You'd better wrap me

Chapter 95 It's time to show a wave of real technology

Chapter 95 It's time to show a wave of real technology
In a coffee shop next to Staples Center, a young Eric Spoelstra waits patiently.

"It's unbelievable! I'm going to accept an interview for the head coach position of an 18-year-old player?" Spoel shook his head vigorously while thinking, reconfirming that he was not in a dream, "I was 18 years old and still in Portland Studying in college..."

"Mr. Riley encouraged me to get this job. He said that Su Yang is a legendary player. It's a pity that he can't coach himself. It would be an honor if I could coach. He also said that we may meet in the finals in the future. It would be What kind of scene?"

"If I become the head coach, I will take office at the age of 34. Although it is not as good as Dave Debuschell's predecessor as the head coach of the Pistons at the age of 24, it is still very exaggerated. Can I do this job? I need to do it What are the things?

I heard that Su Yang will largely participate in the design of the offensive and defensive tactical system, and actually control the Clippers' basketball affairs. In the mouth of the media and fans, will I become a puppet like Coach Henry Bibby?Mr Riley said even that was fine.

Why did the Clippers trade for Iguodala?Why would the pick be exchanged for Anderson Varejao?Looking at the scouting report given by Chambers before, the common feature of the two is that they are good at tactical running and defense. Could it be that..."

Before thinking too much, the sensor door of the coffee shop opened automatically. I raised my hand and saw a handsome Asian young man and a square-faced middle-aged white man walked in. It was Su Yang and the Clippers player personnel director Neil Olshey. , hurriedly got up and buttoned his suit.

"Sorry, Mr. Eric,"

Olshey walked up to Sipo quickly, raised his hand and introduced: "The meeting of our four star players was held too enthusiastically, and it took a little longer than expected, which caused us to be 5 minutes late. This is the core of our team. Su Yang."

"Hello there!"

"Hello there!"

Shaking hands and nodding, each sat down, the waiter served two cups of pre-ordered coffee, and the two sides chatted about the weather.

Su Yang took two sips of coffee and turned to the topic: "Excuse me for being rude, can I just call you Eric or Spo? I'm not used to adding honorifics between people who are close in age. I don't mean to disrespect you, I call him Ol'Shea directly, and I don't want to show that I have privileges or something, just to save time and effort, if you insist..."

"Eric or Spoel will do..."

"Okay, I recommend to the management to invite you to participate in the interview. The first is that I like to work with younger coaches, and I can avoid a lot of unnecessary things like the title just now. The second is to value the chest series that Mr. Riley is good at. Tactics, that match our lineup for the new season very well, so we invite Mr. Riley's coach who has studied for a long time like you."

Spoel nodded: "Mr. Riley said that the 5CHEST series is his favorite tactic. I have a relatively in-depth understanding and research on the CHEST series of tactics through 9 years of video editing and 7 years of assistant coaching work. During the 5 years of scouting work, I have analyzed those players who are suitable for implementing the CHEST series of tactics, for example..."

During the conversation, Spoelstra detailed his understanding of the CHEST series of tactics, from basic concepts to tactical focus and major changes, as well as the use of the Heat in the past few seasons. It can be said that the sentence communication is clear and the case is clear.

Su Yang nodded frequently in response.

The main feature of the Chest series is that it uses the paint area to make changes. As the name suggests, the chest series tactics build offense based on two-wing players, misleading slips or emergency stops and reverse runs, as well as back screens, lobs, and continuous pick-and-rolls. The proportion is very large. Position running is actually relatively simple, but it requires players with relatively high basketball IQ and strong personal ability to facilitate multiple changes.

In contrast, the triangle offense focuses on low-post support + strong and weak transfers, Princeton emphasizes high-post support + counter-intuition, UCLA's system is based on continuous screen passes and cuts, and a large number of running and bombing executes early offenses. Chest is a bit learned from others.

The reason why he learns from others is probably because when Riley was young, in order to learn how to coach, he traveled around the United States with the legendary coach Bobby Knight, learning the advanced tactics of coaches in various places, including the triangle offense that had appeared in the 50s and [-]s. Later, he worked as an assistant coach for the Lakers and learned the "switch" series of tactics of coach West Heywood.

Spo finished speaking in a blink of an eye.

Su Yang went on to say: "As you can see, the Clippers got me, Grant Hill, Andre Iguodala, Anderson Varejao in the trade, all four of us are golf players, and most of us Everyone is about 203 in height, including Corey Maggette. Of course, his golf quotient is slightly lower, but he is also good at running and impact, so it does not prevent us from being very suitable for chest series tactics, but it is only Mr. Riley That kind of 5Chest will be easier to see through.

Therefore, I suggest adding the HORN horn series, combined with the basic concept of chest, to form the horn chest series commonly used in positional warfare, combined with DHO, Chicago, flip, backdoor and other commonly used cover moves..."

