Spoiler for the Multiverse: The Opening Live Marvel

Chapter 101 1 Smile and Enmity, Horror Cutting, Meaning

Chapter 101 A Smile to Dispel Enmity, Terrifying Cutting, and Meaning

Rocky's voice sounded in the live broadcast room, cheering everyone in front of the screen.

In fact, when this spoiler live broadcast system came out, a seed had already been buried in their hearts.

For people like Extraordinary Peter and Bruce Banner who are optimistic or extremely pessimistic, knowing their future, they are happy after all, because they can avoid mistakes in the future, and they can also have a shortcut to satisfy their own little thoughts or the most urgent needs.

For people like Carol and Xingjue, this is not a very happy thing, because they are in the universe, and their vision is much wider than that of the superheroes on the earth. They have already seen countless forces, and This system that can pull the bodies or consciousnesses of people from different universes and different planets into strange spaces also made them a little wary, so they have never participated in any answering session since they entered the live broadcast room.

And the rest of the smart guys, Stark, Strange, Reed Richards...

The moment they saw the spoiler live broadcast system, they had already considered the existence behind the system.

Since the other party dared to spoil their future at will, they naturally have the means to reverse their fate, and even make their fate even more tragic than the original one.

Therefore, these smart people with high IQ are the most active participants in the live Q&A group, because they don’t care about the ultimate purpose of this system, as long as they can strengthen themselves and make them survive, this is what they should do .

But when they heard Loki's violent roar, their calm minds and hearts finally jumped once.

If your destiny is really planned by a strange existence, and you cannot make mistakes, then how is it different from you and a marionette...

Tony took a deep breath, closed his eyes and laughed slowly: "Hehe~hehehe..."

He shook his head slightly, and when he opened his eyes again, he glanced at the facial expressions of other people in the live broadcast room, and finally stretched out his hand to Loki helplessly, and sighed: "Unexpectedly, in the face of an unknown fate, the best You, who made me dislike you, have become someone I admire! If you want to fight against them in the future, count me in!"

Facing Tony's outstretched hand, Loki lowered his head and stared at it for more than ten seconds, and finally stretched out his hand to hold him together: "To be honest, I didn't think you were very pleasing."

"Then I have to declare that I dislike you to a higher degree!"

Extraordinary Peter watched the two standing together and shaking hands inexplicably, looked at Strange suspiciously and asked in a low voice: "Master, what's wrong with Mr. Stark and Mr. Loki?"

Strange looked at the two with complicated expressions, and slowly exhaled: "It's nothing, they just have a common goal."

Upon hearing this, Loki turned his head to look at Strange, and suddenly raised his chin and asked, "Wizard, are you coming?"

"Me?" Strange was stunned for a moment, snapped his fingers and rubbed out a wisp of flames, and with a wave of his hand, he drew a fleeting phantom of a phoenix: "Of course, I'm very happy!"

"Mr. Stark, can I join in too?"

The Amazing Spider-Man Peter Parker curiously raised his hand to join this small group, but Stark sternly refused: "Not yet, child, you are too young!"

Nick Fury looked at the three people who suddenly shook hands and made peace in the live broadcast room, and frowned tightly. The matter of the Time Management Bureau had not yet revealed the truth, and the three people inexplicably formed a small group.

Does it fit?

This guy Loki is a god of intrigue brewing conspiracies all day long!
[Video continues]

[Miss Time is still chattering and saying: "...Just make sure you have a ticket, the next available assistant will see you."]

[And after listening to Miss Time's introduction, Loki spread his hands in disdain and laughed towards the sky: "Time administrator, sacred timeline... who the hell believes such nonsense!"]

[But at this moment, the human beings who came in not far away suddenly quarreled with the guarding soldier about the ticket. Arrived on the man's body. 】

【Then, under Loki's surprised gaze, the man's whole body suddenly started to burn, and finally disappeared. 】

[There is not even ashes left! 】

【Looky suddenly came back to his senses after seeing this tragic situation, quickly groped around, and finally took out the ticket that he abandoned like a shoe from his pocket. 】

【Exhaling a long breath, Loki hastily raised the red ticket above his head. 】


Loki looked at the scared Loki on the screen like a frightened bird, speechless.

This real enemy has not yet appeared, and you are already frightened like this?

"This is a technological method, right? The time administration seems to be very technologically advanced!" Tony Stark looked curiously at the picture of the soldier just disappearing on the screen, and turned to look at Captain Marvel and asked. : "Have you ever seen this kind of technology in the universe?"

