Chapter 933
The magic tool chosen by Ma Yun is a "mechanical parrot".

This small construct made of metal and leather looks like a toy. It has 25 health points and 18 defense (natural +3); the attributes are: strength 6, agility 18, constitution -, intelligence 2, Wisdom 16, Charisma 10.

The "Mechanism Parrot" comes with two specialties of "Blindsight" and "Weapon Proficiency", as well as 5/Adamantine damage reduction armor, and its flying ability is similar to that of a real parrot.

The fighting power of this little thing is very weak. The only thing worthy of praise is its own "magic pool", which has 48 magic points, but it can only cast the 1st-level spell "Magic Mouth", which simulates the language that its master is good at.

Obviously, the main purpose of the "mechanism parrot" is to act as a messenger and send messages for the owner.

In the game world where communication technology is backward, the "mechanism parrot" is quite useful, more reliable than carrier pigeons, but in reality, with mobile phones and e-mail, who would use this thing to send letters?
With Xiao Ma's clever mind, of course he would not waste a precious reward. The reason why he chose the seemingly useless "mechanism parrot" actually has a longer-term consideration.

Her professional ability "Clockwork Module" can install plug-ins to constructs and give them the ability to cast spells.

However, the premise is that she must have at least one construct first.

The cost of making constructs by hand is too high, and what is even more troublesome is that Ma Yun has not yet learned the spells needed for some of the constructs.

So instead of making your own, grab a ready-made one.

In the list of rewards provided by Tiangong, the "excellent" level constructs, the "mechanism parrot" is the only one with its own "magic pool".

With the "magic pool", Ma Yun does not need to install an additional "energy clockwork", which can save 1 pound of magic crystals.

Of course, making a "spell clockwork" for a construct also consumes magic crystals.

Ma Yun doesn't have magic crystals available yet, but she has already asked the station master. After becoming an official special police officer, she can obtain this precious enchanting resource by completing difficult special service tasks.

The reward chosen by brother Pep is as simple as his character.

The specialty is "Brutal Strike".

Enchanting equipment, choose to upgrade your "+2 magic tooth necklace" to "+3".

Tangning chose "Multiple Shots" and upgraded to a +2 enchanted astral tights.

Jiang Feng also chose "Multiple Shots" and added a very interesting enchantment effect to his +1 eyebrow-leveling stick.


Wishful: Spend a bonus action to increase or decrease the size of a melee weapon by up to two steps, changing the weapon's damage roll accordingly.


Jiang Feng's eyebrow-level stick is about 5 feet (165 centimeters) long, and it has been increased by two levels to become 20 feet long.

Reduced to two levels, it is only a foot long, similar to a flashlight, easy to carry, and suitable for beating sap.

Jiang Feng chose the "Ruyi" enchantment mainly because she wanted to make the stick longer. When fighting in a melee, she would cooperate with her favorite specialty "Proficient in Tripping" to swing the stick over and knock down a large number of enemies.

On this basis, you can also add "Tit for Tat" and "Battle Reflex". By counterattacking an enemy, all the enemies within 20 feet will be overthrown by the way, sweeping away thousands of troops!

"Comrade Xiaojiang, it's a pity that your surname is not Sun, and I'm a little sorry for the wishful golden cudgel in your hand!" Gao Fei laughed and complained about his girlfriend.

"My mother's surname is Sun, can't it?" Jiang Nvxia put one hand on her waist and turned the stick like a windmill with one hand.

"It's fine, it's great! Now the case is solved..."

Gao Fei's chosen specialty is also the "Multiple Shot" that is most suitable for the "Law Thief" profession.

Dual-wielding pistols, with "acceleration" and "multiple shots", you can fire five consecutive shots in one round, which counts as the special effect of "sneak attack", and the damage explodes directly!

Inspired by his girlfriend, Gao Fei added a special enchanting effect called "Variety" to the +2 electric blast scythe "Thunder King's Tooth".


Versatile: A melee weapon with this attribute can take a bonus action to change its shape to a shield of the same size, or a slashing, blunt, or piercing weapon.


Gao Fei has actually seen this enchanting effect in the game.

The final boss of the berserker module "Prince's Revenge" Gelmir, the ice tower warlock, has a king's scepter, which can change its shape at will, which is actually a "variable" feature.

Gao Fei's "Thunder King's Tooth" is a slashing weapon. It is very disadvantageous when facing enemies with slashing damage-reducing armor. It is enchanted with "variable" special effects, which can adapt to the enemy's weakness, turning the scythe into a big stick or Long guns are easier to break armor.

In addition, if you change the +2 scythe into a +2 great shield, you get an additional 4 defense bonus.

The last reward that the special police team received was a week-long public tour, and the expenses of board and lodging, entertainment and shopping were all reimbursed by Tiangong.

Everyone went abroad for two months, either fighting, or sleeping in the open air, traveling all the way, and the places they passed were mostly poor villages such as Agatz, and they were already tired of seeing the original scenery. They all felt that they should find a place that is more suitable for travel and relax. .

After some discussion, it was Tangning's suggestion that got everyone's unanimous approval.

In the next week, Tangning will take her teammates to Bali Island, the most famous tourist destination in the Republic of Batavia, to have a good time.

The happy vacation was fleeting, and on the last day of December, Gao Fei and his party bid farewell to Tangning and Pep and ended their vacation.

Back at his rental house, Gao Fei first called his parents to report that he was safe, and then transferred 20 yuan to his mother's bank card.

In order to dispel the suspicion of his parents, Gao Fei also specially made up a set of nonsense, saying that there is a gap in income levels at home and abroad, coupled with exchange rate fluctuations, the company gave him 20 travel subsidies during the two months of business trip abroad, Anyway, I have no place to spend money for the time being, so I use this money to honor my parents.

In fact, he also knew that his parents would not spend the money, and they would still save it for him after the nagging passed.

As my own son, although a bit formalistic, I finally did my best.

Jiang Feng did the same thing. The nonsense was calculated with his boyfriend.

But in the actual implementation process, she underestimated her mother's shrewdness and was almost exposed.

Jiang's mother couldn't believe that her daughter hadn't graduated from college, and she could earn 20 yuan in just two months of business trip. How could there be such a wronged company in the world?
Even if there is such a good company, it must be a well-known international company. With her daughter's academic level, how can she get in and be reused?
The more Jiang's mother thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong, worried that her daughter would either be involved in a transnational fraud case or be involved in drug trafficking, so she quickly called Gao Fei to inquire about the inside story.

(End of this chapter)

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