Chapter 815 Senior Brother, We Are Monks
"Brother, what should we do now?"

After Sun Wukong was rescued, he said with lingering fear.

"Go and ask little Nezha to help. Nezha is also an expert at playing with fire. What a sight to watch for Nezha fighting the red boy!"

Ye Chen unceremoniously gave Sun Wukong an idea, said.

When Sun Wukong heard this, he was really interesting. He has the best relationship with Little Nezha. With his help, it must be very interesting to watch the two little kids fight.

Soon Monkey King went to the Heavenly Court and called Nezha.

"Bold red boy, come out and let the prince subdue you, isn't it just because of the true flame of samadhi? I'm not afraid of you."

After Nezha arrived, he was very angry when he heard that Sun Wukong was exhausted by the smoke, and immediately ran to call for battle.

"Who are you, why do I feel that you are a little familiar."

Jiang Ming said.

Facts have proved that the red boy who is playing with fire, when he meets Nezha, he is completely restrained. The samadhi is real fire, and Nezha's Hot Wheels can be swallowed directly. , quickly tied him into a rice dumpling, and caught him with a Qiankun circle.

Give this brat to me, suppress him for ten years, let him sharpen it.

Ye Chen opened his mouth and said, he took out a small pagoda, which is similar to Li Jing's exquisite pagoda, but it is not the treasure of this world.

The scripture-seeking team continued on the road, and after three months, they arrived at the country of Chechi.

Far away, the Buddhist scriptures team saw Taoist priests working as enslaved monks. Immediately, Tang Sanzang felt a little sad, and asked Monkey King to check the situation.

Monkey King turned into a wandering Taoist, and came to the side of two Taoists who were in charge of watching the scene.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, I have passed through a precious place on a poor road. Dare to ask the two fellow Taoists, where is this place, and where is there a place to respect Taoism and good virtuous people, so that I can ask for this errand and earn some traveling money."

Sun Wukong said.

"Fellow Taoists, you are lucky enough to come to Chechi Kingdom. The Taoist priests here are respected by the king, and they have free rewards, meals, and accommodation."

The two Taoists said immediately.

"Ah, there are money rewards, and free room and board."

Sun Wukong said in surprise.

"Fellow daoists don't know something. For our Che Chi country, the most important thing is that the long live king is good at Taoism and good friends."

The Taoist immediately said proudly.

"Could it be that the Taoist became the king?"

Sun Wukong said in surprise.

"Fellow Daoists are wrong. The main reason is that there was a severe drought in Chechi country 20 years ago, and a famine was about to happen. At that time, there will be countless casualties, and the hell on earth. The king invited monks to perform rituals to pray for rain, but those monks are full of food. In addition to being able to recite scriptures during Huazhai, he could not do other things. After praying for half a month, there was no rain at all. The king became angry and felt that the monks were useless liars.

At this time, the master and his two younger brothers came to Che Chi Country, and immediately opened the altar to practice, and immediately it rained heavily. "

The Taoist said proudly.

"Ah, it's amazing. Dare to ask the masters of the three Dao brothers, their surnames and names."

Sun Wukong said.

"My master is known as the Great Immortal of Tiger Power, the second master is known as the Great Immortal of Lu Li, and the third master is known as the Great Immortal of Yang Li.

They call the wind and call the rain, turn water into oil, touch stones into gold, can seize the heavens and the earth, pick the stars and take the moon, omnipotent, easy, and have real talents and learning, which are not comparable to those deceptive monks.

Therefore, the king of the Che Chi Kingdom regarded them as his national teachers. As for these deceitful monks, they were naturally reduced to coolies. If the monks could not continue their work, they should have committed the crime of deceiving the king.

My three masters are beautiful, I don't want their lives, just let them suffer like ordinary labor to make money and survive. "

The two goatee priests immediately said proudly.

In this way, Sun Wukong and these Taoist priests were able to talk, saying that he had an uncle who became a monk.

However, the Taoist priest is quite enlightened, and he is willing to let Monkey King look for it, and if he finds it, let him go home.

After Monkey King came back, he told the story.

"There's nothing wrong with that. It's the king who punishes monks, and monks who are incapable. I know that there is a country on the road ahead of us, and the king specializes in killing monks."

Seeing that Tang Sanzang couldn't bear it, Ye Chen spoke directly.

Tang Sanzang was stunned when he heard this. There is such a country?
"However, this is beyond our control now. Let's talk about the country in front of us first."

Ye Chen said again.

"No matter what, we have to rescue the monks here."

Tang Sanzang said.

"All living beings are suffering, and everything has its own cause and effect."

Ye Chen said.

"Yes, master, there used to be more than 2000 monks here, and only [-] of them died. I heard from them that no matter how you die, you can't die. You can't drown by diving. Hanging, breaking the rope, taking poison, and diarrhea at most, it's okay. .”

Sun Wukong said.

"From this point of view, their lives should not be terminated. They also said that they dreamed of gods and persuaded them to wait until the holy monks from the Eastern Tang Dynasty came to save them.

It is also said that there is the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, who has great supernatural powers, and specializes in taking care of injustice in this world. "

Sun Wukong spoke again.

"When you become a monk, you really don't have to suffer. But if monks don't suffer, they have to collect corvee. Poor people suffer. If monks don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell is a blessing."

Ye Chen sighed.


Tang Sanzang took a deep breath, this great apprentice is serious about Buddhism.

"We are monks now."

Sun Wukong reminded in a low voice.

"Yes, yes, we are monks, and we want to favor monks. However, in this country, monks and Taoist priests have formed a deep hatred. From now on, either monks will fight Taoist priests, or Taoist priests will arrest monks."

Ye Chen said.

"It's better to transfer all these monks to other countries, which can be regarded as letting them start again.

As for this, we have to look at what these Taoist priests are doing. "

Ye Chen said.

In the evening, Ye Chen went to investigate the situation himself. The three Taoist priests dealt with the monk like this, but it was just to please Sanqing.

This has already involved the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism.

Ye Chen was also helpless, these three monsters were really brave, they came here to provoke the Western Sect.

Ye Chen cast a spell directly and transferred all the monks to other guys. Sure enough, after leaving Che Chi Kingdom, all the monks returned to vulgarity, which is considered a good deed.

As for Che Chiguo.

The group of four learned from the scriptures and went to see the king.

"Your Majesty, the Great Tang Dynasty in the Eastern Land, the great country of China, the kingdom of heaven, and the kingdoms of all nations come to court. According to this, it is thousands of miles away, and the caravans passing by have mentioned it.

There are many disasters along the way, and there are demons and ghosts. If these four monks are real Tang monks, they may have real talents and real learning.

The king will let them pass, and this can be regarded as a good relationship. "

When the pilgrims reported to the house, the king asked the minister and got such an answer.

"The grand master is right."

said the king.

"The three national teachers have arrived."

At this moment, there was a voice of notification from outside, said.

The king immediately got up to greet them personally, and gave the three national teachers the greatest courtesy.

 Thank you for your support and encouragement.

(End of this chapter)

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