Savior Simulator

Chapter 997 Fabian's Blessing

Chapter 997 Fabian's Blessing
The acid of the digger is very precious, after a round of spit, it takes at least half a minute to re-brew, before the acid in the stomach can be regurgitated into the mouth, ready for the next spit.

Taking advantage of this gap, everyone immediately launched a counterattack.


Student Xiao Ma stood up from the bushes, chanted the mantra and flicked the robe at the same time, arousing the 3-ring magic "hypnotic pattern" that comes with the iridescent robe.

A disc-shaped ball of colorful light floated out of thin air over the area where the diggers gathered, circling and dancing in the air, emitting a dazzling and intense light.

The will-resistance of the diggers is not high, and the moment they saw the colorful pattern, they were recruited collectively and became distraught.

The mechanical dog Toto followed closely beside the hostess, followed Ma Yun's spiritual instructions, and sprayed a "fireball" towards the area where the insect swarm was densest.

Nick the Tin Woodman had been observing secretly for a long time, found the best angle, and raised his hand to blast out the "lightning beam".

A flash of lightning crossed the battlefield, piercing through four burrowers in one breath, like piercing candied haws.

Standing on the tree, Jiang Feng condescendingly released the "Flame Strike Technique", submerging the three burrowers in the golden-red flames and burning them to charcoal on the spot.

Gao Fei was not idle either, "Scorching Ray" hit three times in a row, combined with the enhanced sneak attack effect of "See Through the Gate of Life", instantly killed three diggers on the spot.

After a round of raids, six burrowers were instantly killed, and three others were injured by fireballs and lightning. Only one was lucky enough to avoid all the attacks, turned around and fled towards the nearby cave in fright.

"Cowardly reptile! Get the hell out of here!"

Dimitri, the lion, activated the "Warrior"'s signature skill "taunt" at the right time, forcing the digger to give up the idea of ​​​​running away, and turned around to fight him one-on-one.

The result can be imagined, the head was bitten to pieces by the lion within two rounds, and the corpse was still twitching unconsciously.

After the battle started, the frightened burrower automatically got rid of the fascinated state.

In this case, it is meaningless to spend concentration and continue to maintain the "hypnotic pattern".

Ma Yun resolutely canceled the "hypnotic pattern", and instead focused on casting spells to maintain the 4th ring "fire wall", drawing a circle of raging flames close to the ground, and besieging the remaining three burrowers inside the fire wall.

The three diggers rushed out against the wall of fire.

Two of them fell on the way to escape, and only one was lucky enough to break through the firewall and burrow back into the cave.

"This is troublesome!" Nick the Tin Woodman stomped his feet anxiously. "The Digger has already got into the cave, and it will be very difficult to get it out."

"What's so difficult about it?" Gao Fei put the pistol back into his waist, and smiled faintly, "In our adventure team, there happens to be a member who is suitable for burrowing into the ground to catch bugs."

Ma Yun heard his intention, turned around and gestured towards the sand golem.

The sand golem nodded slightly, and its burly body transformed into quicksand, flowing close to the ground.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, the activated quicksand poured into the burrow where the burrower was hiding like a golden stream.

Everyone stood at the entrance of the cave and waited patiently.

After about 5 minutes, there was a sudden tremor at the entrance of the cave.

The earth-digger that escaped in before got out in a panic, and when it reached the flat ground, it curled up in pain before anyone could do anything.

Gao Fei took a closer look, and it turned out that the activated quicksand had already attached to the burrower, blocking the air holes it relied on for breathing.

The worm couldn't breathe, no wonder it looked so painful.

The Tin Woodman carried the battle-axe, strode up to the worm, swung the ax down vigorously, chopped off its head, and ended its dying struggle early.

After the battle, Ma Yun reminded her companions to collect the corpses of the ten burrowers.

This is not just to pay Fabione a job, but also to search for a wave of loot by the way.

In the digger's lair, there are only some beast corpses and bone fragments left over from eating, and there is nothing of value.

In fact, the most valuable thing on the Digger is the hard carapace.

This kind of chitin exoskeleton can be processed into armor and shields. Its defense performance is better than steel products, it is resistant to rust, and its weight is only equivalent to 1/4 of the same level of steel armor.

Peel off the complete shell from the burrower and use it to make a set of full-body armor. The defense bonus obtained by the wearer is the same as the steel plate armor +9, but the weight of the insect shell armor is only equivalent to a set of leather armor. Less restrictions on the wearer's dexterity.

From the data point of view, the upper limit of the steel plate armor's agility correction is only +1.

That is to say, no matter how high the agility attribute of the wearer is, after wearing the plate armor, he can only get +1 agility correction in dodge at most, and the higher agility attribute cannot be reflected, which is tantamount to waste.

On the contrary, wearing plate armor made of earth digger shells, the upper limit of agility correction is +4, as long as the wearer's agility attribute does not exceed 18 points, the flexibility will not be restricted.

Most of the carapaces of the diggers were burned by flames and pierced by lightning during the battle, so they have lost their use value.

In the end, Ma Yun only stripped off two complete sets of worm shells, planning to make a set of breastplate and a shield.

The worm-shell breastplate was given to the lion, and the shield was given to the tin woodman to improve their defense.

As soon as everyone finished cleaning the battlefield, "Tree Dragon" Fabion teleported back to congratulate them on passing the test.

According to the agreement, Fabiong cast the "Wood Escape Technique" and took Gao Fei and others directly to the foot of the mountain at the southern edge of the labyrinth forest, a hundred miles away.

This towering hill is the habitat of flying dragons.

Before parting, Fabiong gave Ma Yun a scroll of spells, and also sent blessings to everyone.

Similar to Chiyun Aling, the tree dragon's blessing also has supernatural powers and can provide a kind of "protection spell" for the blessed.

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe with curiosity, checked the status bar, and found that there was an additional buff called "Anti-Poison Protection".


Anti-Poison Amulet: Those protected by this amulet have an advantage on Fortitude saves against poison, and the poison damage is halved.


Obviously, this spell is specially used to fight against the flying dragons. After all, the most powerful weapon of flying dragons is the sharp poisonous hook on the tail.

In addition, there is another detail that surprised Gao Fei.

The "anti-poison spell" that Fabione cast on him can last until the end of the entire module!
It is currently Chapter 10 of the mage module "The Wizard of Oz", and there are two more chapters to follow.

Under normal circumstances, the ward can only be used 3 times, or last until the end of the current chapter.

The abnormally long duration of the "anti-poison spell" is of course a benefit for players, but from the creator's point of view, is this design intentional?
If the answer is yes, then it is not difficult for Gao Fei to draw an inference: In the following chapters, I am afraid that he will encounter enemies who are good at using poison, or traps full of poison!

Only under this premise, the "anti-poison protection spell" has the value of continuing to exist.

(End of this chapter)

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