The beginning of the heavens: my son Ye Fan has the appearance of an immortal emperor

Chapter 76 Comprehending the Immortal Sword Intent [Ask for a Monthly Pass, Investment] (Part 3)

Chapter 76 Comprehending the Immortal Sword Intent [Ask for a monthly ticket, investment] (third update)
"The sword intent of Tiandian Gorge can be faintly sensed twenty miles away from the canyon. When it is ten miles away, it corresponds to [-]% of the sword intent. By analogy, every time one mile is closer, the sword intent increases by [-]%, and six miles is [-]%. The place where the sword will be enlightened, Wuli is the place where [-]% of the sword will be enlightened, and one mile is the place where [-]% of the sword will be enlightened, which is suitable for me now.

On the cliffs on both sides of the gorge mountain, sword-shaped grass grows. It is a strange spiritual grass that survived the impact of the sword intent here. Eating it can help people sharpen their own sword intent. "

Xiaoyechen explained.

The three of them had already arrived at the five-mile position of Tiandian Gorge. During this process, the bamboo raft had been hovering steadily and approaching.

"In this case, you should practice first!"

Ye Chen also didn't intend to move forward, he rushed forward, which would offset some of the sword intent here.

Here, it is mainly a place for swordsmen below the Spirit Sea Realm to practice.

The bamboo raft landed on the shore. Even at night, there were still many swordsmen sitting cross-legged, comprehending the sword intent.

At a glance, there are more than hundreds of people. This kind of natural treasure land of practice is not uncommon on this continent. Many sects with a long history have special inheritance places such as Sword Dao Monument, Dao Dao Gorge, and Boxing Dao Valley. .

The arrival of the three of Ye Chen was very high-profile, and everyone was unwilling to provoke them, and they were not the kind of people who liked to bully the weak, so everyone lived in peace.

To be honest, the sword intent here is useful to Ye Chen at the core of a mile. He heard Xiao Yechen say that he had comprehended the immortal sword intent from the sword of the king of war. This is a sword intent that is no worse than the infinite sword intent.

He had known for a long time that Xiao Yechen had a deep destiny, and he was deeply moved when he really saw it.

It seems that in the future, in Xiao Yechen, the good things returned by karma are enough for him to take a ride and quickly improve his martial arts.

Xu Jing stopped when she came to Erli. What she practiced was Dragon Fist Intent, which is also a top-notch true martial arts intention. Although she didn't comprehend sword intent, she could use sword intent to attack her own fist intent. As the saying goes, his mountain The stone can attack jade.

As for Xiao Yechen and Old Yechen, they came to the same location, found a suitable place, and began to feel the sword intent.

Old Ye Chen's current sword intent has reached the fourth level, and the second-level sword intent is a higher level of sword intent that can only be comprehended by breaking through the spiritual sea realm.

It turns out that comprehending [-]%, [-]%, [-]% of the sword intent, until [-]% of the sword intent, condensing the prototype of the sword soul, achieving the sword soul, etc., are all preparations for comprehending the higher-level sword intent.

The step-level sword intent corresponds to the esoteric meaning evolved from the step-level artistic conception, and both are advanced power systems that can only be mastered at the spiritual sea level.

This is the sword intent left by the King of War, but it has been too long, and the power has dissipated little by little.

Ye Chen picked more than 20 sword-shaped grasses at random, and handed over ten to Xiao Yechen, and he threw the others into the sea of ​​bitterness for refining. He was mainly interested in the immortal sword intent comprehended by the King of War.

After all, now that he has condensed the perfect martial soul, one of the great benefits is that he can comprehend the immortal sword intent, immortal leg intent, immortal fist intent and so on.

The perfect martial soul commands all these forces, and his swordsmanship talent is the best, but he has become a vanguard on the battlefield, leading his martial arts to the peak.

He closed his eyes, comprehended patiently, and quickly immersed himself in it with his kendo talent.

Even though Xiao Yechen had already received a lot of help from his master Ye Chen, at this moment, he was still in a very complicated mood. Looking at the ten sword-shaped grasses in his hand, besides being moved, he also felt a little bit ashamed.

He was thinking whether to hand over the broken sword of the King of War to Old Ye Chen.

