Savior Simulator

Chapter 957 Cremation

Chapter 957 Cremation
Could it be that the undercover agent placed by the Blood Anchor Gang next to James Gordon has been discovered?

Compared with this little accident tonight, the exposure of the undercover identity is a more serious problem. Hawke felt that it was necessary to report this matter to the "boss" as soon as possible.

While thinking, Hawke didn't have idle hands, skillfully reloaded the rifle, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of two familiar figures sneaking closer to him.

Hawk squinted his long and narrow eyes, and with his sharp vision, he quickly recognized that the two familiar figures were the private detective Roger Wayne and his girlfriend who had attempted assassination in the Magic Crystal Mine a week ago. Louise Quinn.

As soon as he saw Roger, Hawk couldn't help but get angry.

It was this guy who sealed Hawk's spells in some weird way. Later, thanks to the "boss" who helped him lift the seal, he regained his ability to cast spells.

"Little bastard, this is you who sent you to your door to seek death!"

With vengeful anger, Hawk aimed his gun at Rogge, injecting 16 points of magic power into the bullet in one breath.

Among them, 6 points of magic power add "tracking shooting" to the bullet. As long as the target is locked on, no matter how the opponent hides, it can also turn around and catch up with it and hit it.

There are still 10 points of magic power, infuse the bullet with "advanced energy shooting", choose one of the ten energy attributes of fire, electricity, acid, cold, sound wave, toxin, brilliance, necrosis, force field, and mind, and increase the corresponding energy attribute by 5d6 points property damage.

Hawke favors the "force field" attribute the most, because other attributes may be resisted by protective spells or damage reduction armor, but the force field attribute is almost impossible to be resisted.

"Hehe! Mr. Detective, go to hell with me!"

Hawke put the sight of the rifle on Roger's heart, sneered and pulled the trigger.

With a bang, the magic-filled bullet slipped out of the chamber, and the whistling sound of breaking wind was like the sigh of death.

Hawke had already foreseen Rogge's appearance in a pool of blood, but in the next moment, a smile froze on his face.


Gao Fei didn't bless the "Invisibility Technique", and deliberately walked within the sight of "Eagle Eye" Hawke, just to induce the other party to shoot and snipe him.

The "see-cut gloves" fit closely to his palms, almost blending into the skin, and the color became exactly the same as his skin tone. Normally, even Gao Fei himself could not feel the existence of these magic gloves.

And when the bullet flew head-on, the glove became slightly hot, reminding Gao Fei that the crisis was coming.

Gao Fei complied with the prompt of the glove, took a reaction action, and waved his hand in the blink of an eye, blocking the rifle bullet back.

A hundred paces away, Hawke realized that the target hadn't been knocked down, and immediately realized that something was wrong. He quickly hid behind the crates piled up like a hill with his shotgun in his arms.

Under normal circumstances, the bullet reverses back along the original shooting trajectory and is also blocked by the crate.

However, at this critical juncture, Hawke neglected a very important detail.

The bullet he shot just now was blessed with "Tracking Shot".

Unless there are obstacles around the sniper target, even if there is only one gap to drill, it is impossible to escape being hit.

Hawke's famous "tracking shooting" has now become his own life-saving talisman.

The reversed bullet bypassed the crate, and hit the shoulder with a puff, blowing off his entire left arm!

Hawke snorted, fell to the ground, his face lost all color in an instant.

Before he could struggle to get up, a gust of fragrant wind hit his face.

Holding two swords in his hands, Jiang Feng galloped towards him with a murderous look on his pretty face.

When Hawke saw this murderous nun, his scalp went numb. He didn't care to bandage his broken arm, and hurriedly held a gun with one hand and fired at her.

No matter how powerful a sharpshooter is, it is impossible to maintain his usual shooting level when he loses an arm.

This crucial shot was unfortunately missed.

Tilt your head to avoid the oncoming bullets.Jiang Feng turned on "Ghost Strike" while running, and a scarlet light emerged from his beautiful eyes, which made Hawk's hair stand on end.

"The villain who hit me with a black gun! Accept the punishment!"

Jiang Feng flew up, over the pile of crates blocking him, and thrust out his swords in the air!
Counting the gains provided by "attribute enhancement", Jiang Feng's agility attribute at the moment is 24, and the perception attribute is as high as 28. Both attributes can provide damage bonuses and attack roll advantages for the "divine bestowed weapon (rapier)".

The snow-bright sword light swayed in the air, so dazed that Hawke could hardly open his eyes, he tried to dodge by rolling and crawling, but he only avoided the first sword, and in the end he couldn't escape the "Twilight Sword" that stabbed him in the chest.

This sword condensed Jiang Feng's anger and lifelong skills.

"Brutal Strike", "God-given Weapon", "Weapon Proficiency", plus the "Magic Injury Technique" and the forced sneak attack after "Ghost Strike" is activated, the lethality of the instant burst has already exceeded [-]!

"Eagle Eye" Hawk was pierced by her sword, and collapsed on the ground like a rag. He covered his chest with his hands, but he couldn't stop the blood from gushing out through his fingers.

This sword had already caused a fatal injury to him.

Thanks to the support of the "tenacious" specialty, he didn't die immediately.

Jiang Feng could add a sword at will and send him to hell.

However, the woman's desire for revenge is very strong. Jiang Feng was shot black twice by Hawke. The debt has not been settled yet. How could Hawke die so simply?

No matter what, I have to reciprocate courtesy and give him a rich funeral!
Jiang Feng also has the "Acceleration Technique" blessed by Gao Fei, which adds an additional attack chance every round, which is just used to launch the "Magic Fighting Technique". With a cool face, he raised his hand and blasted a "Flame Strike Technique"!
A brilliant golden pillar of fire devoured "Hawkeye" Hawke, and held a grand cremation for him.

The second leader of the Blood Anchor Gang stopped struggling in the sea of ​​fire and was finally burned into a coke.

(End of this chapter)

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