Savior Simulator

Chapter 992 Green Labyrinth

Chapter 992 Green Labyrinth
Nick was full of confidence in the answer he gave, but the scarecrow beside him couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Afterwards, Nick realized that the Scarecrow was sighing for being deceived.

If the answer is really so obvious, either one or the other, why does Feilong ask Nick to guess again?
Obviously, dragons have no kind hearts.

Sure enough, as soon as Nick said the answer, the dragons laughed collectively, and said that he was also a big fool.

Nick was very unconvinced at the time, and argued that the dragons were unreasonable and their words didn't count. He knew that he had given the correct answer, but he refused to admit it.

"No, tin fool, you really guessed wrong!" The leader of the flying dragon said gloomily.

At first, Nick believed that Feilong was denying it, so he secretly activated the professional ability of "Judger" "Distinguish Lies", but unfortunately found that the other party showed no sign of lying.

"How is this possible?"

Until now, Nick still couldn't figure out this problem, so he asked the clever lady mage for advice.

"Ann Medellín and Du Medellín, there must be a brother and a brother between them. Since Vita guessed wrong, then the answer I gave must be correct."

"That's right..."

While Ma Yun was still thinking about this puzzle, Jiang Feng rushed to ask, "Could these two flying dragons be twins?"

Ma Yun shook her head: "Even twin brothers are divided into elders and younger ones. Whoever comes out of the mother's womb first is the elder brother."

Gao Fei also couldn't think of the answer to this puzzle, so he asked Nick: "After you and Weta guessed wrong one after another, did the dragons announce the correct answer?"

"I did ask, but unfortunately the group of savage flying dragons refused to answer, and said that we should ask their boss. After that, the flying dragons rushed up, grabbed Vita and me, and tried to arrest us. Return to the dragon's lair."

Both Vita and Nick struggled desperately in the air, but their fates were completely different.

The scarecrow was too light, and its strength attribute was too low, unable to break free from the dragon's claws, and was finally caught back to the lair by the flying dragon.

Nick, who was constructed from a full set of plate armor, was obviously much heavier than his scarecrow friend. With 18 points of strength, he was not at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the flying dragon.

The flying dragon that dragged Nick up into the air couldn't control the heavy Tin Woodman, so it had to give up dragging and threw him down from the air.

Feilong thought that Nick would fall into a pile of scrap iron, so he didn't bother to come back to catch him, so he flew away.

Nick fell from a height of [-] feet and smashed a big hole in the bushes. The steel body fell into the mud and his limbs and joints were broken. It was not until Gao Fei and others returned to the camp that they helped him out of the predicament.

After listening to Nick tell the whole story, Ma Yun immediately opened the astrolabe, and a new main task was created, asking the adventure team to go to the dragon's lair as soon as possible to rescue the kidnapped Scarecrow Vita.

Ma Yun took over the task, and the game stage switched accordingly.

After a brief read, when the screen was turned on again, everyone realized that they were already in the depths of the gloomy and dark forest.

From the time of leaving the camp, less than 1 minute has passed in reality. In the game world, the adventurers have been wandering in the forest for a whole day. Except for the tireless tin man and mechanical dog, everyone Exhausted, but still haven't found the right direction to leave this forest.

Dimitri, the lion leading the way, stopped, approached a camphor tree, sniffed at the wet roots, suddenly showed anger, and yelled angrily.

"I'm mad at me! I'm mad at me!"

"What's the matter, Dimitri?"

The tireless Tin Woodman is the only member of the team who can still maintain a peaceful mind.

"Oh! Don't mention it, my friend!" explained the Lion with a dejected look on his face. "In the past two hours, we have traveled so hard that we have made a big circle and returned to the place where we started. It is useless." time!"

The Tin Woodman looked around, and asked the Lion half-believingly: "To be honest, there are dense trees everywhere around here, and they all look the same. How can you tell, Dimitri, that we passed here two hours ago?" ?”

"Ha! That's a good question!" The lion cocked its tail triumphantly, pointing to the wet bark at the root of the camphor tree and said, "I urinated here two hours ago, and now I can still smell the piss that I left behind. The smell of urine, Nick my dear friend, is that enough reason?"

"This... is too much." Nick hurriedly moved away from the camphor tree, "Dimitri, thanks to you, for the first time in my life, I am glad that I have become a tin woodman who has lost his sense of smell!"

Gao Fei, Jiang Feng and Ma Yun were all amused by the Tin Woodman's cold joke.Fortunately, there is no wind in the dense forest, and their sense of smell is not developed enough to smell the urine left by the lion.

"Brother Fei! Sister Feng! Do you remember that the werewolf said that this forest is called the Labyrinth Forest, and it is protected by a magic barrier. No traveler can go through the forest?"

"Of course I remember, that is to say, if we want to go to Feilong Hill and rescue the kidnapped scarecrow, we must first try to solve this jungle maze." Jiang Feng thought about it, "Maybe we should take a ball of cotton thread and go wherever we go." Wherever you pull the thread, the cotton thread you leave behind can prevent you from getting lost."

Gao Fei was amused by his girlfriend's whimsy.

"Comrade Xiao Jiang, isn't it the same as a lion urinating under a tree root to make a road sign with cotton thread?"

"We pulled the cotton thread around the dense forest for two hours, and returned to the initial point, leaving a huge coil along the way. What's the point? It doesn't mean we can find the correct way out of the maze."

"That's right..." Jiang Feng scratched his head depressedly.

She finally realized that there was an essential difference between the natural labyrinth of the jungle and the underground labyrinth built by the tauren in mythology.

In the man-made maze, the path is limited, and the correct path can be found by exhaustive method.

In a natural maze, the gap between any two trees can be regarded as a path, and the forked trails are almost endless. It is too unrealistic to use the exhaustive method to solve the natural maze.

Gao Fei is also using his brains, thinking about the countermeasures to break the maze barrier.

He tried to release the 3-ring "dispel" on the open space, but nothing happened.

The effective radius of the "dispersion technique" is only 20 feet. Compared with this natural maze covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres, it is too narrow, and it is impossible to break the barrier.

Ma Yun turned her black and white smart eyes, held Gao Fei's and Jiang Feng's hands respectively, and cast the 4-ring "any door", trying to leap directly into this green maze.

The beam of teleportation light shot up into the sky, and the three figures disappeared with it.

(End of this chapter)

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