Savior Simulator

Chapter 926 Thundercloud Storm

Chapter 926 Thundercloud Storm
This is really too painful!
Gao Fei took a quick look at his status, and there was less than 2/3 of his health left.

Thanks to Jiang Feng who had blessed him with the "guard technique" in advance, he could send his vitality to him in a critical moment.

Even if Jiang Feng's vitality is included, Gao Fei can only support four rounds under the full attack of the seraphim at most. After that, not only his own life is in danger, but Jiang Feng will also be dragged to be buried by him...or it is more appropriate to say that he died for love.

The seraph opened its mouth, preparing another round of global flying sword attacks.

Gao Fei Wuxia thought too much, and simply turned his mind to reset the expertise as quickly as possible.

"Strong" can increase the life value by 36 points, and last one more round.

"Perseverance", "Toughness" and "Standing Standing" are also arranged, even if the life value is zero, you can persist for another round.

Gao Fei didn't forget "Intuitive Dodge".

The instant activation of the hit can reduce the damage by half and double the battle time.

In the end, Gao Fei sent a letter to Jiang Feng, who had just got rid of the shock, through the astrolabe, asking her to use "qi therapy" to restore blood as soon as possible.

Ma Tao and Wang Daqing also came to their senses, ignoring the enemies around them and doing their best to treat Jiang Feng.

Through the life link established by the "Guardian Technique", Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, and Wang Daqing combined the power of the three to indirectly restore Gao Fei's blood. When the seraphim attacked again, Gao Fei's health had recovered to 80% .

Slightly relieved, Gao Fei ignored the seraphim who was spraying flying swords wildly behind him, and flew straight to Peter van der Waals.

You hit yours, I hit mine.

Even if he was being beaten all the time, he would smash the old monster Peter to death, and see who couldn't hold it up first!
While chasing and killing Peter van der Waals, Goofy spent the energy of the astrolabe again, reset the "energy replacement", and changed the acid erosion attribute to the sonic attribute.

With the re-transformation of attributes, Gao Fei's appearance has also changed, from an acid tornado to a roaring thunderstorm!
Goofy's fist, every time it hit Peter van der Waals, was accompanied by thunderclaps that shook the night sky.

The high-frequency vibrations were transmitted into Peter's body through the fist, and the damage caused was even greater than that of strong acid corrosion. The hard body of the rock showed dense cracks like spider webs.

Seeing that Peter's body was about to collapse in the thunder, Gao Fei knew that he had made the right bet.

Sonic attacks generally have a characteristic that can cause double damage to hard but inelastic substances such as glass, ceramics, crystals, ores.

Peter's "rock body" also has the weakness of inelasticity, and once it resonates, it will start to disintegrate from the inside.

Over the Holy Blood Monastery, Seraphim, Peter "The Rock" and Goofy's thunderstorm giant got into a scuffle.

The 36 angelic swords converged into a golden wave, which rushed to Gao Fei one after another, piercing and cutting.

At the same time, Peter's rock body was also cracked inch by inch amidst the continuous roar.

In this war of attrition, Gao Fei was more fully prepared, and he could obtain a steady stream of vitality from Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, and Wang Daqing. It seemed that the sword was piercing through the heart, and the situation was dangerous, but in fact he had remained in a relatively healthy state.

Peter van der Waal had no backup, and seeing that his body was about to be shaken to pieces, he was forced to show his hole card again, holding up the remote control of the nuclear bomb, threatening Gao Fei to stop, otherwise he would detonate the nuclear bomb and drag him to death.

Goofy sneered at his threat.

"If you are brave enough, just press the button and try it out."

"You brought it on yourself!"

Gritting his teeth, Peter viciously pressed the switch to detonate the nuclear bomb!
He is at the end of his life, he is at the end of his way, and he doesn't mind bringing his enemies to the end together.

What's more, the body of rock is far stronger than the body of flesh and blood. Peter has reason to believe that his chance of surviving the nuclear explosion is greater than that of the Tiangong special police.

So he pressed the nuclear button without hesitation, determined to make Gao Fei pay for his youthful recklessness.

However nothing happened.

Peter froze for a moment, and quickly pressed the detonation button again.

The expected explosion did not happen, the Holy Blood Monastery was still intact, and the sky above the battlefield fell into an embarrassing silence.

"You're confused, aren't you?"

Gao Fei folded his arms across his chest, calmly answering Peter van der Waal's question.

"The built-in chip of the nuclear bomb's remote control has been shattered by me, so of course it cannot send out a detonation signal."

He turned into a thunderstorm giant and used the mythical specialty "Energy Replacement" to turn his attacks into sonic attributes. In addition to destroying the rock body more efficiently, he also had a more important purpose, which was to destroy the nuclear bomb detonator in Peter's hand.

The shell of this small remote control device is made of special ceramics, which is fireproof, acidproof and bulletproof, but it can't stop the shock wave.

The high-energy vibration blasted by Gao Fei was conducted through the shell of the remote control, shattering the precision chips inside, and disabling Peter van der Waal's amulet quietly.

When Peter realized that the remote control in his hand had become a piece of scrap iron, the last trace of fighting spirit in his heart also dissipated. In desperation, he tried to grab the last straw, hold the Pope's seal tightly, and urge the seraph to hurry up. Escort yourself from the battlefield.

The seraph flew over in response to his call for help, and suddenly opened its mouth to breathe out a flying sword.

Thirty-six golden lightsabers flew around Gao Fei, like a meteor shower in the night sky, piercing Peter van der Waal's body with howls.

The seraphim defected without warning, completely shattering Peter's thought of escaping. His arms were cut off by the flying sword, and he fell into the air. He fell on the roof and fell into a coma. His broken body turned back into flesh and blood.

Gao Fei watched this sudden change, at first he felt bewildered, but after thinking about it for a while, he realized that Peter had made an unforgivable mistake.

When he threatened Christ with a nuclear bomb, he had already deeply angered the other party, and when the remote control of the nuclear bomb
Having been destroyed by Gao Fei, he still naively thought that Christ didn't know about it, and would continue to succumb to his coercion.

Self-deception cost him dearly.

At this time, the battle on the rooftop was also over. "Steel Nails" Philip, "Son of Thunder" Jacob and Ant Angel were all captured by the special police, and the rest of the mercenaries also surrendered after Peter fell.

"Goofy! The Holy Blood Monastery is about to crash, we have to get out of here quickly!" Tangning shouted eagerly to the sky.

Peter was seriously injured and unconscious, and the anti-gravity field that pushed the Abbey of the Holy Blood up disappeared.

Everyone on the rooftop could clearly feel that the rising speed of the fortress under their feet was decreasing sharply, and it would soon turn into an accelerated fall.
There is not much time left for everyone to escape, and in one minute at most, this aerial fortress will slam into the ground like a meteorite and be smashed to pieces.

The entire Savan Valley will also be razed to the ground by the shock wave caused by the fall of the Holy Blood Monastery.

(End of this chapter)

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