Savior Simulator

Chapter 982 3 Masks

Chapter 982 Triple Mask
"Aggression like fire" when launching a charge, and "swift like the wind" when you finish the fight. This is the tactic that Gao Fei learned from the timid lion Dimitri - "Lion Dance"!
Jack Feiffer was pierced through the breastplate with Gao Fei's sword and injured his internal organs. He couldn't help coughing up a lot of blood.

He panted heavily with a strong smell of blood, barely supported himself, and slapped "Lay on Hands" on his chest.

The golden holy light enveloped the wound, gradually stopping the bleeding.

However, this level of treatment is just a drop in the bucket for the heavily damaged lungs.

Every time he coughed violently, a lot of blood froth gushed out from the corners of Feffer's mouth.

Enduring the great pain and staring at the bloodshot eyes, this almost desperate man refused to fall down entirely with the last ounce of will to survive.

He threw away his shield, gave up his defense completely, dragged the chain hammer, and chased Gao Fei frantically.

Hearing heavy footsteps behind him, Gao Fei ran straight towards the Triceratops without hesitation.

When he arrived in front of the Triceratops, Gao Fei jumped up with both legs and landed lightly on the back of the Triceratops. With only his feet and one hand, he jumped over this huge dinosaur like a skilled rock climber. master.

Gao Fei's imitator profession has mastered the "proficient jump" specialty.

In the form of a dire ape, you will also gain the racial talent of ape creatures-"proficient in climbing".

"Proficient in Jumping" and "Proficient in Climbing" made Gao Fei instantly transform into "Tarzan of the Apes", jumping and climbing on the duel arena as if walking on flat ground, without any loss of speed.

Jack Favre, who was chasing after him, was a heavily armored knight after all, and he was not good at agility skills such as climbing and jumping.

What's more, he was still wearing cumbersome armor, and was blocked by the huge triceratops like a hill. He could only watch Gao Fei jump over the back of the triceratops and disappear out of sight.

Fevre knew in his heart that if he bypassed the Triceratops blocking the way, he would never be able to catch up with his opponent, so he could only use the chain hammer to beat up the Triceratops crazily, venting his incompetence and rage.

The chain hammer kept slamming on the head of the dinosaur, bursting out blood and the wailing of beasts.

After a round of onslaught, the Triceratops crashed down, and its corpse disintegrated into countless magic power spots, which slowly dissipated.

This venting beating exhausted Feifer's little physical strength and fighting spirit, and his coughing became more and more severe, making him unable to swing the chain hammer.

At the same time, a tall figure appeared behind the dissipated corpse of the Triceratops.

Gao Fei swung his sword.

A cold light flashed, and a head wrapped in the mithril helmet rolled to the ground.

Around the arena, including the Wenders couple, under the watchful eyes of thousands of spectators, Jack Favre's headless body fell down, and was drowned in a pool of blood in a blink of an eye.

Gao Fei retracted the blood-smelling sword into the storage glove, and released the transformation. At the same time, he received a system prompt:
"You have reached the milestone of the main plot of this chapter, the energy of the astrolabe +1!"


After winning this duel, Goofy's "imitator" has been upgraded to level 9, with HP+7 (65), proficiency modifier +1 (4).

Level 9 "Imitator", the corresponding "Mage Mask" and "Warlock Mask", respectively add a 3rd-level spell slot.

Gao Fei intends to use the "Mage Mask" to prepare the 3rd-level "Acceleration Spell". As for the 3rd-level spell slot of the "Warlock Mask", it is the most convenient and practical to imitate Lisa's "Dispel".

In addition, there are five other "magic masks", all of which have also awakened new abilities.

The first is the "Warrior Mask". Starting from level 9, the "Whirlwind" can be awakened, and one standard combat action can be used to wipe out all surrounding opponents.

The attack range of "Whirlwind Slash" depends on the size of the weapon. The larger and longer the weapon, the greater the damage range of "Whirlwind Slash".

Next comes the "monk mask," a monk weapon and unarmed strike damage roll that increases to 3d6.

This basic damage has surpassed all conventional cold weapons including giant swords, and bare hands can produce lethality comparable to rifle bullets!

"Druid Mask", starting from level 9, can transform into a large element.

"Poet Mask", Level 9 Awakening "Requiem".

When the bard begins to chant "Requiem," all incorporeal creatures, such as ghosts, within 60 feet of the bard lose their incorporeal qualities and cannot evade physical attacks.In addition, undead creatures affected by the "requiem" suffer disadvantage on attack and saving throws unless they succeed on a Will save.

Obviously, "Requiem" is like the same name, it is a skill specially used to restrain the incorporeal undead.

The last is the "Witcher Mask". At level 9, you can choose the first "Advanced Magic".

"Advanced magic", the performance is stronger than basic magic, the average level is equivalent to 2nd or 3rd level magic, the advantage is that it does not need to consume magic power.

Gao Fei looked at the list of advanced magic spells he could choose from, and there were still many good ones.

For example, "spiritual vision" is equivalent to "seeing through invisibility".

"Grave Whispers" has a function similar to "Spiritualism".

"Eloquence is no hindrance" is actually free "smart speech".

"Shadow Shroud", an "invisibility technique" with no time limit.


There are many similar advanced sorcery, but Gao Fei read it from beginning to end, and still felt that he should stick to the original idea and continue to strengthen the "Magic Energy Explosion", so he chose the "Shocking Spear".


Spear of Stunning: "Magic Explosion" base damage +1d10, the target who is attacked fails the Fortitude saving throw, then falls into the state of "Stunning" until the saving throw is passed.


Gao Fei has already learned three basic magic spells that specifically strengthen "Magic Energy Explosion", "Magic Energy Lance", "Repelling Magical Explosion" and "Tracking Magical Explosion", plus the advanced magic of "Shocking Spear" , the data update of "Magic Energy Explosion" is as follows:

Damage: 4d10 + Charisma modifier
Attribute: force field
Range: 300 feet

Special Effect A: Automatic tracking within range;

Effect B: If the target fails the Reflex save, he is knocked back 10 feet and falls to the ground;

Special effect C: If the target fails the fortitude saving throw, it will be in a state of "shock".


"Magic Energy Explosion" has been strengthened to this point. As a single-target attack method, its overall performance is no less than that of "Scorching Ray". Especially suitable for hitting targets wearing heavy armor or high evasion rate.

Starting from level 9, the imitator's strength will get a qualitative leap, because you can wear three magic masks and get the benefits of triple masks at the same time!
There are 12 magic masks, any three of which can be combined. A simple calculation shows that there are a total of 220 combinations.

Gao Fei decided to take some free time in the future to test all 220 combinations, and he must be able to play a lot of interesting tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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