Savior Simulator

Chapter 923 The Giant of the Wind

Chapter 923 The Giant of the Wind
Atmospheric flow is wind.

Air is not strictly zero weight like incorporeal and ethereal bodies, but it is much lighter than flesh and blood of the same size
At a standard atmospheric pressure environment, the density of air is about 1/800 of the density of human body.

Gao Fei changed from a human youth with a height of 180 centimeters and a weight of 75 kilograms to a large wind element with a height of more than 5 meters. The volume increased by nearly 30 times, but the weight was only less than 3 kilograms.

With his current weight, even under 16 times the supergravity field, the equivalent weight under standard gravity is only 48 kg, which is equivalent to an ordinary adult woman.

However, which girl will have a strength attribute as high as 22?
With Gao Fei's current strength level, he can bear a weight of less than a hundred catties, and his flying speed is hardly affected.

Goofy also has 12 free attributes, of which 9 points are allocated to agility, and the remaining 3 points are added to charisma.

As a result, his Dexterity attribute surged to 36 and Charisma attribute 24.

Higher agility attributes can bring faster speed, higher dodge bonus, and stronger attack power to the wind elemental—the natural weapon of the wind element, which belongs to the agility department weapon, can attack rolls and melee damage Gain agility modifier.

In the next battle, Gao Fei didn't intend to, and probably didn't have the chance to cast spells, so why did he need to increase his charm attribute?
Because in addition to the "Druid Mask", he also put on the "Paladin Mask" and activated the "Holy Slash".

The paladin's signature skill "Holy Slash" can add charm modifiers to melee attack rolls to increase the hit rate.

In addition, when the attack hits a creature of the opposing alignment, an additional 1 point of magic power is spent to deal an additional 1d6 points of radiant damage.

Gao Fei is a level 7 "imitator", and the maximum damage added by "Holy Slash" is 7d6, which can make up for the lack of lethality of the wind elemental form.

Finally, a "acceleration technique" was performed, and Gao Fei's incarnation of the wind giant soared into the sky.

The flying speed of the wind element is already very fast, and Gao Fei is also equipped with the free specialty "dexterous movement", coupled with the effect of "acceleration", when flying at full speed, he instantly breaks through the sound barrier, and flies roaringly to the sky above the Holy Blood Monastery .

When Peter van der Waal heard the roar of the sonic boom, the giant of the wind had already broken into the "territory of the earth" without slowing down at all.

Except for Hitty's ant colony form, this was the first time Peter met an opponent who was not suppressed by the supergravity field. His face changed slightly, and he hurriedly retreated into the spherical iron wall. With his palms together, the iron wall creaked shut.

Gao Fei sneered secretly, rushed straight to the spherical iron wall, and got in through a gap as thin as a piece of paper.

Water has no form, and wind has no shape.

A gaseous creature like the wind element is not only extremely light in weight, but also has no fixed shape. As long as there is a slight gap, it can move freely.

Inside the spherical iron wall, Gao Fei waved his palms at the stunned Peter.

The arms formed by the high-pressure air flow are like two invisible sharp knives, and the sacred brilliance unique to the "Holy Slash" glows on the edges.

Two hand knives slashed across Peter's chest, cutting a huge wound with deep bone visible, and the blood stained the white robe.

Peter's face was contorted, and he fought back with his fists resisting the pain.

His fighting skills are quite superb, and his body strengthened by the hero medicine has even higher strength attributes than Gao Fei's wind elemental form.

But it was all useless, and I couldn't touch Gao Fei's side at all.

With 36 points of agility, the shield, natural defense and dodge gains provided by various spells, plus the free specialty "Proficient Dodge", Gao Fei's current comprehensive defense level is as high as 43.

How could Peter hit him?

Easily dodging Peter's fist, Goofy swung the knife again, adding a wound to his arm.

Gao Fei's palm failed to cut off Peter's arm as he wished, and he was quite surprised.

Hostile stance aside, Peter van der Waals is such a tough old fellow!

"do not come!"

Peter roared suddenly, his blood-stained right hand was clutching a bomb—it was the CL-20 bomb that Matthias used to assassinate him not long ago.

The electronic detonator on the bomb has been destroyed, but the firing pin is still there, and it can be detonated physically with a slight squeeze.

"Young man, you have to think clearly!" Peter threatened Gao Fei sharply, "You and I are both inside the closed spherical iron wall, don't force me to detonate the bomb, otherwise you will die too!"

"Hehe...Old man, thanks to the fact that I admired your toughness just now, now it seems that you are just a stern coward."

Gao Fei's sneer was like howling wind.

The laughter was still echoing in the closed spherical iron wall, and he had already inspired his brows and soul imprints, aiming at Peter van der Waal's frantic old face and blasting a "spirit blast"!
The dull eyes showed that Peter had been shocked.

When he lost consciousness and was unable to maintain his mental concentration, the "earth domain" was released.

The iron ball lost its anti-gravity support and fell straight down.

Immediately afterwards, the Holy Blood Monastery, which also lost its anti-gravity blessing, also accelerated and fell from a thousand feet.

Theoretically speaking, both the spherical iron wall and the sky fortress fall in free fall and should remain relatively still.

However, the larger Holy Blood Monastery is also more affected by air resistance, and the actual falling speed is slower than that of the iron ball, and the relative distance between the two is constantly shrinking.

Before the iron ball touched the ground, Goofy's incarnation of the wind giant had calmly drilled out of the crack in the wall of the ball, stood in the air, and watched the iron ball hit the fortress's roof with cold eyes.

The CL-20 bomb left in the iron ball was impacted and exploded!

The huge destructive force shattered the spherical iron wall, and the roof was also blown through, sending dust flying all over the sky.

The destructive power of this bomb exceeded Gao Fei's expectations, and he couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Judging from Peter van der Waal's performance in battle, the challenge level is at least level 12.

If he was blown to pieces like this, Vader's lab would miss a research sample of the strongest mutant at present, and he and his teammates would also lose a rather generous reward of experience points.

"Sloppy..." Gao Fei smiled wryly.

However, in the next second, his smile disappeared from the corner of his lips, and his gaze became sharp again.

The Holy Blood Monastery, which was obviously out of control, suddenly slowed down, as if being supported by a powerful force.

This familiar feeling...

Gao Fei took a deep breath, and the nerves that had been relaxed just now tensed up again.

That's right, Peter must still be alive, restarting the land domain, and using an anti-gravity field to prevent the Holy Blood Monastery from falling!
Gao Fei's gaze penetrated the hole in the roof, and among the smoke and dust, he saw a figure standing up slowly, floating up into the air with the help of anti-gravity, passing through the hole in the roof, and returning to the night sky.

(End of this chapter)

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