Savior Simulator

Chapter 970 Eavesdropping

Chapter 970 Eavesdropping
"Is that true?" Mr. Wenders sneered, "Maybe your intentions are good, but you choose the stupidest way to express them. Your extraordinary little tricks can't make me happy, but completely ruin my mood. the night!"

"I'm sorry, my dear..." Daphne apologized to her husband crying again, "Since you came back to Manderley Manor, you haven't had a smile on your face, and you've been depressed from morning to night, I guess it's because you did it yourself. Not good enough, not qualified to be the hostess of Mandali Manor, let you down..."

"Don't talk nonsense, Daphne, I'm very satisfied with you!" Mr. Wenders hesitated for a moment, and said to his wife with some embarrassment, "The reason why I'm in a bad mood is because the manor is full of people left behind by that woman. This is my mistake, I should redecorate the manor in advance and bring you home."

"Honey, you finally pointed out the crux of the problem." Daphne choked up and said, "Yes, from the porcelain on the dining table to the artwork in the gallery, Rebecca's imprint is everywhere in this manor, reflecting the Her refined taste."

"In addition to these dead artifacts, the servants in the manor often compare me and Rebecca in private. Everyone thinks that I am inferior to her in every way... I overheard their comments, and I felt very sad, but I have to admit that their evaluation is reasonable."

"Damn! Daphne, don't listen to those lowly servants gossiping, Rebecca...she is just better at buying people's hearts than you, in my eyes, you are ten thousand times better than her!" Mr. Wenders excitedly Say.

"Thank you for your comfort, dear, I am very relieved, but I know in my heart, this is not the truth..." Daphne sighed, and said quietly, "Please don't take me as a little fool, I have eyes and ears , with a brain, I can see, listen, think, and compare the strengths and weaknesses of myself and Rebecca, and I know that I am not as good as her."

"Darling, admit it frankly, you still miss Rebecca in your heart, this yearning is more than your love for me, especially after returning to Manderley Manor, seeing things and thinking about others, your nostalgia for your dead wife is It gets stronger and stronger, and that's the root of your depression."

"Honey, I don't blame you. If I were you, I would fall in love with better women, and I... just a substitute to soothe your inner wounds."

"No! Daphne, I love you more than anything else, you are yourself, not someone else's substitute!" Mr. Wenders said eagerly.

"Okay, dear Maxim, don't lie to yourself anymore... I've decided to face the reality, even if I spend my whole life playing Rebecca's substitute, as long as it makes you happy, because I love you and win more than my own dignity."

Speaking of this, Daphne was already crying.

Musk and Lisa, who were hiding outside the door to eavesdrop on the conversation between the couple, were also deeply moved by Daphne's confession.

This poor woman, for the man she loves, burns herself and sacrifices everything, including the self-esteem and self-love that make people human, like a crazy believer who has lost her mind.

Although this kind of fanatical love is touching, it also reveals signs of pathology, pointing to the abyss of self-destruction.

Mr. Wenders seemed also moved by Daphne's confession. After a long silence, he finally couldn't help but confide in his heart.

"Daphne, you are the kindest girl I have ever met in my life, stop thinking about it, a woman like Rebecca can't even compare to a strand of your hair!"

"You think I'm missing her? You're wrong, Daphne. In fact, I don't love Rebecca at all. You can even say I hate that slutty bitch!"

"She pretended to be holy in front of outsiders, but she lived a dissolute life in private. She not only hooked up with wild men behind my back, but also..."

Having said that, Mr. Wenders stopped, breathing heavily, and seemed to be unable to speak.

"Forget it, I don't want to mention these disgusting scandals again! Daphne, you just need to know that my marriage to Rebecca has long existed in name only, but I have never made up my mind to divorce her because of my family's reputation!"

"Fortunately, she is dead, and I was finally freed from the long nightmare, and I was lucky enough to meet you, Daphne, oh, my little angel... It was you who redeemed my soul, and we will be happy together in the future Live life with your heart, don't make yourself unhappy again."

After listening to her husband's confession, Daphne fell into a long silence this time.

When she spoke again, her voice trembled uncontrollably:
"My dear, if Rebecca is really an unruly woman, if she really did something wrong to you, then of course you have reason to hate her... However, in this case, a husband who is insulted, will What to do with his profligate wife?"

"Maxim, for the sake of the Lord, please tell me much of the rumors about you murdering Rebecca are true?"

"Daphne, don't believe the nonsense in the newspaper!" Mr. Wenders shouted excitedly, "Rebecca's death was just an accident, although it is not the same as the accident I said before, but what does it have to do with it?" ? Anyway, it wasn't me who did it... Although I once wanted to kill her with my own hands!"

Daphne remained silent, perhaps she had already begun to suspect that her husband was lying, and she no longer trusted the suspect who killed his wife.

Obviously, Mr. Wenders didn't want to continue discussing this dangerous topic with his wife. He gasped for a while, and suddenly asked Daphne, "Who told you to disguise yourself as Rebecca?"

" was my own whim." Daphne replied hesitantly.

"Daphne, you are not a very good liar, tell me honestly, did Danvers ask you to do this?"

Under her husband's strict questioning, Daphne was forced to tell the truth: "It was indeed Mrs. Danvers who gave me the idea. We thought we could give you a surprise, but we screwed up..."

"Danvers is a poisonous snake, I knew she was playing tricks!" Mr. Wenders cursed angrily.

At this time, Musk heard footsteps coming from the other side of the stairs, and quickly switched out the "mage mask", and blessed himself and Lisa with "invisibility" as quickly as possible.

As soon as he finished casting the spell, he saw Mrs. Danvers appearing at the top of the stairs, walked to the door of the gallery expressionlessly, knocked on the door, and opened the door and broke in without waiting for the master to speak.

Musk and Lisa, who were invisible, looked at each other when they saw this scene.

I couldn't believe that Mrs. Danvers dared to be so arrogant. As a housekeeper, she didn't care about her master at all.

(End of this chapter)

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