Savior Simulator

Chapter 955 Sea Wolf

Chapter 955 Sea Wolf
"That's what I mean, Mr. Gordon." Goofy nodded with a smile.

Deliberately releasing a set of similar intelligence with minor differences, and by setting different observation indicators and comparing the two to screen out the source of the leak, this is a classic anti-interference strategy.

After listening to Director Gordon's explanation, both Jiang Feng and Martin also understood Gao Fei's intentions.

In the next cutscene, Gao Fei spent an astrolabe energy to quickly skip, and the game scene changed, and the time came three days later.

The anti-indirect plan was a great success, not only uncovering the traitor, but also digging out more information from the mouth of this moth.

According to the insider's confession, "Thunder" Seleus and fifty pirates disguised as sailors will land at the "Mermaid Wharf" at around 10 o'clock this night and carry the stolen goods to the No. [-] warehouse.

Hawkeye, the second leader of the Blood Anchor Gang, led [-] gang members to guard the No. [-] warehouse in advance, waiting for the Seleus party to receive the stolen goods from the pirates and transfer them to the black market under the control of the Blood Anchor Gang. Scatter the stolen goods.

The "boss" of the Blood Anchor Gang also instructed the gang members to drink and fight in various neighborhoods in the city that evening, causing trouble, deliberately creating chaos, and attracting the police in the city, thereby covering the smooth completion of the transaction aimed at transferring stolen goods.

After the interrogation, Director Gordon began to make arrangements for tonight's arrest.

The police officers who were suspected of colluding with pirates and gangs were sent by him to patrol the various blocks of the city to deal with the gangsters who caused chaos.

Director Gordon gathered his loyal and reliable subordinates, a total of more than [-] people. He personally led the team and set up an ambush outside the No. [-] warehouse. He only waited for Serius and Hawk to come to meet them, and they would be wiped out.

There are more than 80 pirates and gangsters to deal with tonight. Although the police have more people, their overall strength is not much stronger than the opponent.

This is mainly caused by two factors.

First of all, apart from Director Gordon, the 11th-level "warrior", there are no other strong characters in the police.

The "Eagle Eye" Hawk on the opposite side is a level 10 "Magic Archer", and the level 11 "Thunder Warlock" Seleus is even more powerful than Hawk!

Director Gordon is still not sure of winning against Hawke alone, and adding Serleus will make him even more headache.

In addition, the pirates under Seleus are not good at it!
Serius was born in the sea wolf clan, and most of his subordinates were also sea wolf clan members.

The so-called "sea wolf" is actually a subspecies of werewolves.

The ancestors of sea wolves were originally ordinary humans, who were bitten by lycanthropes and infected with "lycanthropy". Every full moon night, if the crazy symptoms caused by the virus cannot be controlled, they will transform into terrifying beasts Or half-human half-beast form, unable to restrain the bloodthirsty desire, killing people and drinking blood frantically.

What's even more heinous is that lycanthropes are not only mentally out of control, bloodthirsty and brutal, victims who are bitten or scratched by them may also be infected with viruses and become new lycanthropes.

In human society, lycanthropy is obviously an unwelcome alien, just like rats spreading the plague. Once discovered, they will be arrested and forcibly poured with belladonna tincture to try to cure lycanthropy. Healed, had to endure the misery of his wife and children, and was exiled to the wilderness.

This is still a relatively gentle approach.

In those countries that extremely hate lycanthropy, such as the Holy Ashean Empire with a strong religious atmosphere, once a lycanthropy is discovered, they will never give you a chance to heal your illness. On, direct harmless treatment.

The lycanthropes who were expelled from the human society would often form groups of their own kind to keep warm, migrate to desolate islands far away from the city to settle down, and develop large and small villages.

The legendary "Werewolf Island" in various places was formed in this way.

The lycanthropes who live in seclusion have to intermarry within the clan, and the lycanthropy virus they carry will also be passed on to their offspring, thus giving birth to natural lycanthropes.

According to the type of virus infection, lycanthropy can be divided into several subcategories, among which the more common ones include "werewolf", "tiger", "bearman" and "wild boar". Each subcategory can also be divided into more as a complex subspecies.

Sea wolves are an aquatic subspecies of werewolves, born with the supernatural ability to change their shape. They can turn into a beast like a seal and proficient in diving, a hybrid form with a wolf head and a human body, sharp claws, and a form that is indistinguishable from normal humans.

From the statistical data, adult sea wolves have a challenge level of 3, with an average HP of around 60 points. They are amphibious, and their flexible animal skin is equivalent to a set of chain mail shirts. It provides a natural defense of level 4. The average attribute is: Strength 16 , Dexterity 17, Constitution 14, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 14, Charisma 12.

Sea wolves have a keen sense of smell and can smell a slight smell of blood from miles away. In the harsh living environment, most of them have developed the three specialties of "vigilance", "robustness" and "survival expert".

In addition, the sea wolf also has two terrifying racial talents.

One is the notorious "Curse of Beastization".

If a person bitten by a sea wolf fails to pass the fortitude saving throw, he will be infected with the lycanthropy virus.

Afterwards, every full moon night, the infected person has to pass another Fortitude saving throw. If the saving throw fails, the body will deform uncontrollably, turning into a wolf-headed monster that loses its senses and madly attacks all living things in sight. thing.

As long as the infected person changes his body once, he will irreversibly transform into a sea wolf.

So far, the medical community has not yet invented a specific medicine for the treatment of "veterinary disease".

Before the first attack of "lycanthropy", the 3-ring magic "remove disease" can eliminate the virus lurking in the body, and after the concurrent, this magic can't do anything.

In addition, taking belladonna tincture can give the infected person an advantage on Fortitude saves against the lycanthropy virus.

Because of this, before launching the arrest operation tonight, all the police, including Director Gordon, carried a small bottle of belladonna tincture with them. In case of being scratched by a sea wolf, take it immediately, so as to avoid lycanthropy as much as possible .

The belladonna plant itself is also toxic. The alkaloids extracted from belladonna are fused with spirits, which is belladonna tincture. After taking it, it will bring relatively strong toxic and side effects. In severe cases, it will even damage the central nervous system and endanger life.

So unless you are bitten by a lycanthropy, you have no choice but to drink this stuff.

Gao Fei, Jiang Feng and Martin, invited by Director Gordon, will also participate in tonight's bandit suppression operation. In addition to the agreed 7500 gold and Du plus commissions, each of them will also receive a bottle of belladonna tincture and a silver refining ointment.

Silver Alchemy Ointment is a kind of alchemy product. It is packed in a tin hose, which looks like a toothpaste. Unscrew the cap, squeeze out the silver-gray ointment, and apply it on the blade or bullet to make the weapon temporarily "plated." Silver" effect.

(End of this chapter)

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