The beginning of the heavens: my son Ye Fan has the appearance of an immortal emperor

Chapter 91 Ye Chen: Listen to me fooling around [asking for a monthly pass, recommendation] (3226)

Chapter 91 Ye Chen: Listen to me fooling around [asking for a monthly pass, recommendation] (3226)

"Uncle, aunt, hello, my name is Xu Qiong, and I am a good friend of Ye Fan."

Xu Qiong could only introduce herself in this way. The relationship between her and Ye Fan had ended before it officially started.

However, she knew very well in her heart that she had already secretly fallen in love with Ye Fan, but Ye Fan hadn't pierced the layer of this relationship, and she was the kind of conservative girl with a thin skin, so she couldn't take the initiative Confessional.

The little girl is tall and tall, with long hair, black and soft, and she is shining. The most important thing is that she has a pair of red phoenix eyes, and she is very close to Xia Yuhe, so she is very suitable to be the daughter-in-law of the old Ye family.

Ye Chen sighed secretly, if the kid hadn't left in the Nine Dragons coffin, maybe this girl could really become his daughter-in-law.

"You are Xiao Xu, I heard Xiao Fan mentioned you."

At this moment, Xia Yuhe suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Xu Qiong's hand, and said affectionately.

While speaking, she secretly looked at Xu Qiong, and Danfeng's eyes were full of joy.

Xia Yuhe was very concerned about Ye Fan finding her a daughter-in-law. She also asked about Ye Fan when he came home, and even on the phone.

Not to mention, there were too many things to do yesterday, after returning home and having dinner, I was confused and fell asleep very early, and even forgot to call her son, wondering how his son and his old classmates were doing at Mount Tai.

Ye Chen sighed in his heart, the matter could not be kept secret, yes, if he hadn't made trouble, maybe Xia Yuhe couldn't help calling Ye Fan last night to ask about his situation.

Xu Qiong was held by the gentle and generous Xia Yuhe, and she couldn't help but burst into tears. She already cried yesterday, but she is a girl who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, and she has been restraining and regulating her emotions.

But seeing Xia Yuhe now, she has mixed feelings in her heart. She feels very sorry. It can be heard that Ye Fan mentioned her in front of his mother, and Xia Yuhe also likes her very much. As for Ye Fan's father, he has heard from Ye Fan a long time ago Yes, stable personality, easy-going, easy to get along with.

It's a pity that everything is too late now, Ye Fan is lost, and it is impossible for her to enter Ye's house.

"Girl, don't cry, what's the matter, did that kid Ye Fan bully you? You tell me, don't worry, I will definitely clean him up, twist his ears, and ask him to apologize to you."

Seeing this scene, Xia Yuhe immediately felt extremely distressed, said.

This beautiful elf-like girl has a graceful figure and graceful demeanor, and she has a bookish aura on her body, that is, the aura of a lady from everyone. She immediately fell in love with this kind of girl.

Last month, she told that kid Ye Fan to let him take Xu Qiong home. After all, Ye Fan is not young anymore, and he has reached the age to talk about marriage.

"Yes, Xiao Xu, just tell me what happened, don't cry, come on, let's sit on the cool chair next to here and talk slowly."

Ye Chen also said in a gentle tone.

He knows exactly how scumbag his son is, but he really can't blame his son for this matter, he is also a victim.

Xu Qiong didn't know what was wrong with her, so she burst into tears. She now understood in her heart that these two old people should not have known about Ye Fan's disappearance, or else it wouldn't have happened.

She is hesitant now, not knowing whether to say it or not.

"Come on, let me call that kid and help you beat him up, and see if that kid Ye Fan dares to bully you."

Ye Chen took out his cell phone and dialed his son's cell phone.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later,..."

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been switched off."

Sure enough, I couldn't get through.

By the way, where did you lose this phone, did you take it to Beidou Zandi Xing?
"Hey, why can't this kid get through on the phone?"

Ye Chen asked knowingly.

"Uncle, auntie, there is something, I don't know how to say it, but everything is true, my classmate, someone went to Mount Tai yesterday afternoon, saw this incident, and even took a photo."

Biting her lower lip, Xu Qiong calmed down, took out her phone, opened the video file, and handed the phone to Xia Yuhe, a photo came into her eyes.

Wu Jin shimmered, and the dragon's body gleamed coldly. At the end, black iron ropes were tied to the thick of the mouth of a bowl, and it was connected to a huge bronze coffin at the back. It was a bronze coffin with a length of 20 meters.

At first glance, it looks like a giant cable that has been tempered thousands of times. It is thick, long and strong, and the little black light makes it look extremely cold.

The lifelike half dragon body looks like a real dragon.

"Also, take a look at these photos, uncle. These photos are related. Next, what I want to say."

Xu Qiong said firmly.

Ye Chen glanced at the photo, frowned slightly, showing a thoughtful expression.

"Xiao Xu, yesterday afternoon, a liar who claimed to be from the Taishan Public Security Bureau called me, saying that Ye Fan and his classmates had ascended to heaven in a nine-dragon coffin. After a while, Ye Fan will come back.

You don't want to tell me it's all true! "

Then, Ye Chen looked at Xu Qiong and said solemnly.

