You'd better wrap me

Chapter 7 Ariza's ambition

Chapter 7 Ariza's ambition
Su Yang originally wanted to imitate Thomas Jr., challenge the masters around on the bus, and take a trip of "playing all over Southern California", but when he found out that Jordan Farmer was attending high school in the San Fernando Valley more than 50 kilometers away, he immediately lost his mind. interest.

Too far, really too lazy to run.

After discussing with the old Hicks, the matter of contacting Jordan Farmer was handed over to Pelinka. In addition to being able to get things done, it could also invisibly give Pelinka trust. The risk of merely paying lip service.

What's more, Farmar is still a hardcore Komi, and Pelinka showed Kobe's identity as an agent, and the effect was better than recruiting himself.

If Jordan Farmar is successfully recruited, then just find any player who is willing to play in the future. The main reason is to have a teammate who can dribble the ball across the half court. Su Yang does not want to play in AAU games. People can't control the ball.

Early the next morning, Su Yang rushed to school as usual.

The summer vacation comes in June, and there are nearly two months left. After the state championship game is over, there are still some national invitational games, but Santa Monica High School is not as famous as Oak Hill High School, nor is it like St. Mary High School. With LeBron James, it is estimated that he can only play in some leagues within the area where Santa Monica High School is located.

When the summer vacation comes, it is the time when the AAU league starts.

It is possible to encounter a team composed of LeBron and Perkins, and you can intuitively feel the impact of LeBron in high school.

There is nothing to worry about academically. The required credits have already been completed. The content of the basic courses in Meidi High School is too simple, and the AP courses are just like that. money.

After school at four o'clock in the afternoon, Su Yang rushed to the basketball center as usual, ready to shoot for a while, and then went to Venice Beach.

You can also go directly to Venice Beach, but where to go is more about performances, and it is difficult to achieve training effects.

When I entered the door, I saw Ron, Tommy and other teammates. The head coach David was also there, and they were discussing something excitedly together.

Seeing Su Yang enter the door, Ron and others immediately surrounded him.

"Westchester High School just sent an invitation letter, hoping to play an exchange game with us!" Ron rushed to say, "The time is set in three days, and Coach David said that many scouts and college coaches will Come and watch the battle, the chance to become famous is here!"

"They are the state champions of the first-level league. They defeated the Oakland Technology High School in Northern California to win the championship in February. They are just over the international airport, only a river plus ten kilometers away from us. According to them, they suddenly wanted to play at noon today..."

Tommy added: "They are a veteran team in the first-level league and have always looked down on us. We have made several appointments before, but they all refused, because there are two five-star high school students in their school. This time they took the initiative to invite you. Guess what it is reason?"

Su Yang shook his head: "Say it straight."

"Let's tell the coach!"

Tommy smiled and looked at the bald coach David who stood on the sidelines and looked a bit like the "Director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Well, it starts with the ESPN national live broadcast between the Lakers and the Wizards last night. The host Mike Breen mentioned that you communicated with Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant before the live broadcast. He also revealed that Jordan reserved for you. Many high school student players are dissatisfied with the invitation to the AJ training camp next year, and want to challenge you to prove that they are more worthy..."

Between the words, Su Yang figured out the general situation.

Because ESPN released photos of himself with Jordan and Kobe before the game, and mentioned that he was invited to participate in the AJ training camp, high school students throughout Los Angeles and even in many parts of the United States wanted to beat themselves and prove that they were more worthy of Jordan's attention.

In such a long time, there have been dozens of calls to Coach David, some of whom are college scouts and head coaches, hoping to get their own training and game videos, or come to visit training and games to see how they are. what level.

According to Coach David, there were also calls from other high school head coaches from all parts of the United States, the most in the Los Angeles area, all of whom wanted to lead the team to a game against Santa Monica High School. In the end, he chose to accept Wescher. Invited by Stuart High School.

"In the past, they refused our invitations from above. This is an opportunity for us to fight back, but as Tommy said just now, they have two five-star high school students. If we accept the challenge, it will be more difficult to win..."

