Savior Simulator

Chapter 915 Holy Blood Monastery

Chapter 915 Holy Blood Monastery

"Sister Kaiyang, jokes should be done in moderation! Bullying children, thank you for your kindness!" Yao Guang glared at Kai Yang angrily, then turned his head and said to Gao Fei: "I appreciate the position you just expressed, I hope you You can continue to stick to your principles and never waver.”

"Station Master, I'm sorry, I was too impulsive just now..."

Gao Fei was really impulsive just now, and couldn't control his mouth. Now that he thinks about it, some of his words were really too much.

"Okay, okay~ Who doesn't have an impulsive time yet? What else is there in your heart? When you come back from a business trip, let's say in private that today's video conference will end here. I wish you all success!"

Yao Guang smiled and waved goodbye, and closed the astrolabe communication.


On the evening of the day when the video call with the two station masters ended, Gao Fei and his party arrived at the end of the Ash Swamp.

On this road, they climbed mountains and ridges, crossed jungles, and crossed vast swamps by boat. After more than a month of arduous travel, everyone finally arrived at the last place on the "Arc of Mutations" on Irian Island, the Savan Valley—the legendary The entrance to Hades of the Asmats.

After landing, Ma Yun immediately performed the supermagic "shrinking technique" of "spell expansion" on the hovercraft, reducing the 30-meter-long and 20-meter-wide gunboat to half a meter long and one foot wide, happily Enter the astrolabe.

On the road of "picking up junk", Xiao Ma is getting more and more outrageous, Gao Fei will not be surprised to build an arsenal someday.

The green valleys and blue mountains, bathed in the fiery red sunset, present a quiet beauty away from the hustle and bustle.

However this is only an illusion.

Gao Fei summoned his teammates to his side, opened the "Invisible Ball", and then joined forces with Ma Yun to cast the "Any Door", leading everyone across the blockade and directly teleporting to the top of the beautiful wall on the left side of the valley.

Looking down from this commanding height, you can see the neatly arranged military barracks in the valley, the sentry posts with searchlights, the helipad where armed helicopters are parked, and sometimes there are mercenary teams patrolling with dogs and guns in this military area. Shuttle among the base.

In the middle of the valley stands a tall building with reinforced concrete structure. This fortress with machine guns and forts is the "Holy Blood Monastery" carefully built by Peter van der Waal.

When the sun was about to set, an unexpected scene appeared in front of everyone.

For unknown reasons, there was a rumbling roar in the valley, and the Holy Blood Monastery shook violently, as if it was being hit by an earthquake.

Under the doubtful gaze of Gao Fei and others, the whole fortress rose from the ground and slowly rose into the sky.

The special policemen raised their heads at the same time, and watched the Holy Blood Monastery fly straight into the sky.

The fortress did not stop rising until it was a thousand feet above the ground, maintaining a suspended posture, casting a huge shadow in the valley.

"Wori! What Qunyu Pavilion..." Gao Fei couldn't help wiping off his cold sweat.

Looking at the Holy Blood Monastery in the air, Tangning thought about it and said, "Peter van der Waals knows very well that the checkpoints and mercenaries outside cannot stop us, so he simply used the 'Earth Domain' to push this fort into the sky. He will fight to the death, first he must try to fly to the Holy Blood Monastery."

Faced with this unexpected turn of events, the special police were lost in thought.

They planned to split up. A group of people attacked the barracks to create chaos and attract the attention of the enemy. The rest of the people took advantage of the chaos to sneak into the Holy Blood Monastery and carry out the "beheading" operation.

Now that the Holy Blood Monastery has flown into the sky, the original battle plan is no longer applicable.

Just as everyone was thinking about countermeasures, Tangning's astrolabe received an email.

She opened the email and read it, then directly forwarded the letter to the team channel, showing it to all teammates to share.

This letter was sent by Judas, proposing a brand-new combat plan, and also revealed in the letter that the only six remaining apostles of the Holy Blood Knights are now seemingly in harmony with each other, showing signs of splitting.

Judas took advantage of the internal conflicts in the organization to win over some of the apostles, determined to turn against Peter van der Waals, and tried to cover the SWAT team to board the air fortress safely.

After reading the letter, apart from Tangning and Gao Fei, the other special police officers had incredible expressions on their faces.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the current situation of the Holy Blood Knights is a dead end.

Among the remaining apostles, there are many smart people who accepted the olive branch thrown by Judas, jumped off the wrecked ship that was about to sink, and sold Peter van der Waals in exchange for the opportunity to perform meritorious deeds and reduce their sentences.

The plan proposed by Judas is too bold and the risk is not low, but considering that this person has always been very reliable and provided the SWAT team with a lot of timely and valuable information, he is worthy of everyone's trust.

Judas had been in direct contact with Tangning before, and Tangning also intentionally kept the identity of this undercover agent secret. Until now, the final battle was imminent, and everyone would fight side by side with Judas, so there was no need to keep it secret.

That's why when Tangning forwarded the email, she directly marked Judas' real identity, which surprised everyone. They never expected that the person who was least likely to betray Peter van der Waals was the mysterious Tiangong undercover agent. — "Judas Iscariot"!
"Do you think Judas' proposal is feasible?" Tangning asked Gao Fei.

"It's risky, but it's better than breaking into the Holy Blood Monastery." Gao Fei looked up at the sky fortress and said in a deep voice, "We can only trust Judas once more."

Tangning and Gao Fei reached a consensus on this issue, and the rest of the team also had no objections, each preparing for the upcoming decisive battle.

Tangning spared no expense in squandering magic power and astrolabe energy, continuously casting "Performance Casting", combined with the super magic specialty "Spell Delay", to bless teammates with "Delayed Bulletproof Barrier" and a full set of "Delayed Attribute Enhancement".

The duration of all these gain buffs is 180 minutes, providing enough support for the next battle that is bound to be very difficult until the moment of victory.

Tangning also activated the "mutation bracelet" to collectively bless herself, Pep, Crane Angel, Spider Angel, and Crocodile Angel with "animal mutations" to strengthen her combat effectiveness in all aspects.

Ma Tao, the full-time pastor of the special police team, also spared no effort to expend magic power to bless all his teammates with "delay protection camp" and "secondary spiritual barrier".

The former provides 2 points of defense and save bonus, while the latter can make the subject immune to all negative mind effects below the 3rd level, absorb 10d6 mind damage, and can also increase the bonus of 3 points of will save for negative mind effects exceeding the immune limit. value.

(End of this chapter)

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