Savior Simulator

Chapter 959 Dark Silence Bullet

Chapter 959 Dark Silence Bullet

At the gate of the warehouse, Gao Fei blew the smoke from the muzzle of the gun, and looked up at the flustered Serius.

The bullet that was deeply embedded in the flesh of Serius' leg was fired from his pistol.

Gao Fei imbued the bullet with "Darkness" and "Silence". After hitting Serius, he shrouded him in a double barrier of silence and darkness, and sealed his vision and ability to cast spells at the same time.

The natural dark vision of the sea wolf family cannot see through the darkness of magic, but with the "devil's eye" of the law thief, Gao Fei can clearly see Seleus trapped in the 20-foot dark barrier, and he can also take a peek at his body by the way. List of spells.


Ring 0 - Secondary Phantom, Secondary Strike;
1st Ring - Electric Claw, Shield, Mage Armor;
2nd—gale wind, fog cloud, sparkle dust;
3rd—lightning bolt, wind wall, protection from energy;

4th—greater invisibility, phantom burst, dimension door;

Ring 5 - Manipulate the wind direction and summon thunderstorms.


Level 9 "Spell Thief", proficiency modifier +4, a successful theft, up to 4 spells stolen.

After a little thought, Gao Fei chose to steal the 3rd ring "Lightning Beam", 4th ring "Advanced Invisibility" and "Anyway Door", and the 5th ring "Summon Thunderstorm" from Serius.

These four spells are all very good, but unfortunately Gao Fei has no more spell slots left, so he can only replace the existing 2nd level "Invisibility" with 4th level "Advanced Invisibility", reluctantly discarding the remaining three spells.

Serius' vigilance was stronger than Gao Fei expected.

As soon as he succeeded in stealing the trick, Serius sensed it, turned his head and threw out a flash of lightning!

Gao Fei was hit unexpectedly, his whole body felt numb, his ears were ringing, and he fell out of the warehouse door involuntarily.

"MMP! Damn it! This guy's 'Lightning Beam' has been stolen by me, how can I use it?!"

Gao Fei was secretly surprised.

Clutching his numb chest, he collected himself and quickly opened the astrolabe to check the battle records. Only then did he realize that what Seleus released just now was not the "Lightning Beam", but the "Thunder Warlock"'s unique supernatural ability "Thunder Arrow". What is caused is not an electric shock, but "thunder" damage.

The "Anti-Sound Barrier" blessed by Gao Fei offset most of the lethality of the "Thunder Arrow".

It's a pity that he failed the fortitude saving throw, and was blown away by the shock wave released by the thunderbolt, causing pain in his buttocks, dizziness and tinnitus.

Taking a deep breath, Gao Fei learned what he learned and sold it now, took a picture of himself with the "advanced invisibility technique" he had just stolen, walked lightly, and walked into the main entrance of the warehouse again.

In just one minute, the situation in the warehouse has changed drastically.

In addition to the thick dark enchantment, a thick cloud of fog appeared in the warehouse, completely covering Serius' figure.

Gao Fei's heart sank when he saw this scene!
The fog in the warehouse was obviously created by Serius using the "Mist Cloud Technique".

He can still cast spells while being silenced. This guy, Seleus, probably has mastered the super magic specialty "Spell Silence"!
Silent casting requires an additional 2 points of mana.

With Seleus's spellcasting level, he can silently cast all spells below level 4 without any pressure.

Gao Fei couldn't help but be thankful that he had stolen Serius' "Any Door", otherwise this guy would have teleported away long ago.

At this time, there was a thunderclap in the thick fog.

Before Gao Fei could react, he was sent flying backwards by a strong shock wave, and fell outside the warehouse door.



Gao Fei resisted the dizziness and pain, and cursed his mother in a low voice.

The blow of Serius just now, after deducting the 20 points of thunder damage offset by the "anti-sound barrier", also caused 28 points of damage to him, which is really powerful!
Gao Fei hastily performed the "first aid technique" to bring the HP back to the safe line, and checked the battle records by the way.

It turns out that besides "Thunder Arrow", Seleus also has a more perverted "Thunder Roar", which belongs to the supernatural attack of the group sound wave system. Its range is comparable to that of "Fireball". Still be stunned for 20 round!
After being knocked down by Serius twice in a row, Goofy has realized where the problem lies.

When he approached Serleus, he was in an invisible state, and deliberately lightened his footsteps. Why was Seleus, who was shrouded in the "dark barrier", still able to detect his position in time and launch an attack accurately?

One time might be a coincidence, the same scene happened twice in succession, Gao Fei didn't believe it was a coincidence.

Seleus' vision has been completely blocked by the "darkness technique", and the sea wolf's innate sense of smell is not affected by the ambient light. Gao Fei has reason to suspect that it is his own smell that reveals his signs.

Looking up at the warehouse door, there is indeed a sea breeze blowing in from the door, it seems that the problem lies here.

Gao Fei avoided the upwind and went around the back door to return to the warehouse. As soon as he stepped over the threshold, he heard the familiar barking of dogs.

It turned out that when he made a detour, Martin had already rushed into the warehouse with the hound "landlord" and was fighting with Serius in the thick fog.

The hunting dog also has a well-developed sense of smell. Under the double cover of darkness and dense fog, it can smell the bloody smell from the gunshot wound on Sirius' leg, and it rushes forward to bite bravely.

Martin shared the sense of smell with the hounds, and was not in a hurry to join the siege. He first marked Celius with the "Hunter's Mark", blessed him with "See Through the Door", and took advantage of the pincer attack provided by the hounds to attack the Thunder Warlock with a shotgun.

It's a pity that the bullet collided with Serius' instant "Wind Shield" and was blown away by the whirling airflow. At the same time, the dense fog in the warehouse was also blown away by the strong wind, leaving only a black veil of darkness On Seleus.

The rifle couldn't penetrate the "Wind Shield", so Martin gritted his teeth, and simply drew his sword and charged forward.

In the warehouse shrouded in darkness, there was the clang of steel colliding, and the sparks from the sword were swallowed by the dark barrier.

Martin's two attacks were blocked. Five feet away, eight phantoms of lightning flashed around Serius' hazy body. In the hands of this thunder warlock, he was holding a long sword that emitted magical fluctuations. .

I really didn't expect that Serius, a sorcerer, has a sharp sword skill!

What makes Martin even more afraid is the strange phantom surrounding Seleus.

At first glance, it looks like a mirror image clone created by the second-level "Mirror Shadow Technique", but the eight mirror images are still flashing with lightning, and they are clearly visible under the cover of the "Darkness Technique". "Darkness" is even higher.

Just when Martin was hesitating, the hound "landlord" couldn't bear his temper, and rushed up from behind Serius.


The eight mirror images surrounding Serius exploded at the same time, turning into eight bolts of lightning, which hit the hound behind him and Martin on the opposite side respectively.

(End of this chapter)

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