"Do you have their player data?"

Hearing that Coach David was in trouble, Su Yang was curious about some players in Westchester High School. There were no talents from California in recent years in his memory. The players from Westbrook, Harden, DeRozan, and Paul George should all still be there. In primary school, who else?

"It's all here, except for two five-star high school students, there are two four-star high school students and one three-star high school student..."

Su Yang took the A4 paper from Coach David, took a closer look, and suddenly saw the name of Trevor Ariza, and Bobby Brown. The two were five-star high school students from Westchester High School. Followed by two four-star high school students Amir Johnson and Gabe Pruitt, the remaining three-star high school student is Hassan Adams, five of them are future NBA players.

"I'll be good..."

Su Yang couldn't help sighing. He really didn't expect that a basketball high school not as famous as Oak Hill would gather five future NBA players. The worst Hassan Adams seemed to have played in the Nets for a while. The top player in the rural league in Guangdong and Guangxi, why Putang Town invites him to spend a lot of money every year, and it is also because of that that he is so impressed with Adams.

Gabe Pruitt is a second-round pick, and Su Yang, as a former Celtics fan, also has a certain impression of him.

Amir Johnson's most famous label is the last high school NBA player, and he looks quite chic.

As for Bobby Brown, as a Paul fan, Su Yang also has a little understanding, and his highlight is to play Paul as a substitute.

I didn't expect Ariza, a guy born in Florida on the east coast, to go to high school in Los Angeles.

"It is indeed a bit difficult to win..."

Hearing Su Yang's words, Tommy, Ron and others immediately showed nervous expressions. In their perception, if Su Yang said it was easy to fight, it was easy to fight, and if Su Yang said it was difficult to fight, it was hard to fight. There have been mispredictions.On the contrary, Coach David showed a slight smile.

"Just hand me the ball!"

"SHIT! I knew you were going to pretend!"

While Tommy complained, his nervous expression relaxed, and Ron and others were the same. The whole team is used to Su Yang's style of playing with the ball all over the court. As Su Yang's teammate, he only needs to move according to the tactics. Anyway, every time a scoring opportunity arises , The basketball will definitely pass to the hands.

The whole team made a fuss and turned to training.

Coach David left Su Yang on the sidelines, and said directly: "The game will start in three days, and the UCLA assistant team will come to watch the game, as well as the head coach of USC. At that time, you can show your ability and don't need to think about winning. The whole team, Ron and the others will understand that this is just a cross-level invitational match, which has nothing to do with any honor, and it is because of your fame that this match is held..."

Su Yang nodded to express his understanding. The scouts and coaches who will come to watch the game will pay more attention to his skills and qualifications. After all, the variance of players in high school basketball games is very large. "I understand the truth, but the team's victory and individual performance , I want them all!"

Coach David nodded with a smile, as if he had expected Su Yang's answer, and just followed the procedure to remind him.
At the same time as the Santa Monica High School team was training, the Westchester High School basketball team ten kilometers away was also training.

Ariza made two dunks, walked to the sidelines and sat down to rest, and suddenly complained to Bobby Brown: "Do you think I should and should set up a team to hype, before LeBron James became popular through hype , not at all the strength of the No. [-] high school student in the United States, and now there is another Su Yang, who is also a fucking Chinese, who is more hyped than LeBron. I have never heard of his name before. The second grade in Santa Monica High School The league's state champion is also worthy of praise?"

Bobby Brown didn't know how to answer the question for a while, thinking that Jordan would not be mistaken, but with the Kwame Brown case before, it is really hard to say, but Kobe is such a proud player, he should not just praise others casually, he actually said Su Yang single-handedly defeated him.

Before Bobby Brown answered, Ariza went on to say: "I've decided! I want to beat Su Yang first, and then beat LeBron. They are all stumbling blocks on my road to fame. I will prove to fans all over the United States that I It's the better player!"

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(End of this chapter)

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