Savior Simulator

Chapter 98 The Hall of Water

Chapter 98 The Hall of Water
There were three dragon tooth soldiers who had overcome their fear, and two of them were blinded by Yang Yan's palm.

Seeing this scene, Eve and Mu Ning couldn't help being stunned.

This was supposed to be a tough battle, but Master Su and Basaka used a group attack skill to directly defeat each other. What kind of world is this!

"Don't be in a daze! Hurry up and beat the dog in the water!"

Under Jiang Feng's urging, Eve and Mu Ning came to their senses and joined the ranks of besieging the three dragon tooth soldiers.

The two blind Dragon Tooth Soldiers, who can do a few blows in close combat, have no ability to dodge long-range attacks, and they are caught by Eve's sister and Jiang Nvxia and beat them to death.

Two "acid rays" and one "hot radiance" blasted past, and the two dragon tooth soldiers rushed to the street unwillingly, and the corpses turned into two dragon teeth again, disappearing into the depths of the soil.

Gao Fei led Gou Zi to flank the only Dragon Tooth Soldier with bright eyes and a bright heart. Unexpectedly, this guy was quite smart. He leaned against the wall and got two defensive bonuses. He focused on blocking with a shield. Gao Fei and Mu Ning For a while, he couldn't find his flaws.

"Playing turtle tactics with me, right? That's not okay, old man! Come on, show your family a bastard turning around!"

Gao Fei sneered and stomped his feet violently, the ground undulated like waves, and immediately shocked the Dragon Tooth Soldier who was standing against the wall.

Mu Ning jumped up at the right time, bit the opponent's greaves, rolled and tripped on the spot, and successfully knocked him to the ground.

"Good job, dog! I'll add a roast leg of lamb to dinner!"

Gao Fei stomped on the Dragon Tooth Soldier's wrist, forcing him to let go of the javelin and shield, and reduced him to a piece of fish waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping board.

After killing the three Dragon Tooth Soldiers, the five guys who had been scared away by Gao Fei's slap finally overcame their fear, their red and swollen eyes regained a little vision, and came back angrily.

These five guys have learned how to behave, knowing that the monks are cruel and the berserkers are terrifying, so they should not give them a chance to take advantage of each other.

Gao Fei was able to deal with two seriously injured Dragon Tooth Soldiers by himself.

Eve's "Acid Ray" is a long-range "contact" attack. It ignores the defense bonuses provided by armor and shields. It is easier to break the defense against fully armed Dragon Tooth Soldiers. Hide behind Gao Fei and help him get rid of one first. The worst opponent.

At this time, another dragon tooth soldier rushed over with red eyes.Eve resolutely transformed into a large earth elemental, and immediately turned to attack. With her huge size and super strength attribute, she slapped the Dragon Tooth Soldier back into the soil with two slaps, and then went to help Mu Ning deal with another The famous Dragon Tooth Soldier, in the second half of this melee, showed the strong strength of carrying the audience.

When the team is in adversity, Jiang Nuxia can always stand up and turn the tide. However, when it comes to cleaning up the mess, she starts to let herself go and start doing tricks.

Thinking it would be too troublesome to confront the angry Dragon Tooth Soldier head-on, Jiang Feng stepped on the "Flying Steps" and ran up the hall wall. In a blink of an eye, he hung upside down from the ceiling in a head-to-foot posture, aimed at the Dragon Tooth Soldier, and shot a "burning light" ".

Similar to "acid ray", "burning radiance" is also a ray attack that ignores armor. Dragon tooth soldiers can't resist even with thick armor and strong shields, and they can't reach the monk hanging upside down from the ceiling when they jump up, so they can only be beaten passively .

The dying Dragon Tooth Soldier couldn't take it anymore, and angrily threw his javelin!
Jiang Feng had been waiting for this move for a long time, and with a flick of his fingers calmly, he activated the monk's unique skill "Blocking Missiles" and returned the original javelin that was flying towards him.

The javelin twirled in the air, turned around and flew back, piercing its master's throat instead.

When the last Dragon Tooth Soldier slumped down and his soul returned to the earth, the eyes of the giant dragon statue in the flower bed also lost their light.

Not long after that, Gao Fei heard the clicking sound of gears turning from a corner of the hall.

Turning around, a large hole was opened in the ceiling, and a folding escalator was slowly falling down.

"Huh? High technology!" Jiang Feng looked at the escalator curiously, and guessed: "Climb up the ladder, and you can go to the second floor?"

"Probably yes, Master Su, please go ahead and explore the way." Gao Fei said with a smile, "If you step on a trap, just squeak and warn us."

"I'll slap you!" Jiang Feng hit his ass with a stick, and went up the stairs angrily.

Not long after, she called from upstairs: "Come up, everyone, this place is safe."

Gao Fei, Eve, and Mu Ning followed the stairs to the second floor of the Keel Tower, and found that the exit of the stairs was located in a hallway.

The mural painted on the wall on the second floor still has the theme of "Dragon Quest", but the mural is better preserved than the downstairs. The dragon spews white cold currents from its mouth, and its body is covered with crystal scales like ice and snow, which is lifelike.

At the end of the porch is a gate engraved with the pattern of a dragon's head and mottled with copper rust, and there are characters written in dragon language on the lintel.

With the help of the built-in translation function of the astrolabe, Gao Fei learned that it said "Water Hall".

Before opening the door, Gao Fei used the astrolabe to detect the situation opposite the door as usual.

Behind the closed door is a spacious hexagonal hall, the floor is covered with clear water, no less than two feet deep by visual inspection.

The structure of this hall is similar to that of the first floor, but there is no flower bed in the center of the hall. Instead, there is an antique bronze amphora about five feet in height. .

Apart from the stagnant water on the ground and the weird copper bottle, there are no other furnishings in the hall, and there are no signs of biological activity.

Gao Fei told his companions what he had detected, and everyone couldn't figure out what the mystery of this so-called "Water Hall" was, so they simply opened the door first.

Jiang Feng went to the door and checked it, and confirmed that the skill check for unlocking the lock was DC13.

This difficulty is not high for her, and if she can't pry the lock open, she can also use brute force to force the door, but it's too dangerous to do so.

"It's a similar routine to the first floor. The door lock is connected with the mechanism. Once the lock fails to be unlocked or the door is forcibly broken, the mechanism will be triggered and you will fall into a trap." Jiang Feng reminded his companions.

"Can you see what the trap is?" Gao Fei asked.

"It seems to be some kind of splash device. In short, you should step back and stay away. Wait for me to get rid of the trap and then open the door to be safe."

Everyone obeyed her warning and returned to the stairs, with only their heads sticking out of the stairs, and they were ready to run downstairs if their knowledge was not good.

Jiang Nvxia has roughly figured out the triggering mechanism of the trap, coupled with the courage of the skilled person, she performed the "Flying Eaves Step" and went directly to the wall, hanging upside down on the ceiling of the doorway like a bat, stretching her arms as much as possible, and using her eyebrow stick Hold on to the door, poke hard, and actively induce the hidden trap in the door!
 Thanks to the book friends: tce, this week’s reward, 100 starting coins; kongい, this week’s reward of 100 starting coins

(End of this chapter)

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