Match point

Chapter 11 Rule Fumbling

Chapter 11 Rule Fumbling
Macdonald's powerful shot flew past at full speed. Even though Gao Wen established his footing early, got in place early, and tried to counterattack with his forehand, there was still a huge gap in the suppression at the level of strength.

In order to form an effective confrontation, Gao Wen had to exert all his strength, but his powerful swing was not enough to lift the ball, and the parabola of the return ball could not be pulled up. Therefore, the forehand hit was a solid hit. However, the tennis ball went straight off the net and failed to fly to the other side of the court.

Power is absolutely overwhelming in tennis, that's what it is.

But Gao Wen, who was dripping with sweat and blushing, didn't look tired at all, his eyes were still shining brightly, and he shouted, "Come again."

Macdonald felt that Gawain was a little strange.No, it should be very, very strange.

Logically speaking, in practice, the harder it is, the harder it is, and the more abused you are, the more frustrated you are. But today, Gao Wen seems to be masochistic, calling for "harder, harder", and I never get tired of it, and I am silly and straight.

MacDonald swore that he really wasn't thinking wildly, but the more he abused the happier Gawain made his little heart tremble slightly.

Moreover, MacDonald did not hold back anymore, exerted all his skills, and was sweating profusely in the fierce confrontation. At this time, he was panting like a cow. Looking at Gao Wen who was full of vitality, he licked his lips, "Gao Wen ,Are you sure?"

"Of course, I'm sure!" Gawain didn't hesitate at all, and his wall-thumping answer was echoing across the court.

How could Gao Wen hesitate?
No need at all!
On the contrary, at this time he is completely exhilarated and in good shape!
Training with Macdonald, watching the growth potential continue to rise, even if he is abused, he is still full of motivation, and he can't wait to shout "Let the storm come more violently"!
McDonald in front of him is the best training partner.

Later, Macdonald served as the "ball king" Federer's sparring partner for a long time, and was recognized by Federer, which also means that Gao Wen can now enjoy Federer's treatment in advance. This good guy is definitely traveling at home Best partner.

During the confrontation practice, Gao Wen first observed the growth rate of the growth potential value in each shot and each confrontation, trying to find out the rules.

Then, because the light blue message reminded the screen continuously, which affected my observation and judgment, which in turn affected the hitting, so I summoned the system to turn off the message reminder; but after each batting practice, I can see the growth potential The percentage growth value can also see the magnitude.

Gradually, Gao Wen found out some ways.

Even if you are facing Macdonald, the strength of each confrontation will directly affect the amount of growth potential. Simply put, the more intense and anxious, the richer the return; otherwise, the corresponding reduction is also encouraged. Gao Wen continued the round as long as possible.

Just now, in less than three and 10 minutes of forehand hitting practice, the growth potential value has increased by a full 8%!Compared with the previous harvest, it is appalling!

In one of the confrontations, Macdonald hit the ball with all his strength and brought out his strength and speed to the fullest. It was really difficult for Gao Wen to form an effective confrontation, but Gao Wen still did not surrender, but tried every means to use rotation and speed. Falling point to circle.

In particular, they were doing forehand practice, so they restricted the return route and could not easily change the route, which also gave Gao Wen some room to breathe.

Between one round and one round, the two of them fought against each other for 28 shots. At least four times, Gao Wen almost lost the ball, but he turned the tide with all his strength. In the end, it was MacDonald who suppressed Gao Wen with absolute strength. Gao Wen's racket was not able to hold down the ball, and the timing of hitting the ball was missed, and the tennis ball directly became an anti-aircraft gun, ending this pairing practice.

This confrontation alone increases growth potential by 2.5%.

This also gave Gao Wen great courage and confidence. Even though he was sweating profusely, even if he lost the ball in the end, his mood was still bright and bright.

According to Gao Wen's speculation, if the opponent is stronger, the room for growth potential will be greater, but the premise is that Gao Wen can show effective confrontation and not be defeated by the opponent in a hurry-such confrontation is meaningless and may The growth potential is not as good as serving practice.

However, so far Gao Wen's test subject is only Macdonald, so his idea has yet to be confirmed, but what is certain is that he is very, very happy to continue training with Macdonald, even if he is tortured by blood.

No wonder, so many people are keen on games.

In the game, killing a monster and completing a task can directly see the increase of experience value. The exchange equation of giving and reward is clear, intuitive, real and effective. As long as you work hard enough and invest enough, you can improve your strength .

But real life is not like that.

It’s like studying. I read and do questions persistently every day, but I’m still not sure whether my knowledge has been improved or whether this knowledge can help. In a black hole, there is no way of knowing what rewards will be obtained——

Even if the rewards do exist, there is no telling when they will appear.

Even work can be measured in terms of a salary figure—whether it is worth the money is another matter, but knowledge has no such evaluation formula.

It is precisely because of this that many students are addicted to games and cannot extricate themselves.

Gao Wen can also feel this feeling now.

Looking at the growth potential that is rushing all the way towards 50%, even if you don't know what the growth potential can do, you can still feel that your practice has improved the effect solidly, and a smile blooms on the corner of your mouth , not feeling tired at all.

Looking up, Macdonald on the other side of the field was like a lamb with fat fur, waiting to be plucked, and then Gawain couldn't help but howl.


Macdonald looked at the other side of the field with a ghostly expression on his face. Gawain, who was bathed in the sun, had a bright smile on his mouth, sweating profusely but without any fatigue, just like Apollo in the golden halo. Shining in the sky, howling wolves put on their wings and fly under the blue sky:
Could it be that this wolf in sheep's clothing no longer shy away from taboos or scruples, and just took off his vest?

Seemingly aware of Macdonald's eyes, Gao Wen laughed happily, "What are you doing in a daze? One more ball! I can still fight for [-] rounds. You can't do it anymore, can you? Mike, a man must never say 'no way' ', don't you know?"

To pluck wool, you must be active!

McDonald: ...

(End of this chapter)

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