Savior Simulator

Chapter 913 Video Conference

Chapter 913 Video Conference
"Why are my family so polite? As long as I am free, I will definitely accompany you!" Gao Fei readily agreed.

In fact, helping Ma Yun is equivalent to helping yourself.

Instead of expending a lot of energy to attack the mage module, it is better to hitch a ride with Pony and use "Spell Thief" to prostitute high-level magic from her module for free, saving time and effort.

Brother Pep was promoted to level 11 special police.

Tang Ning and Jiang Feng continued to advance hand in hand, and they both raised the Tiangong Special Police to level 17, +1 to Freedom Specialty, and +1 to Proficiency Correction.

In fact, everyone can see that these two heroines are competing in private, and they don't want to be left behind by each other.

Gao Fei raised the "imitator" to level 7 during the battle, and the "warlock mask" and "mage mask" each have two 2-level spell slots.

"Warlock Mask", Goofy is equipped with "Fuel Technique" and "Scorching Ray".

The "mage mask" remembers "attribute enhancement" and "resistance to energy damage", and it still continues the positioning of the buff machine.

After deducting the 9000 experience points spent to upgrade the "imitator", Gao Fei's unused experience points are exactly 50000 points.

He hesitated for a while, and decided to follow the old rules and spend 40000 experience points first to upgrade the Tiangong special police to level 18.

Gao Fei gives priority to upgrading his main profession. In addition to gaining more health, proficiency corrections, free attributes and free specialties, he also has a small goal, which is to become the first trainee special police officer to reach the full level since Tiangong was founded.

This achievement is not only his personal honor, but also the collective honor of Yaoguang Station.

If he slows down the pace of upgrading here and is overtaken by Tangning and gets the full-level achievement first, it means that "Yaoguang Station" has lost to "Kaiyang Station" in this competition. From the stationmaster lady to the leader The eldest brother, including the countless juniors who regard him as an idol, will feel more or less shameless.

Goofy sighed secretly.

Being at the top of the list, she seemed to be in the limelight, but she was actually burdened by her reputation, so she couldn't help but lay down on her own.

Fortunately, in addition to these false names, being the first special policeman to get a full-level achievement also has substantial benefits.

Sister Yaoguang hinted to Gao Fei more than once that if he can be the first to upgrade the Tiangong special police to the full level, he will get a generous reward.

What are the specific rewards?
Gao Fei didn't bother to inquire.

In short, he is very close to this goal now, just like the marathon has entered the final sprint stage, and he cannot lose the chain at a critical moment.


The SWAT team spent two days crossing the Ash Swamp in a hovercraft.

During this period, Gao Fei and the others stopped deliberately hiding their tracks, and openly drove the captured hovercraft to show off their power on the water, clearly provoking the Holy Blood Knights.

The reason for being so arrogant is to anger Peter van der Waals party.

It would be better for the SWAT police to lure them out of the heavily fortified Savan Valley and fight a decisive battle in the swamp.

After more than a month of confrontation, the Holy Blood Knights lost their troops, and now there are only "Rock" Peter, "Queen" Hitty, "Son of Thunder" Jacob, "Steel Nail" Philip, "All-Seeing Eye" John and "Postman" Matthias and other six apostles, the last two of which have almost no fighting power.

As for the twelve Holy Blood Angels, only the "Ant Angels" around Hitty remained, and the rest were either sent to the Tianji Station Ecological Park, or turned to the light—such as the Crane Angel, Spider Angel, and Crocodile Angel.

Only counting the backbone forces of both sides, the strength of the special police team has greatly surpassed that of the Holy Blood Knights. However, considering that the enemy still has nearly a thousand heavily armed mercenaries, a frontal battle may not be a sure win.

Gao Fei and Tang Ning discussed it and made two-handed preparations: fight if you can beat it, run away if you can't beat it, collectively teleport to the Savan Valley, take advantage of the enemy's overwhelming presence, and take out Peter van der Waal's lair." The Abbey of the Holy Blood".

One's own battle has been laid out, and the next step is to see how the opponent dismantles his moves.

During the next two days of travel, the SWAT officers were only attacked twice.

The first time was a water patrol team riding a motorboat. There were about a hundred people in total. Before they got close, they were bombarded by the 120mm second-company ship activated by Ma Yun, leaving several destroyed motorcycles behind. boat, fled in embarrassment.

The next morning, two helicopter gunships flew over from the other side of the valley and tried to fire missiles to destroy the hovercraft that the SWAT officers were riding on.

Tang Ning had already turned into a flock of birds and set up defenses in the air. When she saw a missile coming from a distance, she immediately cast "Performance Casting" and released a 120-foot full-screen "Thunder Wave".

The sky was clear, and the thunder exploded.

The two air-to-ground missiles launched by the armed helicopter were intercepted by the "thunder wave", shattered the fuze, turned into duds, and fell into the swamp.

Seeing this scene, the pilot of the armed helicopter was so frightened that he flew away.

Tangning's avatar flock of birds chased after them, and another wave of lightning and thunder shot down the two armed helicopters.

The air battle lasted less than 10 minutes in total.

Afterwards, Ma Yun specially controlled the activated hovercraft, drove to the place where the helicopter crashed, and performed the "Complete Restoration Technique" to restore the two helicopter wreckage, and blessed the 3-ring "Shrinkage Technique" one by one, shrinking the armed helicopter to 20 centimeters in length , like a toy, put it into the astrolabe.

Student Xiao Ma also wanted to retrieve the air-to-ground missile that Tangning had intercepted, but unfortunately the missile had sunk deep into the quagmire and couldn't get it back, so he had to sail away with regret.

After these two waves of attacks failed, Peter van der Waals gave up taking the initiative to attack and reduced his troops to strictly guard against the Savannah Valley.

In the afternoon of the same day, Gao Fei and Tang Ning received letters from their respective station masters, inviting them to participate in a video conference.

This is the first time Gao Fei has seen Ms. Kaiyang, the sixth sister in the "Seven Sisters of Tiangong" on the astrolabe screen.

Kaiyang was exactly the same as Ms. Yaoguang in both figure and appearance, which made him suspect that the two sisters were the same batch of products produced on the same assembly line.

The only difference between these two mechanical goddesses is that they wear slightly different badges.

Six of the Big Dipper stars on the badge are silver stars, and the only golden star corresponds to the birth stars of the seven sisters.

"Gao Fei, Tangning, thank you for your hard work."

Ms. Kaiyang on the astrolabe screen has a kind smile.

"You guys have performed very well so far on this business trip as a team. Seventh Sister and I are very satisfied with your work."

"Sister Kaiyang! It's my duty to wait for you! The few achievements I have made in my work are thanks to your cultivation!"

Tangning said seriously.

Gao Fei squinted at her, and complained secretly: "You petty bourgeois woman, you are quite good at flattering the leader!"

(End of this chapter)

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