Anyway, there are at least [-] major changes and [-] small changes. Even if the opponent's scouts can identify all of them, the opponent's players will not be able to catch up with Xiao Hua. .

During the conversation, Su Yang took the tactical board from Orshey and drew a horn chest flare casually.

"Me and Varejao are in the horn position with two elbows. After the point guard arrives with the ball, I go up and do the first screen, then turn around and run to the weak side with Varejao's flare screen, and catch the point guard's ball. Passing the ball, either there is space to go directly to the basket or shoot a three-pointer, or to face the opponent's center forward who is delayed in switching defenses. I can choose to single out from the outside, or I can assist Varejao to rush to the basket.

In view of Varejao's ball intelligence and passing ability, he can pass the ball to the bottom corner when he meets the tag's early defense. Either Hill or Maggette asks, or Iguodala receives the ball. All have the ability to rush to the basket or three-pointers.

And even Maggette can swing the ball out in trouble and we'll be very hard to defend! "

After the tactics were drawn, Su Yang handed them to Sibo.

Spoelstrom looked carefully, pondered over and over again, and started to draw tactics as well: "According to the model and personnel configuration you mentioned before, you can stand in the bottom corner and wait when the opponent is focusing on defense, and let the players in positions 4 and 5 play horn first." Tactics, and then depending on the situation, backdoor cut to the basket, or run to 45 degrees to find Chicago to cover, to avoid double-teaming..."

"Yes Yes…"

Su Yang nodded, "I'm also very good off the ball. Apart from power forward and center, I can play the other three positions. The flexibility of tactical arrangements will be very high, and the rotation will be very convenient. It's a pity that Varejao He and Kaman do not have stable long-range shooting ability for the time being, otherwise our tactics can be further enriched, and I invite you to be the head coach because I hope you can enrich the horn chest series of tactics on the basis of the existing formation, and formulate timeouts, Tactics such as sidelines, corners, and fast breaks.

The other is the defensive system. Considering our existing configuration, I, Iguodala, Maggette, and Grant Hill are all better at moving and positioning in a wide range. In addition, Varejao is also very mobile. It is recommended to use 32 zone defense and large area switch, I believe you have rich experience in 32 zone defense and large area switch, you can design a good rotation..."

Si Bo heard his heart beat faster: Why did I come to the interview, it seems that I really want me to take the job, it went well, right?

Su Yang continued: "No matter what, you will have all the powers that a head coach should have, and I also believe that your talents are enough to allow me and any players not to worry about tactical arrangements and personnel rotation. What I want to do is to avoid mistakes in the general direction. "

I still have something to keep in my heart: If Mike Dunleavy is still coaching, he is probably unwilling to do this, or he doesn’t know what to do. I really don’t have the time and thought to worry about tactics all the time. .

As for Irving's 'everyone is a head coach',
Or Nash's "actually the role of the coach is very small", I don't want to see them all. Anyway, it's best not to go to extremes. You can't play with XJ, and you can't learn from the Spurs. The most basic top of the arc must first have an Iverson cross-cut screen To be confused is too troublesome.

The content of the offensive and defensive system is turned to the end.

Su Yang left early, let Olshey and Spoel continue to talk about salary-related issues, don't worry about the salary being too low, the main thing is that Sterling has promised not to cause trouble, at least until the end of next season, there is no need to worry because of salary Something went wrong.

I got in the car driven by my assistant, Aunt Mei Li, and headed straight to the Clippers training base. By the way, I called Alba and talked about just receiving the audition notice for the new film "Fantastic Four", and took the opportunity to complain that I don't want Alba to do a kissing scene. Finally agreed to borrow a seat to shoot.

Arriving at the training base, Maggette, Hill, and Iguodala have also arrived, pulling Kaman and others to play a shooting challenge game, while Varejao and Damien Wilkins are standing on the sidelines, a little confused Seeing this, Su Yang stepped forward and pulled the two into a team.

"Come, come, let's go 5V5!"

Su Yangxin said that this is the first time to establish real prestige in the team, which convinced Maggette and Kaman and other veterans, and also let Hill really see a wave, and by the way, let Varejao, Damien Wei A fringe player like Erkins has experienced care.

Originally, I wanted to imitate Hu Weidong and sit on the ground and throw in a halftime three-pointer to show the boss' status, but that was too difficult.

There is no better way to imitate Butler leading a group of drinking fountains to kill the starters, and it takes half an hour to fight.

The taunting firepower is full, "If you don't agree with me, or want to see how good I am, or if you want to fight me, you can form freely, six people can fight five, anyway, let's go together, we Just two more..."

 Everyone said that I wrote slowly, and I think I must explain it. In order to balance, I had to stay up all night to add updates.

(End of this chapter)

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