Chapter 899
Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, Ma Yun, Qi Tian and Wang Daqing hurried onto the deck to join Pep.

On the surface of the rush-grown water, clusters of tangled vines are wriggling. From a distance, they look like swarms of water snakes, blocking the channel of the catamaran.

These activated vines seem to be the product of the swamp plants being infected and mutated by magic power.

Gao Fei turned on the astrolabe to investigate the waters ahead, and was surprised to find that all the creatures lurking in the mud were sprawling monsters.

Among all kinds of living plants, the creeper is second only to the treant, especially in the swamp area, it is definitely one of the monsters that travelers are least willing to encounter!

Judging from the reference materials provided by the astrolabe, the challenge level of an adult creeper is usually level 5, with an average HP of about 120 points, a natural armor of 11 points, and an average of various attributes: Strength 23, Dexterity 10, Constitution 20 , Intelligence 5, Wisdom 15, Charisma 9.

Limbling monsters generally have natural feats such as "Blindsight", "Weapon Focus (Blunt Strike)", "Iron Will", "Powerful Attack", "Multiple Attacks", "Constriction" and "Proficient Grapple". It has 10 points of resistance to cold attack and cold attack. Not only will it not be injured by electric shock, but it can also restore blood. It is said that creepers reproduce by absorbing the electric energy generated by natural lightning strikes or magic.

If the creeping monster is not uprooted and completely destroyed, the roots hidden deep in the soil will be able to absorb the energy of lightning and re-grow after a thunderstorm.

The southern part of Irian Island, where the Ash Swamp is located, happens to belong to a humid and rainy tropical climate, especially in the current season, affected by the southeast trade wind, it thunders and rains twice in three days.

For the creeping monsters, this large swamp with frequent thunderstorms is the most suitable geomantic treasure land for their breeding population.

The swamp is not like a wide lake. The catamarans that the special police officers ride in can only sail along the deep river.

The river in this section is still very narrow, and there are dense mangroves growing on both sides of the river. If the propeller is stuck by tree roots, there is a risk of capsizing the boat.

Within Gao Fei's field of vision, there were no less than a dozen sprawling monsters blocking the river, making it unnavigable.

And farther away, there were more sprawling monsters, alarmed by the noise of the outboard motor, swimming towards this side.

The crawling speed of the creeping monster on land is very slow, but in the water, its huge body is supported by buoyancy, and it swims quite nimbly.

Seeing the creeping monsters that sometimes sink and float up, the young special police officers are ready to fight, and they are not panicked.

After all, they still have a way out.

So what if there are more creepers?

They can't fly anyway.

Every time a creep monster with a challenge level of 5 is eliminated, 1800 experience points will be credited.

No one thinks there are too many experience points. Of course, you can kill as much as you can. If you can't finish killing, let Pep shrink the boat and put it away. Everyone collectively changes into a dragon or wind element form, and flies away from this dangerous road. That's it for the river.

Among the team, Angel Crocodile is the most anxious.

This giant crocodile was floating beside the catamaran, eager to rush out and tear up the group of creeping monsters blocking the way.

"Big Mouth can't fly." Qi Tian scratched his head, "Speaking of which, it is the only unit in our team that can't fly, so I feel very nervous, for fear that I will leave it alone."

The spider angel turned around, stared at Qi Tian, ​​and whispered.

The phase spider has a unique set of racial language, which is incomprehensible to others, but her master can understand it.

"Beauty! Don't worry, I'm not the kind of heartless person!" Qi Tian assured, "No matter what dangers I encounter, I will never leave you and Dazui alone!"

"Brother Tian, ​​take this."

Ma Yun handed Qi Tian two Mai Lisu, and then gave one to each of the other teammates.

"I poured the 'flying technique' into the chocolate beans. When it's time to turn in, you can feed Big Mouth one and it can fly."

Gao Fei took the magic-infused chocolate beans from Ma Yun, and said to Qi Tian, ​​"Actually, you can make Angel Crocodile fly without the help of the richest man."

"Huh? Brother Fei, I don't know how to fly..." Qi Tian spread his hands and smiled wryly.

"When your 'Beast Tamer' profession is upgraded to level 7, you will automatically learn the Level 2 'Transformation'. This spell is enough."

Qi Tian is not stupid, he suddenly came to his senses when Gao Fei reminded him.

Animal tamers and nature companions can share spell effects.

He blesses himself with the "transformation technique", which can make the crocodile angels simultaneously transform into animals or magical beasts with a size difference of no more than one level, such as Dapeng.

Having figured this out, Qi Tian no longer has any worries, and waved his hand to signal the crocodile angel to clear the way!
The crocodile angel had been impatient for a long time, and swung his tail and rushed forward.

The vine monster blocking the way in front stretched its vines against the water surface, trying to entangle the giant crocodile it sent to its door.

The crocodile angel is two levels stronger than the vine monster in terms of size and strength, and can easily tear off the vines wrapped around his body.

The creeping monster in the front row seemed to realize that this prey was difficult to deal with, and quickly dived underwater.

The crocodile angel grinned triumphantly, and continued to rush forward, breaking through layer after layer of defense, and his physical strength was also rapidly exhausted.

After breaking through five lines of defense in a row, Angel Crocodile's momentum was almost exhausted.

At this time, behind it, the creeping monsters that had retreated one after another, surfaced obscenely one after another, stretched out their vines, and entangled their tails.

At this time, the crocodile angel realized in horror that he had fallen into the encirclement formed by more than ten creeping monsters, and was flanked by front and back.

No matter how strong it is, it can't resist the siege of so many creeping monsters at the same time, and it can only die if it is trapped here!
Qi Tian on the bow also noticed that the crocodile angel had fallen into a trap, so he blew his whistle quickly, urging it to come back quickly.

The crocodile angel hurriedly turned around and ran back with all his might.

With brute force alone, they couldn't break free from the encirclement. Fortunately, there were hydraulic cannons.

The crocodile angel raised its tail and fired three shots in a row, finally blasting away the encirclement net made up of countless vines, and escaped in a thrilling manner.

This in and out made Brother Da Zui very tired, lying on the side of the boat panting, his eyes full of shock.

The sprawling monsters gathered on the opposite river were not willing to let their prey go, and swarmed after them.

Standing beside Pep at the helm, Crane Angel stretched out his neck and shot a large ball of fire into the water.

The fireball exploded in the area where the creepers gathered. The visual effect was spectacular, but unfortunately it was useless.

The fireball exploded on the surface of the water, and the flames were immediately extinguished by the stirred up waves, unable to exert even half of its destructive power.

What's more, the creeping monster still has 10 points of fire resistance, and one or two vines were blown off, and a few leaves were burnt, which had little effect on the rhizome hidden under the water.

(End of this chapter)

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