You'd better wrap me

Chapter 69 What is training by competition?

Chapter 69 What is training by competition?

After the cheers were over, everyone continued to watch the live broadcast.

The NCAA committee immediately announced that the second seed is the University of Connecticut, the champion of the Big East Division playoffs, and their opponent in the first round is the University of Vermont, the champion of the Eastern Conference of the United States.

Seeing that the University of Connecticut became the second seed, Roddick and others joked indifferently, "This is the legendary popular championship team? Their regular season record is not good! The playoff record does not show an absolute crushing advantage ..."

Hearing the ridicule from his teammates, Su Yang was a little speechless. He was worried that an overconfident attitude would make the whole team confused when encountering setbacks. After all, UConn is a championship team. It currently has Rashad Anderson, Hilton Armstrong, Josh Brown En, De Haan Brown, Ben Gordon, Emeka Okafor, Charlie Villanueva, Marcus Williams and other quasi-NBA players.

UConn belongs to the kind of team that has strong stars and strong role players. It is normal to be a favorite for the championship. That is to say, in the strongest Big East Division, it has fought against many strong teams such as Syracuse University and Purdue University, which led to the regular season record. generally.

Whenever someone asks about the regular season record, UConn fans can ask back: Do you understand the content of the Big East League champion?
Now UConn is also assigned to the Phoenix Division. If you want to lead the team to win the championship, you must eliminate UConn in the quarterfinals.On second thought, it's actually good, it's better than Kangda's encounter in the finals after leveling all the way. At that time, it was too difficult to get super explosive.

Thinking about it, Su Yang didn't say a word.

I don't want to spoil the cheerful atmosphere for now.

The NCAA committee continued to announce that the eighth seed related to the University of Southern California is the University of Illinois, the more well-known players include Luther Hyde and Deron, the ninth seed is the University of Alabama, there are no more well-known players, and The winners of the two teams will play against the winners of the University of Southern California and the University of Texas at San Antonio in the second round.

"Su, do you think their team will win?" ESPN's staff responsible for filming the documentary interjected to ask questions. According to previous regulations, the filmed content will be used to broadcast before the game to enhance more competitive atmosphere.

"I think it will be the University of Illinois. I am optimistic about Deron Williams. He will be a super point guard. Luther Head is also a good shooting guard. They also have quasi-NBA players such as James Augustin. Anyway, they are very strong. .

But they won't be our opponents. I'll take out Deron Williams and show him the double change. "

The voice fell, and everyone cheered.

The live TV broadcast continued, and the NCAA committee announced several more teams.If the University of Southern California can advance to the third round, the potential opponent is the winner between the University of Maryland, Brigham Young University, Syracuse University, and Western Michigan University. Among them, the University of Maryland has old acquaintances DJ Stroberg and Michael Jones. It is most likely to rush to the third round and fight Su Yang again.

If the University of Southern California advances to the fourth round, the most likely opponent is UConn. In the main lower half, only UConn is strong. The probability of upset is very low. It is basically a situation where UConn is slaughtering pigs. Before March Madness, it was Many people have already predicted that Kang will win the championship.

"Sue, if you advance to the fourth round and play UConn, who do you think will win?"

Without waiting for Su Yang to answer, Roddick and others rushed to say: Of course it is us, do you still need to ask?Su Yang is invincible!

Su Yang himself was silent for a while, and said: "I think it will be June [-]th. They don't have enough defensive configuration to reduce my efficiency, but it is also difficult for us to resist them on the defensive end. If we do defense and assist defense If they are good enough, there is a [-]% chance of defeating them. Then I will personally lead the defense of Ben Gordon and try to pinch their outside offensive strengths..."

During the conversation, the tone was quite serious.

Roddick and the others became serious.

The interview ended, and Coach Henry announced a half-day holiday to prepare luggage for half a month. The plan is to start from Key Arena in Seattle on the 19th and run until the San Antonio Festival on April [-]th. Be prepared to keep advancing and flying preparation.

Instead, Su Yang rushed back to the apartment, packed several sets of clothes, prepared to throw them away when they were dirty, and was too lazy to send them to the hotel for washing, and then brought hand-held DV, PS game consoles, chargers, etc., and packed them into two large boxes. Finally, I brought a few dog skin plasters.

In the blink of an eye, it was night, and I rushed to the school entertainment center to participate in the expedition party held by the fans for the whole team.

