Savior Simulator

Chapter 918 I Am Judas

Chapter 918 I Am Judas

"John, Matthias, I really regret admitting you to the Holy Blood Knights. It's time to correct this mistake."

Peter sighed, turned his back, and gestured to Philip to execute the two traitors.

Philip raised his rifle and pointed it at Matthias first.

Thinking of the bomb that Matthias sent over just now, which almost killed himself, Philip showed a murderous look, and was about to pull the trigger, when a cold light suddenly flew beside him!
Half of the gun barrel bounced to the ground, and the crisp clanging sound echoed on the rooftop.

The rifle was cut off with a single knife, and Philip took two steps back in fright, looking at the "Queen of the Ant" Hitty who was holding a bright saber in astonishment.

Except for Philip, everyone else also looked at Hitty who suddenly drew his knife.

John and Matthias were still in shock, but it was not difficult to see that they were not surprised that Hitty rescued them.

Big Jacob was stunned and at a loss.

Peter frowned and looked at Heidi. He had already guessed about the reason for her attack, but he didn't want to believe the cruel answer. He asked her coldly, "Have you been brainwashed by Christ?"

"I'm awake." Hitty's beautiful face was as cold as frost.

"If you were not an accomplice of those two traitors, why did you prevent Philip from executing them?"

"Because... I am the Judas you have been looking for."

Hitty replied calmly.

On the rooftop, there was a deathly silence.

The guards present looked at each other in blank dismay, and couldn't believe their ears.

Even Philip and James the Great were dumbfounded in shock.

They really couldn't understand that the second apostle "Queen" Hitty of the Holy Blood Knights ranked second only to Peter was actually the Tiangong undercover codenamed "Judas Iscariot".

Hitty has always been the least likely apostle to betray Peter in people's eyes.

Not only because Peter van der Waal trusted her the most and gave her the status second only to himself, but more importantly, Peter had a cooperative relationship with the Suharto family, where Hitty was born, for more than 20 years. The interests of both parties have long been deeply bound. What reason did Dee have for betraying him?

Peter van der Waals ponders this question too.

Taking a deep breath, barely restraining the anger and disappointment in his heart, Peter asked Heidi coldly:

"Why did you betray me? Is it because your family is afraid that I have mastered the secret recipe of the hero medicine, and is worried that my power will be too strong, and I will be backlashed one day, or your own ambition is too inflated, and you want to replace me and become the Holy Blood Knight The new leader of the regiment?"

"You can only come up with these two cliché reasons. It shows that your vision is too narrow, your thinking is too old-fashioned, and you don't realize that your career has come to an end. This is the root cause of my determination to change my career."

Hitty sighed, looking at Peter van der Waals with helplessness and regret intertwined.

"Peter, my teacher, I used to admire you so much, but it's a pity that you are old, can't see the changes of the situation clearly, can't keep up with the beat of the times, and your ambitions are growing, trying to seize the power and wealth you don't deserve. If you offend a force you can't afford to offend, you are doomed to perish yourself."

"I don't want to follow you all the way to the dark, so when you refused to listen to my advice and refuse to cooperate with Tiangong half a year ago, I made up my mind that it's time to consider a new way out."

Peter listened silently to Hitty's reasons for betraying him, and the anger on his face was replaced by a hint of regret.

Facing the desperate situation of the enemy and the betrayal of relatives, the old mercenary king calmed down instead.

"Heidi, one cannot disobey the old. I must admit that I misjudged the overly powerful opponent 'Tiangong', and I really don't understand the mentality of you young people enough. However, there is one thing I still can't figure out. How dare you stand in front of me? If you admit your identity as a spy in front of your face, do you really think that I am incapable of punishing traitors?"

Peter slowly raised his right hand, and the crystal ring worn on his middle finger was shining with dazzling silver light.

"Hitty, John, and Matthias, my young friends, have you all forgotten where your strength comes from?"

Peter clenched his fists suddenly, and Hitty, John, and Matthias couldn't help shivering, feeling that the power in their bodies was being suppressed by the Pope's seal, and the effectiveness of the hero medicine was quietly fading.

"I gave you the hero medicine to stimulate your potential and enable you to acquire superpowers." Peter said blankly, "However, what I bestowed on you can be taken back at any time."

The "Pope's Seal Ring" worn by Peter is more powerful than the "Apostle's Seal Ring".

All mutants who have awakened their superpowers by taking the hero medicine will be suppressed by the mysterious radiance emitted by the Pope's seal, and will be knocked out of the mundane world, degrading from "superman" to ordinary people.

"Heidi, I, an old man, will give you one last lesson in life. Young people should not be too hasty in doing things, especially when you think you have the upper hand. Rushing to declare victory will only make you look like a clown."

Peter flipped his palm, and the supergravity field was activated.

As if a heavy burden was on her shoulders, Hitty's legs trembled, and she couldn't help but kneel down.

The moment her knees were about to touch the ground, her body suddenly disintegrated into a large group of black ants, scattered on the concrete floor.

Every ant is bearing 16 times the force of gravity.

For humans, this is unbearable pressure.

However, the same pressure is placed on the tiny ants, but it is no big deal.

Any ordinary ant can carry a load equivalent to 200 times its own body weight.

The ant colony form that Hitty transformed into was far stronger than ordinary ants, with only 16 times the gravity, it couldn't hurt her at all.

Peter's face changed.

The apostles and guards who were watching were also full of astonishment.

Hitty's super power has obviously been sealed by the Pope's seal, so why can it still be broken down into an ant colony form?
Peter took a deep breath, his expression regained his composure, and he frowned to observe the ant colony under the supergravity field, with a sudden expression on his face.

"I see, Hitty...I didn't expect that you are also a natural mutant."

In fact, when Hitty witnessed the outbreak of Silver Flash a year ago, she spontaneously mutated into a "swarm-type" mutant. Even if she stopped taking the hero medicine, she could still turn into a colony of army ants.

She kept this secret from anyone, including Peter.

Until half a year ago, Hitty made up her mind to leave the Holy Blood Knights, contacted Kai Yang, the station master of Tiangong No. [-] station, submitted her identity information, and became a mutant who was officially registered and supervised by Tiangong No. [-] station. .

It was from then on that Kai Yang arranged for her to lurk beside Peter van der Waals, and also asked the ace special police officer at Station [-], Tang Ning, who also had cluster superpowers and graduated from the same university as Hitty, to be in charge of dealing with her. connect.

"Judas Iscariot" and "Mary Magdalene", who were born in hostile families, had diametrically opposite ideologies, and the two women who were considered incompatible in the eyes of others, began to communicate secretly from that day on, and became Holy Blood Knights together. Regiment of gravediggers.

(End of this chapter)

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