Savior Simulator

Chapter 952 Lieutenant Colonel Abigail

Chapter 952 Lieutenant Colonel Abigail
Sensing the unusually serious atmosphere in the living room, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng glanced at each other, feeling a little confused about the next plot direction.

Since the Holy Ashan Empire was defeated in the war three years ago, the Binhai City Naval Base was forced to lease it to the Far East Navy. This is undoubtedly a great shame.

As an official of the Ashan Empire, Mr. Gordon had private contacts with senior officers of the Far East Navy. If the news leaked out, his official career would come to an end.

Gao Fei has a good impression of Mr. Gordon. This tough police officer who insists on justice refuses to join forces with the gangsters, so he should not commit collusion and treason.

Taking a step back, even if Mr. Gordon was really a spy bought by the Far East military, he would not risk being exposed and let outsiders see him meeting privately with Lieutenant Colonel Abigail.

While he was thinking secretly, Lieutenant Colonel Abigail also looked at the three young people including Gao Fei with a pair of eagle-like sharp eyes, and it took a while to break the silence in the living room.

"Since Mr. Gordon said so, I have nothing to worry about."

"Ments and ladies must also know that in recent years, the public security situation in Binhai City has been very unsatisfactory. Gang crimes in the city have become more and more rampant. In the waters on both sides of the Belt Canal, the Rage Pirates are even more lawless, frequently looting the past. merchant ship."

"It stands to reason that it is the responsibility of the Binhai City police to fight gangs and pirates, and it is not up to me, a foreigner, to intervene."

"Mr. Gordon, I expected that your appointment would change the status quo. Unfortunately, so far, I have not seen any signs of improvement in law and order."

Being criticized face to face by a foreign military officer for dereliction of duty, Mr. Gordon's face was ugly, but he couldn't refute it. After all, what Lieutenant Colonel Abigail said was true, which made him especially embarrassed.

Lieutenant Colonel Abigail went on to say: "Recently, even the logistics contractors of our naval base have been blackmailed by gangsters. After refusing to pay protection fees, the cargo ships carrying supplies were ransacked by pirates. I don't think this is just a case. Coincidence, Mr. Gordon, don't you think?"

"Ahem...Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, I have already received a report, and it is inconvenient to make a judgment before the investigation results come out, but I must admit that the Blood Anchor Gang who blackmailed the naval material supplier is indeed a staunch ally of the Rage Pirates. A criminal organization, often cooperating in cities and at sea."

The Chief of Police replied awkwardly.

"Mr. Gordon, my question is, when will this case be settled and the supplier's losses recovered?"

"Well... I'm sorry, the police force in the city is tense, and I'm afraid it won't be resolved in a short time. Anyway, I will do my best."

Lieutenant Colonel Abigail was very dissatisfied with the police chief's perfunctory attitude, and his thick eyebrows frowned.

"Mr. Gordon, I might as well put the ugly words up front. If you don't have the confidence to wipe out the gangsters and fight against pirates, then our Far East Navy can only seek justice in our own way. The consequences, including possible You are inseparable from diplomatic disputes."

"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, you don't have to beat me. In fact, I am more eager than anyone including you to fight crime and completely wipe out the Blood Anchor Gang and the Rage Pirates, two blood-sucking gangs that are greedy for blood on the arteries of Binhai City." cancer!"

Mr. Gordon couldn't help being excited, but his face soon became depressed.

"But... I'm not afraid of making fun of you if I say it out. I, the police chief, am just an empty air. I can't even restrain my subordinates. I was infiltrated by gangsters like a sieve. I just formulated a plan to fight gangsters and pirates. It will be leaked by the traitor, so what about strict law enforcement?"

After hearing Mr. Gordon's complaints, Lieutenant Colonel Abigail's face became more sympathetic, and his tone became softer.

"Please forgive me for being unreasonable, Mr. Gordon, the difficulties you revealed are completely consistent with the information I have. In your office building, there are indeed traitors colluding with pirates."

Gao Fei listened to the conversation between the two, and couldn't help being moved, so he interjected: "Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, it's not convenient for Fang to elaborate, how did you know that there was a mole in the police station?"

Lieutenant Colonel Abigail hesitated for a moment, as if weighing whether the private eye was trustworthy.

After a few seconds of silence, he finally opened his mouth to answer Gao Fei's question.

"Mr. Wayne, have you heard of 'Cloud Network'?"

"Of course I know." Gao Fei's mouth trembled, resisting the urge to complain.

This so-called "cloud network" is the hottest menstruation topic on the Tianren forum, and it is often picked up by players to make fun of it and ridicule it. It is nicknamed "the shame of Tiangong's game design department".

According to the game settings, "Cloud Net" is a "Super Mystery" with the official background of the Kolas Empire, similar to the "Skynet" established by Tiangong, but with a wider scope, not only covering the entire Vales world, but also Even the parallel planes and some outer planes can also obtain the services provided by the "cloud network".

If it is said that this is just a network for transmitting magic power, users can extract magic power from it and obtain spell-casting authority, it is not worth making a fuss about.

However, the outrageous thing is that, in addition to the regular functions of the fan lock, the cloud network can also be used to send and receive mail and packages, transmit audio and video signals, listen to radio and video programs, open financial accounts, store magic power and earn interest, and even Forums, online news and shopping sites...

Isn't this Nima just copying the Internet in the real world?
Including Gao Fei, when the trainee special policemen first came into contact with Yunwang in the game, they all had a very strong sense of disobedience.

The era background in the game is equivalent to Blue Star's early 19th century, which is the level of the first industrial revolution, but many supernatural factors have been added.

For example, as the engine of the industrial revolution, the steam engine in the game is driven by magic crystals instead of coal, and its work efficiency is much higher.

Overall, this is a fantasy world of magic + steampunk background, with guns and steamships, but it is impossible for such a cross-age technology as the Internet to exist.

Because of this, trainee special police officers who are trained in the game world often complain about "cloud network" on the forum, jointly requesting the official to delete this setting when updating the game version, so as not to damage the overall style of the game background.

However, it is strange to say that the Tiangong Game Design Department, which has always accepted user suggestions with an open mind, was surprisingly stubborn this time. No matter how sneering and sarcastic everyone was, they were determined not to change, and even smug in the official reply letter:

"Whether you like it or not, the 'cloud web' is there and is here to stay."

(End of this chapter)

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