Savior Simulator

Chapter 937 The Master's Gratitude

Chapter 937 The Master's Gratitude

"The second operation method is more troublesome. You need to open your skull and engrave the alchemy array on the inner side of the skull, which is symmetrical to the invisible spirit seal on the forehead. The advantage is that it will not lose your appearance." Metatron explained to Gao Fei road.

"Choose the second one!" Inanna leaned close to Gao Fei's ear, eagerly persuading, "You know the shape of the spirit seal, it looks like a cult totem, not only is it ugly when carved on the forehead, but it also looks particularly secondary. !"

"If you open my skull, how sure are you that the operation will be successful?" Gao Fei asked worriedly.

"Two hundred percent!" Inanna patted her chest confidently.

Excluding the elements of bragging, Gao Fei felt that she should be [-] to [-]% sure, so he reluctantly chose the second operation method.

"Close your eyes and take a nap, the operation will be over soon."

Inanna sat Goofy in an armchair, stroked his forehead, whispered softly in his ear, and performed hypnosis instead of general anesthesia.

Goofy relaxes his nerves and soon falls asleep.

While half asleep and half awake, Metatron and Inanna whispered in their ears.

"Girl, do you really like Gao Fei?"

"How can there be? I just admire his character and talent!"

"Hehe~ If you feel that way about him, I can help you two match up."

"Don't mess around! He has a girlfriend!"

"What's the matter, fair competition! Do you want me to take advantage of his deep sleep and apply 9-ring psychic power 'edit memory' in his brain, implanting a memory of love at first sight?"

"This is what you call 'fair competition'? Bah! Octopus-headed woman, I advise you to do less immoral things, and you will be punished!"

Inanna reprimanded him angrily, which made Gao Fei very relieved.

This young lady... how should I put it, her emotional intelligence is not very high, and her self-righteous way of doing things occasionally makes people uncomfortable, but she is definitely not picky in terms of three views.

Gao Fei can feel her integrity and kindness from the heart, and has a crystal-like pure and flawless soul.

In contrast, Ms. Metatron's character is much more complicated, and Goofy can't see through her mind.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Gao Fei gradually woke up.

In the haze, he vaguely saw a huge spherical object floating in front of him, dancing with many flexible tentacles.

Gao Fei shivered in fright, and suddenly opened his eyes, only to realize that the one standing in front of him was Inanna, and there was no such thing as a tentacle monster.

"Gao Fei, are you awake?" Inanna looked over with concern, "You look a bit ugly! Did you have a nightmare?"

Gao Fei nodded, just now he dreamed of a monster.

"Is the operation over?"

"It's over, it's a success." Metatron took off his latex gloves and said to him with a smile, "You open the astrolabe, call up your own status panel, and see what changes."

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe with anticipation, and first noticed that his HP had lost 16 points. It seemed that the slight intracranial trauma caused by the operation had not yet fully healed.

Immediately afterwards, he found that in his "Special Ability" column, there was an extra item of "Advanced Mind Blast".


Greater Mind Blast: Launched as a bonus or reaction action, a mental shock wave is released in a cone-shaped area 150 feet in front of it. Creatures within the area collectively suffer 10d6 points of mental damage and are stunned for 1 minute; those who pass the Will save are immune to mental damage and are stunned After being dazzled for 1 round, regain consciousness.The difficulty of saving throws depends on the current highest spiritual attribute.


Compared with "Mind Blast", this advanced version has been strengthened in all directions.

The first is the attack radius, which has been increased from 60 feet (20 meters) to 150 feet (50 meters) of cone spread.

Secondly, in addition to causing shock and awe, it also adds 10d6 psychic damage, which has both field control and killing functions.

Finally, Gao Fei’s most important point is that if the subject succeeds in the will saving throw, "Mind Blast" is useless, while "Advanced Mind Blast" can at least stun the subject for 1 round.

"Dizzy" is a negative state that is one level weaker than "Shock".

A stunned creature cannot attack, move, or maintain concentration, but it still has a clear consciousness, can observe and listen to the surrounding movement normally, and can dodge with conditioned reflex when attacked.

The release of "Advanced Mind Blast" can stun the enemy for a round in the worst case, at least it can take the opportunity to escape, or interrupt the enemy's spellcasting process, which is not bad.

Gao Fei suddenly remembered that he also has a specialty called "Ability Focus", which can be used to enhance the difficulty of immunity of a certain special ability. He hadn't had the opportunity to use it before, but now he just uses it to match "Advanced Mind Blast"!
Unable to contain his excitement, he immediately reorganized the list of free specialties, added "Ability Specialization", and locked "Spirit Seal".

Sure enough, with the help of "Ability Focus", the difficulty of saving throws for "Advanced Mind Blast" can be counted as a double proficiency correction. At Gao Fei's level, it is +12!

Unless he encounters an opponent whose perception attribute is so high against the sky, or if he is very lucky, the probability of Gao Fei's "advanced mind blast" being resisted is very small.

Putting away the astrolabe, Goofy thanked Metatron and Inanna and said goodbye.

"Almost forgot, this is for you." Metatron took out a crystal ring from the desk drawer and handed it to Gao Fei, "This is a thank you gift from Lord Noah who asked me to pass it on to you."

Gao Fei took it over and looked at it, and the more familiar it became, he asked Metatron, "Isn't this Peter van der Waal's 'Papal Seal'?"

"It used to be his, but now it's yours."

Metatron smiled mysteriously.

"In this ring, the blood extract of Peter van der Waals and some of Lord Noah's brain cells are sealed. After my fusion processing, I transformed it into an epic magic device. As for the specific function... Hehe, it’s up to you to experience it yourself.”

"Thank you, Ms. Metatron, please convey my greetings to Lord Noah."

Gao Fei bid farewell to Metatron and Inanna, sent it back to Yaoguang Station, put the new version of the "Pope's Seal Ring" on his hand, and used the astrolabe to identify it, and the result surprised him!


·The Pope's Signet (Epic-Level Magister)
Overview: This ring is the masterpiece of Lady Metatron, and also contains the wisdom of Noah, the mastermind of Odys.

Coordination requirements: limited to Tiangong special police (identification code: 007-000-527), and its authorized wearers.

Effect: Spend bonus actions to activate the power contained in the ring, centering on oneself, open a "earth domain" with a radius of up to 300 feet (100 meters), change the gravity direction of any point in the area at will, and increase the gravity coefficient to at most 30 times.After this ability is turned on, it can be turned off by using a reaction action, and it can be turned on for 30 minutes a day.

(End of this volume)

(End of this chapter)

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