Considering that he needs to play for more than half a month in a row, Su Yang didn't drink at the whole party, so he also decided to start abstinence, as a buddy, he ignored dozens of girls' crazy one-night hints, and just ate something. Dance and sing.

There are several pieces of news that I watch.

Because the Pistons and the Supersonics just played a game, Ray Allen and Hamilton, as well-known alumni of UConn, coincided with the release of the Crazy Three. The reporters naturally asked questions to find topics, and both Ray Allen and Hamilton emphasized that UConn should be the No. [-] seed.

The remarks of the two were also supported by many commentators. The main reason was that the Pacific Big Ten Division where the University of Southern California is located is far less valuable than the Big East Division where the University of Connecticut is located. California is excellent.

Both of them hinted that the committee valued Su Yang's reputation too much, and deliberately brought the University of Connecticut and Southern California together to discuss the topic, which was very commercial.When it comes to who can advance to the semi-finals, the two agreed that it is difficult for USC to reach the quarter-finals, and they are not qualified for a decisive battle with Kangda, because other teams can boldly double-team, making it difficult for Su Yang to win. fully use.

While watching the news, several accompanying girls were filled with righteous indignation, making Su Yang try to beat Kangda to tears.

NO.16 Early in the morning, the University of Southern California team set off, took a plane to Seattle, landed and went straight to the hotel.

After checking in and putting down their luggage, the whole team rushed to the temporarily rented stadium for training, and by the way, studied their opponents in the first round.

Looking at the video and statistics, Su Yang found that the strength of the University of Texas at San Antonio was very weak, and there were no well-known players. The overall strength of the Nanlu Division is super weak, and they belong to the generals of the dwarfs. They have only played four crazy threes in so many years, and their most famous players,
It was the super background Devin Brown in McGrady's 35 minute game. That dumbfounded expression is a famous scene.

After the basic training was finished, Su Yang led the team to practice low-post early assist defense, mainly targeting UConn center Okafor. Anyway, Ndiaye would not be able to defend alone. The gap between the two is too big. It is a bit like O'Neal and the basket Net that unknown center.

"Except for the bottom line winding in advance,"

Su Yang arranged loudly, "It is also necessary to go up the line to press the pass, go around the front to interfere with receiving the ball, and use a combination of methods such as instant multi-person encirclement. Our usual point-to-point defense and multi-person defense will also be a weapon to defeat Kangda. They Will watch our tape for sure, but they'll have a hard time adapting to smaller guys with big weights and crazy fights against their big guys..."

A lot of defensive switching is still a heretical strategy of this era, just like the Suns interim coach D'Antoni, who has begun to try to execute a lot of seven-second offenses, but the entire NBA has not paid attention to it, mainly because Steve Nash is still wearing a Mavericks jersey.

After training, the team returned to the hotel.

Su Yang played "Warcraft" to relax, and listened to Roddick and other teammates bragging, saying that he wanted to guess all the billion dollar challenges initiated by Buffett-that is, all predictions were correct and all promotions in March Madness. Many people are participating .

Roddick and others have a 'what if' mentality.Su Yang almost laughed out loud when he heard that, but the probability is much lower than [-] in [-]. It is purely Buffett advertising himself to drive related stocks.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

On the evening of NO.19, the University of Southern California opened the first round of "March Madness" against the University of Texas at San Antonio.

Only 10 minutes into the game, Su Yang led the team to score 31 to 9, which made many players at the University of Texas at San Antonio numb. Lose the suspense.

Back from intermission.

The University of Southern California is still very serious. Su Yang often squats to defend the bottom corner and directs the whole team to use the center of the University of Texas at San Antonio as Okafor to defend. The opponent passes the ball inside.

The center forward looked sluggish.

As for the offensive end, the University of Texas at San Antonio had no choice but to watch Su Yang score in various ways.

With 5 minutes left in the game, Su Yang has scored 22 points, 23 assists and 13 rebounds. While achieving a triple-double, he broke the 22 times in a single game jointly maintained by "Little General" Avery Johnson, Tony Farley and Sherman Douglas. Assist record.

The ratings of ESPN gradually soared, and the focus of the last 5 minutes was on Su Yang.

After the whole game, the University of Southern California won 101 to 46 and advanced to the second round.The commentator Kevin Harlan said bluntly: "The Trojans at the University of Southern California are playing completely as a practice match. I hope that the opponents in the second round can cause some trouble..."

 Ask for votes!The location of the game was wrongly written earlier, the first round was in Seattle, not Phoenix.

(End of this chapter)

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