You'd better wrap me

Chapter 74 The Lonely Brave

Chapter 74 The Lonely Brave

After finishing the press conference, the University of Southern California team rushed back to the hotel for a brief celebration internally. They departed for San Antonio at noon the next day, got off the plane, packed their luggage, and went straight to the pre-booked temporary training base to practice shooting as usual.

According to the schedule, rest for seven days.

But the whole team was very excited, eager to play another game right away, and finish the final semi-finals and the finals directly.

The training is going on, assistant coach Phil Johnson said excitedly: "Our game against UConn last night created the highest ratings in history including the finals. The statistics given by ESPN are 21.4%, which means that the entire UConn game is 21.4%. [-]% of households with televisions watched last night’s game, which we can proudly say is the best in the history of the Crazy Three!”

The voice fell, and the whole team cheered and shouted.

"Fuck, awesome!"

Su Yang couldn't help sighing when he heard the words. 21.4% is quite an exaggerated figure. After all, the Super Bowl Finals, which is known as the Spring Festival Gala in the United States, has been stable at 44%-48% all year round. A simple match between Nanjing University and Kangda University is already comparable to half a year. Spring Festival Gala.

In the past NCAA finals, the average audience rating was about 13%, but that was enough to call it a national event, and some TV dramas in mainland China, with a rating of 2.1%, were already popular dramas. big.

Roddick said with a smile: "Honestly, I feel like I've been appointed, do you guys feel the same?
Su Yang is the chosen one, and we are the guys who assist Su Yang to complete his mission. Have you seen Lord of the Rings?I think I'm the dwarf with the axe, Suyan is Frodo Baggins, but with the strength of Aragorn the King and Gandalf the Wizard, a perfect combination of wisdom, strength and indomitable spirit, leading us to defeat Any obstruction and doubt! "

Doucet and others laughed when they heard the words, and Ndiaye said: "I think Su Yang is more like Che Guevara, or Mandela. Resisting the evil NCAA committee, giving up many awards that can be easily obtained, and teaching the UCLA guys for Desmond, is a spiritual totem!"

With those words, Doucet and the others looked dignified.

It's about values!
Seeing this, Su Yang smiled lightly: "Stop boasting, if you praise me again, I will donate all my personal property, let's have a round of horse shooting..." He said in his heart that I was just greedy for the wealth of capitalists and the lust of good female stars, By the way, I want to help more people.

It's not that great, and it does want to be noble.

The HORSE challenge was held immediately, Su Yang deliberately let the water go to lose, and instead invited the whole team to have a luxurious meal at the hotel.

Coach Henry Bibby saw the deliberate release of water and hinted that it was not necessary.Su Yang just responded with a smile, firstly to make the whole team happy, and secondly because of the horrible ratings, he will have more endorsements and higher endorsement prices, which can be regarded as the biggest profit.

Promising to buy a sports car for the whole team is nothing, let alone a simple meal. After all, since the school selection trip last year, all the teammates have always supported me without any doubts. Without that support, how could I be so good at training? Unlimited defense changes.

Of course, I also help my teammates to improve, hello, hello, hello, everyone, anyway, it’s really good, and the fun is over!

After the dinner, the whole team gathered in Su Yang and Roddick's room to watch the games of the other two divisions. They joked that no one should pay attention to the girls who came to their door. They must abstain from sexual intercourse before the finals and study their opponents by the way. tactics.

During the interval of the live broadcast of the game, various intervening reports, the host and the two commentators also talked about various interesting things.

In the previous match between Nantah University and Kangda University, the highest ratings period was after Su Yang made a steal + dunked Okafor + crossed Denham Brown. Many fans deliberately switched channels or TVs in order to watch the replay.That video is currently on hoops and other basketball forums, causing more than tens of thousands of comments and discussions. Many fans said that it is definitely comparable to Jordan's mid-range lore.

The host Kevin Harlan also talked about O'Neal, saying that after learning that Su Yang tied his NCAA triple-double record, O'Neill folded his hands together and prayed. Fortunately, Su Yang only had two games left in the next game, and it was difficult to break his record. will be higher.

Guest commentator Bill Walton showed off his T-shirt, which said 'one is worth five', saying that as a loyal fan of Su Yang, he must support similar cultural shirts. Although he knew that it was not Su Yang's trademark, he just couldn't help it I want to buy one, because those t-shirts are sold out quickly every time they arrive in the store, so I suggest that Su Yang apply for the relevant trademark as soon as possible.

