Savior Simulator

Chapter 994 2 Tests

Chapter 994 Two Tests
"Young man, I'm not an unreasonable and stubborn old man. Since you have difficulties, you might as well talk about it."

After Gao Fei passed the "Persuasion" test, the tree dragon's attitude towards him became much gentler.

"Dear hermit, one of our companions was unfortunately taken away by a flying dragon during the journey, so we must go through the labyrinth forest as soon as possible and go to the hill of flying dragons to rescue our kidnapped friend."

Gao Fei briefly told the whole story of the scarecrow being kidnapped by the flying dragon.

After hearing what he said, Fabione pondered for a long time before speaking.

"Young man, the enemies you are facing include not only five strong and ferocious flying dragons, but also their leader, Medellin, the terrifying king of flying dragons."

"To be honest, I am not even sure that I can defeat the Dragon King and his subordinates. As for you, I am really moved by your courage to go to the dragon's lair to rescue your friends. However, I have to point out that this courage may hurt you." You all died, I'm afraid this is not the result that your kidnapped friend would like to see, right?"

"From a practical point of view, I suggest that you give up trying to save your friends."

"I'm sorry, respectable hermit, we all understand the principle of being wise and safe, but let us only care about our own safety and give up rescuing our friends who are suffering. Let's go!"

Gao Fei's resolute attitude surprised Fabione deeply, and his eyes showed sincere appreciation.

"Young man, I appreciate your noble quality of being selfless for your friends, but I have to remind you that this jungle is more dangerous than you imagined. I sealed the jungle with an illusion enchantment just to prevent reckless adventures like yours. Those who broke into the depths of the dense forest ended up looking for their own death."

"Young man, if you want to rescue your friends who were kidnapped by flying dragons, courage alone is not enough. You must first prove that you have the strength, otherwise I would rather harden my heart and drive you out of the jungle than just watch you Young lives wither on Dragon's Hill."

"I propose two tests to you. If you can complete these two tests before tomorrow's sunset and prove that you have the ability to challenge Medellin, the King of Flying Dragons, I will cast a spell to escort you safely through the maze forest and directly teleport to the mountain where the dragon's lair is located." underfoot."

"We are willing to accept your test, respected hermit." Gao Fei suddenly had an idea and made a request, "According to you, it seems that you also have enmity with the Feilong clan? Why don't you go to the Feilong Hill with us and join hands to destroy those people? Evil monster?"

If you can pass a lobbying test, successfully persuade the tree dragon to join the team, and add a powerful NPC teammate, it will be no difficulty to destroy the flying dragon clan.

Unfortunately, the system does not give the option to perform a test.

"Young man, I'm sorry, my soul is bound in this jungle, and I can't leave the jungle to go to Dragon Hill."

Fabione sighed, as if he didn't want to disappoint the young man he admired so much, and then made amends.

"Although I can't accompany you to deal with the flying dragon, as long as you can pass the two tests, you can get rewards from me-trust me, young man, this will be very helpful for you to fight against the flying dragon!"

At the same time, Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and Ma Yun all received plot branch options given by the system.


Branch A: Kill the "Tree Dragon" Fabion. After the battle, the maze enchantment will be automatically eliminated, and you can go through the jungle to the Dragon Hill.

Branch B: Pass Fabion's test, earn his friendship and rewards, and then be sent directly to Dragon Hill.


"From the perspective of role-playing, choosing the B branch is more in line with the heroine's 'White Lotus' personality, but I am curious, if we choose the A branch and take the black route, we will win the 'Tree Dragon' if we don't fight. Fabione?"

Ma Yun proposed an idea in the astrolabe team channel.

"The Monster Manual does not provide detailed data on Fabion, only his species type and occupation level."

Gao Fei thought about it.

"We might as well imagine a special creeping monster, first increase its intelligence attribute, add 11 druid levels, and finally add the dragon's racial talent-Fabion's strength, at least It is equivalent to the monster we imagined."

"If it's an opponent of this level..." Jiang Feng thought about it, and said cautiously, "We have to fight, we are [-]% sure of one kill, but it's not worth it, killing a not evil NPC, I feel a little bit sorry .”

"Sister Feng agrees with me. It's not that it's impossible to kill Fabione by force, but it's unnecessary. It's better to accept the mission from him. The mission rewards you get may be useful when you deal with Feilong later." Ma Yun analyzed.

After unifying their thoughts, they chose branch B and accepted the test proposed by Fabion.

The first challenge mission released by Fabione is to eliminate the notorious bandit group in Quedlin Township.

"The members of this group of robbers known as the 'Fourteen Thieves' are all vicious werewolves, and the leader is a warlock."

"Werewolves often operate on the edge of the labyrinth forest, luring travelers into the forest in the name of guides, and when they reach secluded places, they assassinate, plunder money, and destroy corpses."

"I once wanted to personally eliminate this group of werewolf bandits with blood on their hands, but unfortunately they are very alert and never enter the depths of the labyrinth forest, my protection area."

"Adventurers, hurry up and hunt down the fourteen thieves and destroy them all. This is the first test you will face!"

Before Fabiong finished speaking, he noticed that Gao Fei and the others on the opposite side had strange expressions, and wanted to laugh but held back.

"Ahem! Respected hermit, it just so happened that when we entered the labyrinth forest, we killed a group of werewolves who called themselves the 'Fourteen Thieves'." Gao Fei said to Fabiong.

Ma Yun opened the astrolabe, took out a gemstone obtained from the werewolf's treasure cave, and showed it to Fabione, proving that what Gao Fei said was true.

Shulong nodded, with a look of relief in his eyes.

"Very well, this saves trouble for both of us!"

"Hermit, what is the second test?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Walking in this forest, you should not only pay attention to the poisonous snakes and beasts lurking in the bushes, but also be alert to the attacks from under your feet." The tree dragon warned the young and vigorous adventurers.

"Attack from the bottom of your feet..." Jiang Feng guessed curiously, "Are you referring to some kind of monster that is good at digging holes and suddenly emerges from the mud to attack passers-by?"

(End of this chapter)

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