Savior Simulator

Chapter 920 Psionic resonance

Chapter 920 Psionic resonance
"Damn old man! Grab my shield, you wait for me!"

Student Xiao Ma was furious, concentrated his attention, and tried to take back the activated iron wall, but the result was in vain.

Without the protection of the iron wall, the gunshots from the opposite side became dense again.

The van der Waals mercenaries who had retreated to the distance had already set up heavy machine guns on the bunker and were firing towards them.

The whirlwind of Pep's incarnation couldn't stop such ferocious firepower, and the special police officers quickly dispersed to find cover.

Gao Fei opened the "Any Door" and teleported directly to the commanding height on the rooftop, the top of a watchtower.

The sentinel standing guard on the watchtower, holding a telescope in his hand, stared blankly at the strange young man who appeared from his side out of thin air, his face full of bewilderment.

"Friend, you can get a box lunch after get off work."

Gao Fei kicked the sentry off the watchtower and looked up at Peter van der Waal who was standing in the air.

The "pope" of the Knights of the Holy Blood, wearing a white robe and a golden helmet, was in a situation of betrayal and besieged on all sides, and still maintained a calm and majestic demeanor.

Peter waved his hand seemingly casually, and the concrete roof of a warehouse below was abruptly lifted by the anti-gravity field, like opening a suitcase.

This is an ammunition depot, and the heavy bombs stored in it floated out from the open roof one after another, surrounding Peter like a swarm of bees.

Peter waved his hand again, and by changing the direction of gravity, several bombs fell to the ground by remote control.

There were explosions one after another, and the entire rooftop was shrouded in flames and gunpowder smoke.

Gao Fei quickly opened the astrolabe and checked the team page.

The moment the explosion happened, the teammates who were fighting on the rooftop had their health reduced to varying degrees.

Fortunately, everyone's injuries were not serious. After treating each other, they recovered quickly and launched a counterattack against the sky.

The bullets fired at Peter were all deflected by the gravity field.

The "fireball technique" released by Ma Yun was also blocked by the floating iron wall, she gritted her teeth angrily, and couldn't help feeling deeply regretful that she lifted a rock and hit her foot.

After all, classmate Xiao Ma has a smart brain, and then uses "magic missiles" to attack Peter.

Five purple light spheres bypassed the iron wall, locked on Peter's body, tracked automatically, and hit him one after another.

It was the first time Peter had been injured since the fight broke out.

It didn't hurt much, but it made his face look extraordinarily gloomy.

Inspired by Ma Yun, Gao Fei switched his sub-job to "Astrologer", stood on the watchtower, and released "Magic Missiles" to snipe Peter.

However, what he didn't expect was that the same trick would not work the second time.

Peter urged the "Earth Territory" with all his strength, and clasped his hands together, as if he was kneading dough.

The iron wall suspended in mid-air creaked under the pull of supergravity, as if being kneaded by a pair of invisible hands, and changed from a rectangular iron wall to a hollow iron ball in a blink of an eye, wrapping Peter in a tight fit.

The "Magic Missile" lost its tracking target, hit the outer wall of the iron ball, and disappeared sadly.

Seeing this scene, Gao Fei couldn't help being slightly moved.

Peter van der Waals is worthy of being the number one apostle of the Holy Blood Knights. With just this waving of the iron wall, he has already demonstrated his strength far surpassing that of other apostles and angels!
Under his gaze, the spherical iron wall hanging high in the night sky creaked, opening a gap like a clam shell.

Peter's figure appeared in the gap. He raised his right hand, and the Pope's seal ring on his middle finger was shining with silver light.

At this moment, Gao Fei suddenly felt a burning sensation between his brows.

He had long discovered that the crystal ring worn by the apostles of the Holy Blood Knights contained energy similar to the spiritual seal between his eyebrows.

Goofy had asked Ms. Metatron in the letter whether there was a connection between the two.

Metatron's reply confirmed his guess, and also revealed to him that the Apostle's Signet is likely to be related to her lost spaceship, and the spiritual seal she painted on Goofy's forehead is also a product of psionic technology.

The "Pope's Seal Ring" in Peter's hand contained spiritual energy at least two orders of magnitude higher than that of other apostle's seal rings, and it actually resonated with Gao Fei's "Spiritual Seal of Explosion" between his eyebrows!

Caressing the slightly tingling brow, Gao Fei looked up at the night sky, with curiosity and doubt in his eyes.

What did Peter van der Waals want to do by inspiring the spiritual energy contained in the "Pope's Seal"?
The distance is too far, Gao Fei can't see the changes in Peter's hand clearly, but... for some reason, he can sense the Pope's seal ring in Peter's hand through the brow seal, in an indescribably mysterious way, as if There are slight cracks.

A group of small, translucent milky white granulation emerged from the crack, like an insect that had just broken out of its cocoon, escaped from the ring and flew into the night sky.

This mysterious little creature split into three petals in the night sky, bathed in the psychic brilliance emitted by the Pope's seal ring, and rapidly expanded and deformed. In just a few seconds, it developed from a sesame seed-like granulation to three balls with a diameter of more than three A huge meat ball of three meters.

To be exact, it was three groups of giant embryos that were pulsating.

Under the horrified gaze of everyone, the fetal membranes ruptured, amniotic fluid overflowed, and three newborns hatched, spreading their white wings in the air.

They were all alike, looking like the heads of fat, blond children with white wings growing out of the back.

Yes, these three newborns have only heads, but no bodies and limbs. They all rely on the wings behind their heads to support the huge heads suspended in mid-air.

Their faces are immature and lovely, their smiles are innocent and innocent like real babies, their beautiful blond hair flutters in the wind, and their white wings dance in the air, like three little angels.

However, Gao Fei stood on the top of the watchtower and observed the three solitary, huge, smiling baby heads hanging in the night sky from a closer perspective. A thriller in the soul.

Gao Fei couldn't help but have a question in his mind: Are these three cute and terrifying creatures summoned by Peter van der Waals angels or demons from another world?


Facing the three mysterious creatures in the air, Peter raised his arms high, with a solemn expression and a pious tone, like a prophet who was conveying an oracle to the world:
"These things are now reported to you by him who preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven; and the angels desire to examine these things."

"Are not all angels ministering spirits, sent to serve those who are to inherit salvation?"

"The field is the world. The good seed is the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one."

"The enemy who sowed the tares is the devil. The time of harvest is the end of the world. The reapers are angels."

"Gather the tares and burn them with fire. It will be like this at the end of the world."


(End of this chapter)

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