original place under the group teleportation of Aries.

Looking at Tong Hu and Aiolos who were more powerful, Wonder Woman suddenly felt a little lucky.

From the previous battle between Aiolia and Superman, it can be seen that even if Aiolia loses to Superman, with his strength, it is not easy for Superman to completely defeat him in a short period of time.

He alone is already so durable, so if the remaining five fight together, Superman may not necessarily be the opponent.

And if Neptune, himself and others were really obsessed with finding the mother box just now, and provoked them to take action...

Isn't that... self-inflicted humiliation?

Diana remembered what Loki said just now.

Time is running out, so what do you mean?
While she was still thinking, Loki took the third mother box and walked to the two mother boxes.

As if sensing the arrival of its companions, the matrix changes on the surface of the two mother boxes that were gestating the World Tree became more intense, emitting red and yellow rays of light continuously, echoing the blue light of the third mother box.

Loki pushed the third mother box towards the two already fused mother boxes. At the same time, Loki, who was carrying Saint Seiya and Wonder Woman on his back, also muttered silently in his heart.

'After the fit, take me to find the anti-life equation~'

The three mother boxes fit together, and with the violent explosion of the three primary colors of red, yellow and blue, the whole world erupted into a blazing white light in an instant. Under the dazzling white light, all the people and gods on the scene couldn't help closing their doors. eyes.


At the same time, on the other side, Superman who was taken away by Louise did not have time to be as tender as in the original story.

Just after he regained his memory, Batman and others flew a plane and landed in the cornfield of Superman's mother's house.

Seeing the little friend who was beaten up by him before, Clark Kent put on an awkward and polite smile on his face, and raised his hand to Batman and others to say hello: "Hi, guys..."

But he barely finished greeting, Batman interrupted him impatiently: "Clark, the world needs you!"



Superman sighed silently, I knew that it would be no good if you dug me out...

"Who is the enemy this time?"

After calming down the little resentment in his heart, Superman cheered up and asked Batman seriously.

Batman beckoned and signaled them to enter the spaceship to talk. In the spaceship, everyone also played the video sent by Alfred to Superman.

After watching this video, Batman was just about to ask Superman if he had any opinions, when he heard Superman's wicked question:

"I remember you asked me before, God, will you bleed...Why didn't you just ask this Norse god in front of him?"

Batman: "..."

"If I were Heimdall, I would dare to ask Loki this question, but it's a pity that those Norse gods only appear in mythology, and even Diana Prince doesn't know their specific whereabouts."

Superman nodded approvingly, and then stood up from the table: "Then you go first, I have to go back to the Kryptonian spaceship to pick out a new suit."

The Flash turned into a flash of lightning when he heard the words, took out a red and blue suit from a certain box on the plane, picked it up and shook it at Superman, shouting like offering a treasure: "We have thought about it a long time ago, before we came here I chose a suit for you."

"The red and blue battle suit..."

Superman saw the classic red and blue suit that he had been wearing all along, representing Kryptonian diplomacy, shook his head with a smile, and refused to the enthusiastic Flash: "Sorry, this suit is no longer suitable for me, If you like it, I can give it to you as a collectible."

After finishing speaking, Superman also walked out of the spaceship, said to Batman seriously, wait for me, then flew away from here, and landed in the Kryptonian spaceship with a sonic boom all the way, looking at the one displayed in the passage The Kryptonian suit, Superman stopped in front of a black suit, took a deep breath, and changed into this black suit that can better absorb solar energy and represent the clothes worn by Kryptonian warriors.

"Fly, son!"

Accompanied by the previous message from the two fathers in his ears, Clark Kent flew into space with a strong vibration, facing the sun, and absorbed energy.


At the edge of the world tree, with the fusion of three mother boxes, the world tree, which was originally just a small tree, suddenly grew like a hormone, and it turned into a towering tree with a dense canopy the size of ten football fields. The big tree, even at this moment, is still slowly expanding the size of the canopy.

Seeing this, Diana finally felt relieved. This evil-looking god did not deceive herself, and the power of the combined mother box was indeed absorbed.


Why did this guy have such a disappointed expression on his face just now?
'Is it my eyesight? '

Diana murmured softly, and then saw the six saints jumping up to the crown of the tree with excited expressions, and only Loki was still quietly looking at the fitted mother box.


Loki gritted his teeth, looked at the mother box shining with white light, and spat bitterly.

Ever since Darkseid revealed the secret of conquering the universe in the mother box, Loki has explored the mother box carefully, and finally entered a devastated world in the fluctuation of the mother box, and received feedback from the will of the world. I learned the news of the Anti-Life Equation.

I thought that after combining the three boxes into one, the anti-life equation would be within my grasp, but I don't know why, the world that I could enter when I had two mother boxes, can't enter now?

You can clearly sense its existence, but you can't enter it?
"What the hell is going wrong?"

Loki slowly looked at the body of the World Tree from bottom to top, and his brain was running fast thinking about all the possibilities. In the end, he suddenly let go of his frowning brows and widened his eyes when he saw the dense tree trunk.

"Could it be... that world, and the World Tree, merged into one?"

Thinking of this, Loki flickered his body immediately, came to the canopy, and saw the huge red flower blooming at the top of the canopy.

And, the spear of eternity in the center of the stamen - Gungnir.

Seeing his sudden appearance, the other six awakened golden saints present also paused immediately, and subconsciously put on a defensive posture, but under the introduction of Saga and others, they also understood that this person was not Not the evil god Loki of their world.


Scorpio Milo shook his head: "I've never heard of such rumors."

Tong Hu glanced at the blue-haired girl Lyfia who was already sitting quietly beside Aiolia...or the female version of Odin, and then said to Miro: "There is no need to doubt this, Lyfia, as Odin's agent on the ground, has just confirmed the existence of the multiverse to us."

"However, isn't the Loki of our world able to lift the Eternal Gun?"

Desmask wiped his nose, and asked Tong Hu suspiciously: "You won't be deceived by him, right? I heard from the people of Asgard that Loki is a god of lies. It's his instinct to lie."

Aiolia replied uncertainly: "It should be possible, after all, if his Eternal Spear hadn't been swallowed by the mother box, we wouldn't have come to this world... But I remember that in our world, the evil god Loki was punched by me on the Spear of Eternity, and after I pierced his body with the Spear of Eternity, the Spear of Eternity will accept him because he came into contact with Loki's blood."

"But now why does this Loki recognize the Lord without taking blood, and the Eternal Spear accepts him?"

It turned out that while the Golden Saints were still whispering and discussing, Loki had already pulled out the spear at the stamen.

The shape of the spear has not changed. It still looks like a battle ax when Loki owned it before, but there is a red strap on the body of the gun about one-third below the blade, which looks like a A slender banner.

And as soon as he took this long spear re-tempered through the mother box, Loki felt his whole body sublimated, and a wave of explosive power poured into his body crazily along the eternal gun in his hand.

'What a terrifying power... this...'

(End of this chapter)

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