Carol waved his hand: "I haven't seen anything exactly the same, but there are too many technologies in the universe that can produce similar effects. If you want to use this method to identify the real behind-the-scenes forces of the Time Administration , it is estimated to be difficult!"

Tony shrugged helplessly when he heard the words: "Really, then I have to think of other ways!"

With that said, Tony turned his head to look at Loki: "Your father has been a god king for so many years, have you ever heard of the existence of this so-called Time Administration?"

Loki was silent for a few seconds: "Even if my father knows, I can't ask him at this moment!"

Strange clapped his hands immediately, attracting the attention of several people: "God King Odin is not here, and there is also the Supreme Mage, the Supreme Mage holding the time gem has seen so many existences in the multiverse, so he must know something Something about these guys!"

But just after he finished speaking, Master Mordo sent out a message immediately: "Strange, Master Ancient One asked me to answer you before you spoke, she has never seen the existence of the so-called Time Administration, Therefore, Master Gu Yi is not sure whether these guys really exist!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words. Except for God King Odin, the supreme mage Gu Yi was the most knowledgeable in the live broadcast room, but even she didn't know the existence of the Time Management Bureau!
Peter Quill looked at the screen and muttered to himself: "Is it really a group of liars?"

However, just as he was about to continue speaking, he noticed that Carol on the side seemed to have something wrong.

[The picture changes, France, in a church in Aix-en-Provence in 1549, Mobius agent is leading several time guards to check the corpses on the ground, and the time guards behind them analyze that these corpses should have suffered ambush. 】

[Mobius snorted without any surprise, and then heard the speech of a certain time guard behind him: "It's him!"]

【Mobius nodded, told his own analysis, and noticed that there was one less time reset facility on the scene. 】

[At this moment, a child ran out suddenly, which startled the time guards, and took out their weapons one after another. 】

[But Mobius stopped them, and stepped forward to communicate in French, disarming the child, and then he looked at the child who had regained his senses, and asked, "Do you know who did all this?" ?"】

[The little girl was stunned. After 2 seconds, she turned her head and raised her finger to the window glass on the right! 】

[It was a portrait of a red demon in a green robe. 】

"This painting..."

Bruce Banner said suddenly: "It seems familiar, let me think about it, where have I seen it recently..."

"By the way, I remembered. A few days ago, when I was wandering in a library, I happened to look up Nordic mythology. I saw this portrait in a certain book."

Tony raised his brows and asked curiously, "Who is this portrait?"

Loki suddenly jokingly complained: "The Norse mythology written by you humans, which fits the identity of a devil, can't be me!"

But what he didn't expect was that Banner confirmed his guess the next moment: "That's right, it's you! Because the shape of your helmet is curved, some versions of you are described as a demon."

Loki was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, but then Strange called out: "Wait, the little girl pointed at the image on the glass. Could it be that Loki killed these people?"

"How is it possible!" Loki denied, "If I did it, how could I not remember it!"

"Then what if the person who did it was judged, just like the human who disappeared just now?" The US team also participated in the discussion at this time: "Then, the Time Administration reset the timeline and recreated a Loki, and this Loki is you now, because it was recreated, so you don't have the memory of killing these time guards!"

At the end, Captain America spread his hands and looked at Tony and the others with a simple and honest face: "Tell me, is my guess possible?"

Rocky, Strange, Tony and the others all looked at each other in blank dismay. They couldn't be sure about Captain America's guess for a while!
After all, if you think about it according to his thoughts... According to Loki's personality and way of doing things, Loki may not be sure how many times he has been reset, and every he created by reset is still his ?

[In the Time Management Bureau, Loki finally went to court and began to face the trial! 】

【"Laufeson, Time Offender L1130, also known as Rocky Lawfeson..."】

[The black female judge finished reading Loki's information, and asked him seriously: "Are you pleading guilty?"]

【Locky smiled contemptuously, and replied to the female judge above: "Ma'am, God will not plead guilty!"】

【However, the female judge ignored his objection and asked again seriously: "Do you think you are guilty or innocent, sir?"】

[Locky saw that the woman in front of him seemed to be losing his temper, so he quickly became more honest, and answered:]

【"Guilty of being the god of trickery, yes.】

【"Whether it's a crime to feel that all this is boring, it's okay! 】

【"But you are guilty of violating the sacred timeline, absolutely not, you are looking for the wrong person!"】

(End of this chapter)

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