Chapter 949
Jiang Feng's "Sanctuary" has also been upgraded to level 9, HP +7 (66), proficiency correction +1 (4), sneak attack 5d6, and also learned the signature stunt "Ghost Strike" of the thief profession!

Ghost Strike: Forces a sneak attack for [-] round, also against creatures normally immune to sneak attacks.


Different thieves have different "ghost strike" times per day.

The main attribute of "Temple Raiders" is perception, and you can use 3+ perception modifier "ghost strikes" every day.

Jiang Feng has 22 perception attributes, correction +6, and can use 9 "ghost strikes" every day, which is enough as a killer.

In addition, the 10th-level "Holy Raider" automatically learns a 4-ring domain magic.

The heroine is a follower of the Sun God, and the 4-ring divine art corresponding to the "Sun Domain" is the powerful "flame strike".


4th level "flame strike" (evocation system): range 100 feet + 10 feet/casting level, a violent burst of golden-red fire pillars, covering a 20-foot-radius cylindrical space, causing 15d6 points of damage to all creatures in the area, half of which are Flame, half is brilliance.On a Reflex save, the damage taken is halved.



Starting from level 9, the ranger is immune to poisoning, and the companion link has also been strengthened. He can use animal companions as the starting point for spells, and he can also learn a second-level natural magic.

Ranger spells are generally weak.

Gao Fei pulled the list of spells from beginning to end, and accidentally saw a "see through the door of life", his eyes lit up immediately, and decisively played his subjective initiative as a player, and manually helped Martin, an NPC, choose "see through the door of life"!

Level 2 "see through the door of life" (prophecy system): the caster blesses himself, his eyes emit red light, sees through the door of the enemy's life, temporarily gains sneak attack 1d6/3 levels, up to 15d5 at level 6, lasts 1 round/casting level.


The spell of "see through the gate of life" can allow professions that do not have sneak attack capabilities, such as rangers, to temporarily master sneak attack skills. Although it is not as good as thieves of the same level, it can actually increase damage after all, which is still very good.

After the blessing of "seeing through the gate of life", the prerequisites for launching a sneak attack must also be followed-either stabbing the unprepared target around the back, or asking teammates to provide flanking attacks.

For a ranger like Martin, there is another convenience compared to the authentic thief profession, that is, he brings his own animal companion, and he can send hounds to entangle the enemy and provide himself with a pincer attack, thus satisfying the prerequisite for launching a sneak attack.

Martin's 1st-level spell "Hunter's Mark" can also be used in conjunction with "See Through the Gate of Life".


This is not finished.

Don't forget, the ranger's animal companion can share spell effects with its owner.

When Martin and the hound team up to deal with an enemy, the hound can also enjoy the benefits of "hunter's mark" and "see through the gate of life", and gain the advantage of flanking from the owner, and the bite of the enemy initiates an extra +4d6 points of damage!
With "seeing through the gate of life", Brother Martin's combat effectiveness immediately took off.

However, Martin was not the one who benefited the most from the spell of "see through the gate of life".

After the upgrade, Gao Fei had an extra slot for theft. He originally planned to ask Jiang Feng for help to copy back the "attribute enhancement" that was removed during the battle.

But now he has a better target for copying, which is the "seeing through the gate of life" that brother Martin has just learned.

Counting the additional 4 spellcasting levels provided by "Skilled Spellcaster", the high-flying 9th-level spell thief has a spellcasting level of up to 13.

When he casts "see through the gate of life," the buff lasts for 13 rounds, during which time he gains 4d6 rolls of sneak attack damage.

What's even more wonderful is that the sneak attack effect obtained through spells is compatible with the sneak attack that comes with the spell thief class. Adding the two together, Gao Fei can deal 9d6 sneak attack damage every time he attacks, which can only be described as abnormal!

This chapter finally has a bonus job, which is "Hawkeye" Hawke's "Magic Archer".

The magic archer belongs to a paradigm of "Arcane Knight", which is characterized by specializing in long-range shooting and incorporating various special effects into shooting.

The spellcasting ability of the magic archer is relatively weak, and the optional magic is either to provide assistance for long-range sniping, or to better cover oneself.

The three candidate bonus feats in this chapter are "Reflex Dodge", "Brutal Strike" and "Spell Expansion".

"Reflex evasion" is a professional ability that comes with most rogue and monk types. There is no need to waste a reward opportunity to learn it.

Gao Fei has already learned "Brutal Strike" in other modules, and this time he chose the metamagic specialty "Spell Expansion", which is used to increase the power of "Darkness", "Silence", "Fuel" and "Dispel". The scope of effect of the technique.

Jiang Feng also wanted "Spell Expansion", but looking at his spell list, only "Dispel" and "Flame Strike" could benefit from it.

On the other hand, "Brutal Strike" is also very good, simple and straightforward to increase a melee damage die.

Jiang Feng couldn't make up his mind, so he asked Gao Fei for advice through the astrolabe.

"Husband, 'Spell Expansion' and 'Brutal Strike', which do you think I should choose?"

"In the game, these two specialties are very practical. Which one to choose depends on your preference in reality." Gao Fei said.

"In reality... I use Monk Yangyan the most, and Raider of the Templars relatively less." Jiang Feng replied thoughtfully.

"Then it's more cost-effective for you to choose 'Brutal Strike', which can directly enhance the damage of the monk's fists, feet and clubs. As for 'Spell Expansion', it can't expand the attack range of supernatural martial arts like 'Yang Yan Palm'."

"Okay, I get it!"

Following his boyfriend's suggestion, Jiang Feng added "brutal strike" to his list of specialties.

After the upgrade, Gao Fei cleaned the battlefield and picked up four pieces of magic equipment from the corpse of "Black Hand" Cody.

First up are Cody's two rapiers, both +1 magic weapons.

Jiang Feng had the Twilight Sword, Gao Fei had the defensive dagger, and each held a +1 rapier, which happened to be a dual-wielding magic weapon.

Cody's flesh and blood had crystallized, but the leather armor on his body was not damaged.

Gao Fei appraised it and found that it was a set of +1 "stealth armor".

Wearing stealth armor, the defense level is +4, and the "stealth" check has an advantage; and the effect of the 1st-level spell "trace without trace" is constantly obtained, and there will be no footprints or footsteps when walking.

Obviously, this is a set of armor for the thieves profession.

Gao Fei already had the Mithril Armor, and Jiang Feng still lacked a good set of armor, so Gao Fei gave her the Stealth Armor.

The last trophy was the pair of black leather gloves that "Black Hand" Cody was famous for, and it was also the most valuable magic weapon on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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