However, the Immortal sword intent in this broken saber is limited, use a little, use a little less, people are selfish.

In the end, Xiao Yechen decided to take out this sword and share it with Old Ye Chen. He had already started with the Immortal Sword Intent, and the remaining Immortal Sword Intent could only help him comprehend the Immortal Sword Intent faster.

His coming here is also the guide of this saber, because it was cut by the King of War, and he can directly improve his own immortal sword intent when he comes here.

He was entangled in the time for a cup of tea, and he couldn't settle down at all. Looking at the old Ye Chen who was in a calm state, he felt guilty, gritted his teeth, and made up his mind.

"Master, there is an immortal sword intent in the King of War Saber on my body. If you hold it, you will be able to comprehend the immortal sword intent faster."

Little Yechen condensed his air into a thread, transmitted voice to Old Yechen, and said.

This method can be easily mastered in the Realm Condensation Realm, and even in the Qi Cultivation Realm, there are similar sound transmission martial arts.

"Did you know? In fact, your master and I also have a powerful sword intent, infinite sword intent, and a powerful sword art, infinite sword art, and immortal sword intent are optional for me.

However, to comprehend one more sword intent and one more method, the more the better! "

Ye Chen opened his eyes and smiled very kindly, his words were gentle, he followed the teachings, followed the persuasive way.

Little Yechen was ashamed, he didn't think that the things he had hidden were dispensable in front of Old Yechen, and he couldn't help but feel a little blush.

"Also, I have already comprehended the Immortal Sword Intent."

Old Ye Chen then smiled confidently, and a ray of immortal sword intent wrapped around his fingertips, which had reached a half-full level, clearly he had already started.

"Don't think too much about your chances, even if you are my direct disciple, you are not obliged to give all the chances you have to the master.

Just like most masters, they always keep a hand and are unwilling to pass on all their skills to their disciples.

do you understand? "

Ye Chen patiently warned.

"Master, the disciple understands."

Little Yechen heaved a sigh of relief, he suddenly understood that it was the Da Leiyin breathing method that Ye Chen passed on to him that put him under so much pressure, and he always felt that the opportunities he got would not be shared with Old Ye Chen , is generally selfish.

However, human nature is inherently selfish, and we can only do everything we can with a clear conscience.

"The child of the world Ye Chen's favorability towards you has increased by 0.5."

At this moment, the system's notification sounded.

As expected, within reason.

However, this increase of 0.5 made Ye Chen a little depressed. It is very uncomfortable for OCD, but fortunately he is not, haha!

The favorability level has reached 97, it is really difficult to improve it!

that's it!
In Tiandian Gorge, the three of them practiced for more than ten days.

During this period, Xiao Yechen's heart knot was untied, and the heart of the sword became clear, directly extending the field of sword intent to ninety-nine percent.

After reaching [-]%, every tenth of an increase is a huge improvement.

Xu Jing, on the other hand, successfully raised the Dragon Fist to eighty-five percent.

As for old Ye Chen's comprehension of the Immortal Sword Intent, it has reached [-]%, as if he was on a rocket.

During this period, he consumed a lot of sword-shaped grass.

Before leaving, he picked some sword-shaped grasses and gave them to Xiaoyechen ten plants. In this way, when he fully digested this promotion, he would be able to enter the ten percent sword intent smoothly.

Ye Chen could feel that Tiandian Gorge wouldn't last long, at most five years, it would collapse and the sword intent would slowly dissipate.

Therefore, he got himself hundreds of sword-shaped grasses, threw them into the sea of ​​bitterness, and slowly refined them.

When the refining is finished, it is estimated that it will be [-]% immortal sword intent.

Cultivate it slowly, and when it is transformed into an immortal secret, it will definitely increase the defense of the physical body, which is definitely worth looking forward to.

Even if it is a blessing to other martial arts, there are many benefits. If the infinite secrets and the immortal secrets are combined, the power will directly catch up with the top-notch Taoist secrets.

 Thanks to book friends [20190704195102424] [Shanhai Liuyin] [Half Life] [Why should I think too much] [20171019221603592] for their rewards and support.

(End of this chapter)

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