"Yes, it's true, although everything sounds unbelievable, and these photos look like they were shot in a movie, but everything is true, Ye Fan did fly away in Nine Dragons pulling the coffin.

I heard that many old classmates who were with him also flew away in the Kowloon coffin. "

Xu Qiong finally said this matter, a stone fell from her heart, but she still felt heavy, she looked at Xia Yuhe with some worry.

As for Xia Yuhe, she was already stunned, and the expression on her face was also frozen. She couldn't believe what she heard.

I feel like I am still dreaming, not waking up.

"The people of ancient times lived to a hundred years old in spring and autumn, and their movements never faded.

When I was writing novels, I studied the "Huangdi Neijing", and I was fascinated by the ancient times recorded in the Suwen chapter. I didn't expect that all this turned out to be true, and there are really gods in this world.

In other words, my son is the one chosen by the gods. "

At this moment, Ye Chen fully demonstrated his different brain circuits, and said leisurely.

Xu Qiong opened her mouth slightly, Xia Yuhe's situation was normal, but Ye Chen's situation was beyond her expectation.

"Ah, Xiao He, don't pinch me, all this is real, you are not dreaming, our son has become the disciple of the gods, he is a child who is destined to be chosen."

Ye Chen gently supported Xia Yuhe, whose body was a little weak, and tried to blame this matter on the gods. No matter what, Xia Yuhe couldn't completely lose hope. She must believe that her son is still alive and may come back. The last straw, otherwise, she would easily collapse.

In the original plot, when Ye Fan came back, his parents were not too old, but they both passed away.
Although it won't take long for him to tell Xia Yuhe the truth, isn't it good to have more hope in the process?

As for his current character design, there is nothing wrong with him. He was originally a second-rate writer of fairy tale novels. In addition to the adapted version of Zhe Tian, ​​he also wrote seven or eight adapted novels.

"Do you know the "Huangdi Neijing"? It is a precious ancient book. It was written thousands of years ago. It is one of the three great books in ancient my country. There are many things recorded in the book. I couldn't believe it, but now I have to believe it." .

In the distant past, mortals could live to be over a hundred years old, and actions showed no signs of aging.

This is the question of the age of the ancients contained in the Suwen article. As a modern person, I didn't believe it at all, but now I have to believe it.

What happened in the "ancient" era, where did the ancient Qi fighters on the earth go, and whether the strange people and strange things in the list of gods are still alive, maybe they are hidden in this vast deep space universe.

Why are various myths and stories vaguely mentioned in many ancient books? Did Monkey King and Erlang God really exist? It seems that there was an ancient civilization shrouded in endless fog. It was once extremely brilliant, but now it has disappeared in the long river of history.

When I was writing a novel, I often checked the information, and when I saw such a record, I laughed it off and listened to it as a story, but now, I have to pay attention to it, our son was chosen by the gods, and one day he will be successful in cultivation, It is also possible to come back on the Nine Dragons, or to come back on the Phoenix or Qilin. "

Ye Chen's tone is firm, every word and sentence, cadence, full of compulsion of a cultured person, knowing a lot, you can fool people, especially when you speak, full of confidence, exuding a kind of, what you say is The right aura will make people unclear.

Xia Yuhe, who was as soft as noodles just now, finally returned to her soul under the emphasis of Ye Chen's tone and the use of essence to secretly nourish her body.

The pain of losing a son completely is very different from the pain of losing half and possibly seeing him again.

At least there is hope, people are like this, with a little hope, there will be courage to live.

"Lao Ye, our Xiao Fan really sat on this Nine Dragons coffin and flew away."

Xia Yuhe said in a trembling voice.

"Yes, it should be true. The Taishan policeman called yesterday. I thought he was a liar, but Xiao Xu also came today and talked about this matter again. This should be true.

However, you have to believe in our son, he is so outstanding, even if he is an apprentice of a god, he will be able to practice again and return sooner or later.

The Nine Dragons coffin should be a kind of fairy carriage frame, similar to the ancient carriages, specially used to pick up people. "

Ye Chen continued to fool around.

Xu Qiong next to her felt that she had already believed it. Unexpectedly, Ye Fan's father knew so much.


Xia Yuhe still couldn't help crying out loud. She was so desperate when something like this happened. The most painful thing in the world is a white-haired person giving a black-haired person. Fortunately, their son doesn't seem to be dead now, but something good happened. .

Ye Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it's good to cry out, it's good to cry out, if you hold it in your heart, it's easy to get sick.

"Xiao Xu, don't be too sad, this may be my Ye Fan's chance, do you read online novels?"

Ye Chen gently caressed Xia Yuhe's junior, looked at Xu Qiong, and said.

"I don't read that kind of idle books, but I have read "A Dream of Red Mansions", "Home, Spring, Autumn", and "Ordinary World". In fact, I have also read "Journey to the West."

Xu Qiong smiled and shook her head, then said again.

"Good boy, these are good books."

Ye Chen looked at Xu Qiong amiably, and said in an approachable way.

After the words fell, Ye Chen raised his head and looked into the distance, that direction was the position of Mount Tai, and sighed in his heart.

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(End of this chapter)

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