Chapter 977
The "guiding energy" of the law-breaker knight, in addition to the usual healing and healing, has two special uses, namely "sacred coercion" and "sacred countermeasure".


Holy Coercion: Spend 1 channeling energy to exert spiritual coercion on the enemies within 30 feet. For the next 10 minutes, you must pass the will save to maintain the concentration of spellcasting.

Holy Counter: Spend 1 channel to counter a hostile spell whose ring number does not exceed its caster level/2.


The "sacred coercion" of the law-breaker knight is similar to the racial ability "disturbing the mind" of the swarm creatures, and the effect is to interfere with the enemy's spellcasting.

"Holy counterattack", the effect is similar to "spell countermeasure", the highest level of spell that can be countered depends on the spell-casting level of the spellbreaker knight itself.

Jack Favre is a level 10 spellbreaker knight. Even if he doesn't consider the specialties such as "Skilled Spellcaster" to increase the level of spellcasting, he can at least use "Holy Counter" to counter spells below level 5.

Gao Fei's imitator can only cast 2-level magic at the moment, isn't it because his opponent's "sacred counter" crippled his spellcasting ability?
After rubbing his aching head, Gao Fei calmed down and reconsidered the issue.

The relevant description of "Divine Countermeasure" is too brief, and it is impossible to see whether there is a distance limit for this ability in the literal sense.

According to Gao Fei's understanding, since "Divine Countermeasure" is a derivative skill of "Guiding Energy", the latter's rules should be strictly followed.

The radiation radius of "Guided Energy" is only 30 feet, so "Holy Counterattack" should only take effect on hostile spells within 30 feet.

If this is the case, this ability is very useless, as long as Goofy is 30 feet away from Feifer and then casts the spell, it will not be countered.

However, he faintly felt that his interpretation was wishful thinking, and for the sake of prudence, he should expect the enemy to be lenient.

Assuming that "Holy Countermeasure" has no distance limit, at least there is a limit on the number of times it can be used. As long as Feffer's "Direction" times are exhausted, this move will be useless.

Another major feature of the spell-breaking knight profession is that you can learn the enhanced version of "Holy Slash".

A level 10 spell-breaking knight has mastered two such skills, called "silent slash" and "dispersion slash".


Silent Slash: The moment the "Sacred Slash" hits the enemy, spend a reaction action to add "Silence Technique" to the enemy.

Dispel Slash: The moment you hit the enemy with "Holy Slash", spend a reaction action and add "Dispel Spell" to try to dispel the buff spells on the opponent.


Seeing this, Gao Fei couldn't help scratching his head.

Now he figured it out, the so-called "Spellbreaker Knight" was actually a paladin type who specialized in restraining spellcasters!
From "Holy Coercion", "Holy Countermeasure", to "Silent Slash" and "Dispel Slash", there is malice towards the caster everywhere.

Gao Fei couldn't help but rejoice, thanks to his many "imitator" routines, he can play well without relying on magic. If it were replaced by "Spell Thief" and "Spellbreaker Knight" duel, MMP...shit would be beaten out!

The information provided by Paul Porter did not give a list of Jack Favre's attributes, specialties, and spells.

Gao Fei is a bit regretful, but it is understandable. After all, little brother Potter is just an NPC and not a player. Starting from his character design, it is impossible to provide such accurate data as "Monster Illustrated Book", otherwise it will be a pure hypergame .

In addition to the information about the Lawbreaker Knight, Lord Potter also revealed an interesting anecdote in the letter.

The man Jack Favre was nicknamed, it is said, for two reasons.

In the popular slang of the market in the Kingdom of Fizen, "hammerhead" is often used to refer to it.

Jack Feiffer was tall and strong, as strong as a bull, and was said to be very large...

There is another saying that Fevre is very fierce in battle, holding a large shield in his left hand, and using only one right hand, he can easily swing a large chain hammer that ordinary people must hold with both hands, smashing the opponent's brains, so he won Earned the "sledgehammer" reputation.

After reading the letter, Gao Fei spent an astrolabe energy, the game screen flashed, the time jumped to the weekend, and the scene also came to the venue for judicial duels that he was familiar with.

The duel started at 9:00 in the morning. Accompanied by Colt and his daughter, Gao Fei arrived at the duel field by carriage at 8:30.

Before I got out of the car, I saw a black crowd crowded outside the duel arena. Visually, there were no less than two or three thousand people, all of whom were Avalon citizens who came to see the excitement.

Gao Fei has already participated in three judicial duels, but the combined audience of the first three battles was not as large as today's one.

As soon as he got off the carriage, he was warmly welcomed by the onlookers. The applause was like thunder, and the cheers were like a tsunami.

It was the first time for Gao Fei to experience such a scene, and he felt nervous and a little ecstatic, feeling like a rock star.

Gaining his composure for a while, Gao Fei regained his composure, waved to the audience, and won another burst of wild applause.

At this time, Goofy's clients, the Wenders couple, also came to the scene.

Paul Porter brought a group of noble sons to the duel arena to watch this focused battle with its own traffic.

Gao Fei went over to shake hands with them one by one, received a lot of blessings, and felt a lot of pressure at the same time.

No matter how realistic the game is, it is still a game after all. Even if Gao Fei loses to Jack Favre in the duel field, he still has the chance to load the file and start again, so that his reputation will not be ruined.

Gao Fei knew in his heart that the game was like a training ground, and the training he received here was to lay the foundation for future missions.

Judging from the information disclosed by the station chief and Ms. Metatron, Gao Fei, as Tiangong's first official special police officer who graduated from the training camp, is likely to be sent to an alien planet or even a different world to perform missions in the future.

At that time, there will be no way out for him to read the file. If he is in a situation similar to today, he will face a life-and-death duel that he cannot afford to lose in front of everyone. Overwhelmed by the pressure?
Gao Fei doesn't have such self-confidence, so he needs to go through more such tests in the game and strengthen his mental training.

At this time, there was another drum noise from the sidelines, mixed with unsavory swear words.

Gao Fei turned his head and looked to the sidelines, only to see a tall man wearing knight armor, holding a large shield and a heavy chain hammer, walking towards the duel amidst the curses of the audience, he was obviously his opponent - Jack "Sledgehammer" Feiffer.

This notorious law-breaker knight faced more curses than Gao Fei. He never took off his helmet since he entered the arena. He was not only ashamed to see people, but also afraid of being thrown by the audience. Rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes hit the head.

(End of this chapter)

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