Guest commentator Stan Van Gundy publicly broke the news that the Heat had planned to find him to be the new head coach, but Pat Riley temporarily repented because he wanted to single-handedly manipulate the Heat to get Su Yang, so this season was crazy, but Wade showed The strength is too strong, actually led the team to win some games, causing Pat Riley to hesitate before the trade deadline.

ESPN also reported that if Su Yang leads the team to the finals, NBA Commissioner David Stern is going to watch the game on the day of the finals.At the same time, Mr. President is also preparing to watch the game, and in China, CCTV5 will broadcast the whole game.In short, as long as Su Yang leads the University of Southern California to the finals, it will have an influence beyond imagination.

Various reports and anecdotes,
Seeing that Su Yang was very excited, Roddick and others expressed that they would work hard to help him reach the finals and win the championship.

In just over an hour, the promotion results of the other two divisions were announced. The St. Louis division was Georgetown University of Science and Technology, and the East Rutherford division was Oklahoma State University, which is also the next round opponent of the University of Southern California. Sample.

What is not good is not good, and research has not been underestimated.

The so-called strategic contempt, tactical attention.

At noon on the second day, Su Yang, Henry Bibby and other coaches studied the videos of Oklahoma State University's past games and some simple statistics.

"The three main guards are Joey Graham, John Lucas III, and Tony Allen. The physical fitness and skills of the three of them far exceed the average level of college players, especially the transferred Tony Allen..." Su Yang A little analysis.

Tony Allen, who has not suffered a serious injury at the moment, is a bit strong. He has scored 1000 points in two seasons and is the best player in the Big 4. The defensive end has caused many guards to die. JR Giddens, who played against him in the previous divisional final , Only [-] points in the game.

"When the time comes, I'll go face to face with Tony Allen..."

Su Yang made a decision without hesitation, and coach Henry Bibby was happy to see the result, and the rotation arrangement was finalized.

Team training followed.

Rob Pelinka called again: "The news of signing Corona has been released for a long time, and there is still no objection from the NCAA committee, but the potential opposition from the Temperance Association is relatively large, because you are not yet 21 years old."

"That's a nonsense rule!"

Everyone knows that people under the age of 21 can’t drink alcohol, but countless people are violating it. When Kobe bought alcohol at the age of 17, he just showed his identity as a Lakers player. drive.

"Just use the Chinese identity as the endorsement. Anyway, Corona is a Mexican company, so let them do nothing." Su Yang decided to take advantage of the heat to settle the matter, "Let the people from Corona fly over, as long as they advance to the finals, they will sign the contract that night .”

The endorsement is established, and the training continues.

In a blink of an eye, on April [-]th, the University of Southern California ushered in the fifth game of the Crazy Three Tour. It played against Oklahoma State University at the Alamo Arena in San Antonio. Seventy thousand fans watched the game. The Rockets player Dayao, who happened to be away from the Spurs, was present support.

In just twelve minutes, the University of Southern California took an 18-point lead, and the game was one-sided.

Tony Allen, who has not yet mastered his defensive skills, could not stop Su Yang's offense, and lost 4 fouls after the first half.

Desmond Farmar came back in the second half, Su Yang passed five balls in a row, but unfortunately only two hits.

In the end, Su Yanghao scored 28 points, 16 assists, 10 rebounds and 5 steals, leading the Trojans of the University of Southern California to defeat the Cowboys of Oklahoma State University and advance to the March Madness Finals, breaking the team history record created by the University of Southern California in 54 years.

After the post-match press conference, Su Yang signed an endorsement contract with Corona Beer as planned, and if he violated it, he violated it.

Controversy ensued. Some fans demanded that Su Yang be suspended, thinking that he was not pure enough, while some fans supported Su Yang.

At noon the next day, Cavaliers player LeBron was interviewed and talked about Su Yang's endorsement: "We all know that it is a very rigid rule that people under the age of 21 cannot drink alcohol. Although I am a wine lover, I am willing to buy Corona. I support Su Yang. Yang."

Among the various discussions, some fans commented: This is a battle for Su Yang to gamble his career. The final judgment and result will all depend on whether he can beat Duke University to win the championship tomorrow, but in any case, we cannot Let him be a lone warrior.

(End of this chapter)

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