Savior Simulator

Chapter 939 The Mystery of the Miner's Disappearance

Chapter 939 The Mystery of the Miner's Disappearance
"I was just in elementary school when the earthquake happened, so I don't have much memory." Jiang Feng said to Gao Fei, "In retrospect, the two most sensational events that year were the earthquake and the Olympics."

"Although I am a local, to be honest, I didn't have much personal experience at the time. Firstly, I was young. Secondly, Meixian County is far away from Wenchuan. The feeling of the earthquake was not strong. I only knew it after reading the news reports. The disaster was so severe, including deaths and disappearances, adding up to nearly 10 people..." Gao Fei sighed, "I hope there will be no such natural disasters in the future."

“Good idea”

Jiang Feng didn't want to say spoiling things, but couldn't help it.

Gao Fei put away his phone and looked at the sky, "It's already dawn, so we're already up anyway, why don't we have breakfast by the way."

"Okay! The noodle restaurant outside the neighborhood is open all night, let's go eat a bowl of noodles!"

Jiang Feng took his boyfriend's hand and rushed into the noodle shop excitedly.

"Ma'am! Two bowls of tomato fried egg noodles, no fried eggs!"

"Ah? This..." The proprietress of the noodle shop was a little confused.

No fried eggs, what kind of tomato fried egg noodles do you eat? !

"No, I brought the eggs myself!"

Jiang Feng proudly took out a gourd-shaped container from his pocket, pressed the gourd's buttocks, and the gourd split open, with a thick layer of foam on the inside and two eggs in the middle.

"Yaomeier, I've seen those who bring their own eggs. Your small egg box is so strange!" the proprietress said curiously.

"I bought it on Pinxixi, and it's specially used to hold eggs!" Jiang Feng was very proud, "For example, go to the breakfast stand to eat pancakes, egg-filled pancakes, etc. Many people are used to bringing eggs from home and packing them in this gourd box You don’t have to worry about breaking it! How much money? It’s not expensive, it’s [-] yuan and [-] free shipping!”

Gao Fei listened beside him and couldn't help laughing.

In fact, Jiang Feng first saw this kind of box on the Internet, and then he came up with the idea of ​​bringing eggs to the breakfast shop.

Hunting for such quirky gadgets that are at least slightly useful is a source of joy for her online shopping.

I have to admit that sometimes a woman's happiness is as simple as that.

After breakfast, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng returned to the community and found that there were few people in the yard. They inquired and learned that there were no aftershocks and the neighbors went back to their homes.

The two also returned home, brewed a pot of tea, sat side by side on the sofa, logged into the "Savior Simulator" through the astrolabe, and entered the long-lost "Hong Kong Raiders" module.


A magic crystal mine owned by shipping tycoon John Lucas II has recently encountered trouble.

The miners disappeared one after another, and no clues could be found at the scene. After calling the police, no clues were found.

Little Lucas learned about the strength of the "City Hunter" detective agency from police chief James Gordon, so he sent the butler to the detective agency to find Roger and Martin, and asked them to investigate the truth about the disappearance of the miners with a lot of money.

It has been two months since I helped Mr. Gordon rescue his kidnapped son last time, and the detective agency has not opened yet.

In the days when business was slow, Roger dated Louise every day, and the relationship between the two young people grew steadily.

Brother Martin, by contrast, was a lonely figure, spending time in the bar, seeking solace in the poker tables and in the arms of the waitresses.

Liquor, women, and cards can easily empty a man's pockets.

After more than two months of drinking and drinking, Martin has already felt the need to make money.

On the other hand, Rogge didn't want to cost Louise every time he went on a date.

Louise, a rich lady, is happy to spend money for her sweetheart, but Rogge doesn't want to be regarded as a softie by others, and a man's dignity in society is often directly linked to his ability to earn money.

Under such circumstances, the big client introduced by the chief of police must not be neglected. Brothers Rogge and Martin hurriedly brought out good wine and cigarettes to entertain the distinguished guests.

The butler of the Lucas family is an old gentleman who fully fits the ordinary people's imagination of high society.

Wearing a tuxedo and a bow tie, his white hair is combed meticulously, and his conversation is elegant and rigorous.

After briefly introducing the case of the miner's disappearance, the old housekeeper took out a check and placed it on the desk calmly.

Martin peeked at 1, 2, and 3 zeros, and couldn't help but smile.

"Wow, 1000 Gold Duga! Mr. Lucas is as generous as the legend says!"

Holding the pipe, the butler glanced at Martin indifferently, turned to Rogge, and said calmly, "This is a deposit. After the matter is completed, there will be a reward of 5000 Gold Duga."

"Oh... yes, it's just a deposit, my friend."

Rogge winked at Martin, taunting him that it was rare and strange. In fact, he himself mistakenly took the 1000 gold Duga as the full reward just now.

"Please tell Mr. Lucas that my friend and I must complete the commission as soon as possible to find out the truth about this disappearance."

"Then I will wait for the good news."

The butler stood up, shook hands with Roger and Martin one by one, and left.

Martin closed the door, turned around and complained to Rogge: "Look at that bad old man, he looks so badass, even a nobleman can't keep up with his style! To put it bluntly, isn't he just a servant who serves others? What? Just because the master is rich and powerful doesn’t mean he’s so great, what does a housekeeper show off? Really!”

At this time, the upstairs window suddenly opened, and the landlady, Mrs. Miller, poked her head out and asked ferociously, "You two lazybones, who are you talking about behind your back?"

"I didn't talk about you again!" Martin snapped back angrily.

"I clearly heard something like 'servant servant', 'just a housekeeper'...Little fat man, do you dare to swear in the name of the Lord that you didn't speak ill of me behind my back or gossip?"

"No, my dear landlady!" The little fat man smiled all over his face, "I respect you so much, I love you so much, my respect for you is no less than that of my own mother, how dare I speak about you behind my back?" What about bad things?"

"That's right. I haven't urged you to pay the rent recently. I feel as kind as the Virgin Mary. You have no reason to blame me behind your back!"

Mrs. Miller was talking to herself, and suddenly looked suspicious again.

"Little fat man, you are full of sweet talk, do you want to ask me to forgive the rent?"


It's the end of the month again, book friends who have monthly tickets, please support, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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