Savior Simulator

Chapter 96 The Magical Use of Traps

Chapter 96 The Magical Use of Traps

"Tell me what's going on in detail." Gao Fei looked at Jiang Feng with great interest.

"On the side wall of the dome on the ceiling, an upward-sloping tunnel is dug out. At the end of the tunnel is a giant ball carved out of rock. I just looked at it. The diameter of the ball is about two and a half meters, and it is covered by an exquisite mechanism. stuck."

"Anyone who tries to open the door at the end of the corridor, the mechanism that jams the sphere will be activated, and the huge stone will be ejected, rolling forward down the tunnel, and then falling through the hole, rolling down the corridor, crashing Go up and crush that hapless bastard who is trying to pick the lock!"

After hearing Jiang Feng's explanation, Gao Fei couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Fortunately, you discovered the trap in time, otherwise we would all be trapped to death!"

"Since the trap will be triggered as soon as the door is opened, what should we do next?" Sister Eve was a little worried.

"Hey! Don't worry, I haven't finished yet."

Jiang Feng still had a smile on his face, as if everything was under control.

"It's not that the door lock cannot be opened, but before I unlock it, you all have to retreat to the first half of the corridor, so that you won't be crushed by the falling stone balls."

"We can retreat, but what do you do?" Gao Fei asked her worriedly, "After unlocking, will you still have time to retreat to a safe place before the boulder rolls down?"

"No, and it's not necessary." Jiang Feng raised his finger to the ceiling, "As I said just now, the diameter of the stone ball is about two meters, and the height from the floor to the ceiling of the corridor is about three meters. There is a gap of about half a meter between the two." void."

"After unlocking, I immediately climbed up the wall with the 'cornice step', and my limbs were flat against the ceiling like a gecko. Half a meter of space is enough to accommodate me. The big stone ball will roll under me and help us break open the door by the way."

"This sounds quite thrilling!" Mu Ning interjected.

"It just sounds thrilling. For monks who are good at flying over eaves and walls, this is just a basic operation." Jiang Feng replied with a smile.

"Brother Basaka, do you think Master Su's plan is feasible?" Eve asked uneasy.

Gao Fei was silent for a few seconds, and slowly said: "With Master Su's skills, there is no problem doing this, but I have a better idea."

"Oh, what crooked idea did you come up with again?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Don't forget the bone dragon in the hall behind the door, maybe we can use the rolling stone trap to crush the bone dragon."

"I'm afraid it won't work." Jiang Feng frowned, "If you want to lure the bone dragon into the corridor, you have to stay at the door and taunt the bone dragon immediately after I open the door, but even if you succeed, it will take a while, the bone dragon Only then can you walk over from the hall, the big stone ball above your head is waiting for no one!"

"That's right! Brother Basaka, Master Su can hang upside down from the ceiling to avoid stone balls, but you can't dodge them!"

Sister Eve tried her best to dissuade Gao Fei from giving up this death plan.

"This is indeed a problem. Maybe we can find something like a crowbar to hold the stone ball. After I successfully lure the bone dragon into the corridor, the stone ball will fall."

Gao Fei thought about it.

Jiang Feng looked at the eyebrow stick in his hand, shook his head and smiled wryly.

"You'd better not think about my stick. Compared with a huge stone ball, this stick is no different from a toothpick. It won't stick."

Eve blinked her black and white eyes, and suddenly clapped her hands and shouted, "I thought of a way!"

"Can you find a strong enough crowbar?" Jiang Feng asked in surprise.

"I don't need any crowbars. I just need to cast the 2nd ring 'Stone Shaping' once to make the smooth stone wall inside the dome uneven. If not, I can catch the stone ball rolling down from above!"

The druid girl's pretty face lit up with excitement.

"Master Su, after you and Brother Basaka succeed in luring the enemy, I will cast a spell to eliminate the protrusions on the stone wall, and the stone ball will roll down smoothly, crushing the bone dragon in the corridor!"

"This sounds like a good idea, but there are still certain risks. If the stone ball doesn't get stuck, it will be troublesome." Mu Ning said cautiously.

"How about this, Eve will cast a spell to transform the stone wall of the cave now, and then Master Su will pick the lock. If the stone ball is not stuck and still rolls down, Master Su will have time to escape on the wall." Gao Fei continued, " If the stone ball is successfully stuck, I will go over and push open the gate, taunting the bone dragon."

"No problem! This is the safest way!" Jiang Feng nodded in agreement.

Eve and Mu Ning had no objections, so they took action.

Eve casts the 2-ring "Stone Shaping Technique", causing many tumors to protrude from the smooth inner wall of the vault above her head.

Jiang Feng continued to pry open the door, deliberately triggering the mechanism hidden in the lock.

There was a rumbling sound from the ceiling overhead, and it was conceivable that a huge stone ball was rolling.

Under the nervous gaze of Gao Fei and others, a group of dark shadows slid down from the vault above the head, and was caught by the stone tumor formed by Eve's magic in the middle, and moved down a few inches, finally hanging on the Mid-empty, still.

"Very good! The first step of the plan has been successful, and now it's my turn."

Gao Fei rubbed his hands, strode to the end of the corridor, struggled to push open the unlocked bronze door, and walked into the lobby on the first floor that he had investigated just now.

The bone dragon patrolling around the flower bed heard movement from the door, and turned its head to look over vigilantly.

Smelling the breath of living things, the two soul fires in the bone dragon's eyes immediately became extraordinarily bright, revealing the desire to hunt life.

"Hey! Bones, get over here! I'm going to stew you in soup today!"

Gao Fei threw a "taunt" at the bone dragon, successfully enraged it, raised his wind-leaking bone wings, and rushed over with big strides.

Gao Fei waited for it to rush to the door, retreated a certain distance, and continued to taunt.

The bone dragon shook its head and looked very angry. It opened its mouth wide and let out a silent roar. It stood up and got into the corridor, and continued to chase Gao Fei.

Gao Fei kept a distance of about 10 meters from the bone dragon, ran and stopped, continued to taunt, and retreated to the middle of the corridor, with the dome where the stone ball was stuck above his head.

"Brother Basaka, be careful!"

Sister Eve issued a reminder to Gao Fei's back, then held up the wooden staff, and performed the "Stone Shaping Technique" again to smooth the inner wall of the vault above.

Gao Fei turned around and ran. Just as he passed through the dangerous area, the huge stone ball crashed down, hit the ground and bounced twice, and rolled forward at an accelerated speed along the sloping corridor floor.

After the dragon died, it turned into a skeleton, its intelligence seriously degraded, and it stood in the corridor in a daze, until the boulder rolled in front of it, and then raised its bone claws to try to block it.

This kind of behavior is tantamount to blocking a car with one's arms.

The huge stone ball almost didn't slow down, it just rolled over the bone dragon, roaring all the way into the hall with the open door, and didn't stop until it hit the opposite flower bed.

 Thanks to the book friends: tce, reward 700 starting coins this week; kongい, reward 100 starting coins this week

(End of this chapter)

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