Chapter 92

The Berserker's "bloody battle cry" is a kind of supernatural ability that affects the mind. It does not count as a short rest recovery. It can be used 3+ times of charm correction per day.

A high-flying berserker, with a Charisma attribute of 15, can use "Bloody Cry" 5 times in a row.

Like "Taunt", the difficulty of the Will save for "Bloody Cry" also depends on the Charisma modifier, plus the +3 Proficiency modifier, which is 15.

When Goofy utters his "bloody battle cry," hostile creatures within 60 feet who fail DC 15 Will saves are terrified for at least one round.

During this period, creatures in a state of fear not only dare not attack him, but also flee from him as much as possible.If there is nowhere to escape, it will curl up in a corner and tremble, and will not actively attack any opponent.

Gao Fei carefully checked the mechanism of action of "Bloody Cry", and nodded in satisfaction.

After learning this trick, I will have another group control skill in the future. With "taunt" and "earth shock", I can derive richer tactical changes.

In addition to being used to scare the enemy, "Bloody Cry" also has an important function, which is to dispel the "fear" state of one's own side.

For example, when facing a giant dragon, if Gao Fei himself or his companions are affected by "Dragon's Might (fierce momentum)" and lose courage, he can roar to revive his morale.

Gao Fei suddenly thought of something.

Didn't Luna divination that there is a red dragon lurking in Dragon Tooth Valley?

If the trip to Dragon Tooth Valley had to challenge an evil dragon, then it would be a bit of a coincidence that I had learned the "Bloody Battle Cry" specifically against "Longwei" at this moment.

Gao Fei had to suspect that this was specially arranged by the game designer of Tiangong, as if he was afraid that he would pee his pants because of the fear of the dragon, so he clasped his hands together and murmured devoutly:

"I, Gao Fei, can only be grateful for the pity of the game designer! Can you give me another hook?"

However nothing happened...

In addition to the high-flying Berserker, Eve, Munin, Al, and Ush have also increased their levels after completing this chapter.

Eve's sister was promoted to level 6 earth druid.

HP+8, the perception attribute is raised to 21, and you can also learn a second-level natural magic.

It seemed that she was worried about not being able to help her sweetheart in the previous battle, but instead making Luna show off, Eve chose the 2nd ring "resistance to energy damage".

This spell can be subdivided into four subcategories: "Fire Resistance Barrier", "Cold Resistance Barrier", "Electric Resistance Barrier" and "Acid Resistance Barrier".

When casting the spell, specify one of the four elemental energies of fire, electricity, acid, and cold. In the next hour, when the subject is attacked by the corresponding energy, the damage will be automatically reduced by 10 points.

In fact, "resistance to energy damage" is the core technology used to make the "resistance potion", but Eve's spellcasting level is not high enough to temporarily refine the high-end resistance that Elder Quake gave Gao Fei potion.

The "wild transformation" ability of level 6 earth druids has also been greatly enhanced.In addition to transforming into small or medium-sized animals and plants, Eve can also transform into the four elements of water, fire, wind, and earth.

Among them, the fire element and the water element are medium-sized, while the wind element can only become small.

The most powerful thing is to transform into an earth element!
Since the earth element matches the attributes of the "earth druid", Eve can leapfrog to become a "large earth element". After the transformation, the three spiritual attributes and spellcasting ability are retained, and the three physical attributes become: strength 25, agility 8 , Physique 19!

In addition to weakening agility, strength and physique have been greatly enhanced.

Not only that, large earth elementals also have level 10 natural defense, 5 points of damage reduction armor, and immunity to acid damage. The most amazing thing is that they can escape into the depths of the earth at will, like swimming, freely in mud and even sand and gravel layers. sneak!

The profession "Earth Druid" is strong enough to transform into a large earth elemental when the level is still very low, especially the ability of "earth escape", which is even more perverted than flying in some situations. Once you drill in, you will be invincible!

When Gao Fei chose to reward the profession, the reason why he abandoned "Bear Warrior" was mainly because he liked the "Earth Druid"'s magical ability to hide from the ground.

"Sister Eve, you are already invincible." Gao Fei said with emotion.

"Brother Basaka, don't be joking. His ability is far worse than yours." The druid girl enjoyed his praise, but she didn't think she was really strong.

Whenever the druid levels up, the animal companion also gains a creature level, but with no special abilities.

Take Muning as an example, after the upgrade, HP+6 (5HD, health value 33/33), proficiency correction +1, and strength has increased.

Al and Wushi were promoted to level 5 "Bear Warriors", proficiency correction +1, HP +10, and also comprehended a professional ability, which is the "offensive tide" that Gao Fei had learned long ago.

Gao Fei's extra rewards for passing the level without loading files this time, including specialties and occupations.

The first is the reward feat, choose one of the three options of alertness, robustness, and standing.

Alert and robust, Goofy is already familiar with it, focus on "Standing Standing".


Standing firm (pre-feat: tenacity and tenacity): Characters who have learned this feat are immune to the effects of "instant death" and "necrosis". + Constitution correction wheel.


Is there any doubt?

Of course, it is foolish to choose "stand upright"!

Gao Fei couldn't help but secretly rejoice, thanks to the fact that he had learned "Perseverance" and "Toughness" in advance, and inadvertently met the pre-conditions of "Standing Standing", otherwise this high-level feat would not be able to be obtained at all.

Finally, there is a bonus class, choose one of the three classes: Astrologer, Ripple Monk, or Water Druid.

In Goofy's astrolabe career tree, the earth druids have already been lit, so follow the principle of "filling in the blanks is better than icing on the cake", and first exclude the water druids.

Ripple Sect monks and astrologers are both filling in the gaps for him. Both professions have their own advantages and disadvantages. After repeated comparisons and trade-offs, he finally chose astrologers.

The martial art heritage of the Ripple Sect is indeed very strong, but most of the martial arts need to be used in a humid and watery environment to exert their maximum power, and the occasions for their use are limited.

On the other hand, an astrologer can cast "Magic Missile" as a trick at level 1 without consuming mana, which is the most worthy part-time warlock paradigm!
Other professions need to practice a few more levels to become stronger, but the astrologer is not so troublesome, the strongest is the first level!
No matter what your main occupation is, if you also become a level 1 astrologer, you will definitely make money without losing money if you prostitute "Magic Missile" for nothing.

It was with this in mind that Gao Fei reluctantly gave up the Ripple Sect monk and chose an astrologer.

 Thanks to the book friends: jgygj, reward 1500 starting coins this week; tce, reward 500 starting coins this week

(End of this chapter)

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