Savior Simulator

Chapter 888 Hunting Team

Chapter 888 Hunting Team

The blue star does not produce strutting birds, and the fire salamanders take great pains to find mounts.

Initially, they tried to ride donkeys and buffaloes looted from the village of Asmat, but found that neither of these animals was suitable for mounts on the battlefield, and they were more suitable for roasting and eating.

After allying with the Knights of the Blood, the Fire Angel asked Peter van der Waals for a mount, and the barge delivered a container of mountain bikes...

The fire salamanders were collectively dumbfounded.

What the hell is this?
An iron bull with two wheels?
The fire salamanders have never seen a bicycle, and they don't know how to ride it, so they can only be left in the warehouse to rust.

There is nothing wrong with it, Fire Angel can only personally lead a team to investigate the wilderness forest near Razor Valley, looking for animals suitable for domestication as mounts.

As a result, I was lucky enough to find a large terrestrial bird that is a specialty of Irian Island - the crane camel!
Ordinary crane camels are too small for riding.

However, with the frequent outbreaks of silver flashes, many mutated species of wild crane camels have appeared on Irian Island in recent years. The Razor Valley area is just the main habitat of crane camels, with tens of thousands of wild crane camels living there.

The larger the base, the higher the probability of mutation.

Pep's turkey originally lived in the palm forest near Razor Valley.

Fire salamanders broke into this primeval forest, wantonly catching mutant crane camels.

The mutated crane camel is about the same size as the strider, stronger than the strider, immune to fire damage, and has evolved a fire-breathing superpower. It is indeed the most suitable mount for the fire salamander cavalry.

The fire salamanders have appropriated the experience and technology of domesticating strutting birds to the mutant crane camels, and achieved good results.

Fire Angel was overjoyed, and immediately decided to carry out sustainable fishing in the local area, ambitious to upgrade all infantry under his command to crane and camel cavalry!

In order to facilitate hunting, Fire Angel set up a barracks in the area where the valley meets the river, and appointed a warlock to lead half of the troops to garrison the barracks, responsible for capturing and domesticating the mutant crane camels.

Fire Angel himself led the remaining half of the troops and sat in the steam lake on the top of the volcano.

Choosing to set up the base camp on a volcanic lake with extremely high water temperature is due to two-handed preparations.

First of all, this place is close to the crater. The fire salamanders traveled to the blue star from the crater. In the future, the plane channel will be opened again, so that it is convenient to meet the compatriots from the fire elemental world nearby.

In addition, if the channel of the plane is not opened for a long time, the fire angel can only take the next best thing, use the existing manpower to pair and mate, let the female subordinates lay as many eggs as possible, hatch the larvae, and prepare for the expansion of the group and the expansion of troops in the future .

The volcanic lake, which is steaming all year round, is the most suitable Fengshui place for fire salamanders to lay eggs and hatch.


At dusk, Gao Fei and others landed at the mouth of the river and set up camp in the forest by the river.

Before it was completely dark, Tangning turned into a flock of birds of paradise and flew into the sky. First, she went to scout the barracks at the foot of the volcano in the depths of Razor Valley, and then flew to the top of the volcano to scout the fire salamander by the steam lake. nest.

Gao Fei and the others stayed in the camp and set up tents, waiting for Tangning to come back from the investigation and formulate a battle plan.

Black rocks can be seen everywhere near the camp, and the surface is covered with dense pores, like black fermented dough. It is basalt formed by cooling and solidifying magma, and it is mostly found in active volcanic areas.

Pep collected a large pile of basalt, built a hearth, and lit a campfire.

Pep took out a fishing rod from the astrolabe, tied a small piece of fluffy basalt rock to the fishing line, and said to Gao Fei: "This kind of stone does not sink in the water. It can be used as a float for fishing."

Hearing what he said, Gao Fei remembered that it seemed to be mentioned in the middle school geography book that there are many types of basalt.

Some are hard and brittle, with a glassy cross-section and sharp edges, while others are loose and porous, commonly known as "pumice".

These two rocks are very common locally.

"Razor Valley" is named after the glass basalt, which can easily cut the skin, especially for the Asmat people who are used to walking barefoot.

Another kind of porous basalt with the opposite texture, it doesn't matter if you step on it with bare feet, it can also be used to decorate the bath, and it is said to have the health care function of massaging the soles of the feet.

Out of curiosity, Gao Fei picked up a "pumice stone" and threw it into the river, and it really floated. No wonder Brother Pep used it as a float for fishing.

Asmat people are all good at fishing, and Pep's skills and luck are not bad. He caught three fish in ten minutes, and they were not too small.

"Chef Gao, how about cooking a pot of fish soup tonight?"

Jiang Feng was also fishing.Although Xiami didn't catch any, it didn't delay her thinking about how to eat fish.

"No problem, you and Brother Pep have to work hard. If you can catch a few more fish, in addition to the fish soup, you can also arrange a grilled fish on a slate." Gao Fei said to his girlfriend with a smile.

Ma Yun was also strolling by the river, picking up pumice stones on the river beach, and when she saw the right size and shape, she put them into the astrolabe.

"The richest man is picking up trash again?" Gao Fei casually teased classmate Xiao Ma, "Work hard and get rich!"

Ma Yun gave him an angry look.

"Brother Fei! You know a hammer! Come and help me pick out a pumice stone. It should be as big as a fist, with more air holes, the better!"

"Xiaoyun, this kind of stone is neither rare nor beautiful. What are you doing with so many?" Jiang Feng asked in surprise.

"Sister Feng, isn't this obvious? Use it as a mine!" Ma Yun replied confidently.

"Ah? This..."

Jiang Feng was stunned for a moment, feeling that his brain couldn't keep up with the genius girl's thoughts.

"The richest man, tell me in detail." Gao Fei also became interested.

"Our enemies this time are a group of amphibious fire salamanders. They built nests on the steam lake and hatched their offspring."

"Whether pistols or shotguns, including 'fireball', are not suitable for attacking targets in the water, so I want to use pumice stones to make some enchanted mines, which can be used to bomb the lake lair of the fire salamander."

"The process of infusing the water mine with magic is very simple. Just pour the fireball into the pumice stone, and you can detonate it remotely by chanting the spell."

Ma Yun explained.

Gao Fei nodded, and followed her train of thought to propose an improvement suggestion: "Richest man, do you still remember the plaster bomb we used in the game? The same idea can be used to modify the enchanted mine."

"Bless the mine with 'Magic Alarm', and set the activation spell of 'Fireball' to sound the siren. When the mine floats near the fire salamanders, the 'Magic Alarm' will sound the siren when it detects the enemy, and then chain Detonate the 'fireball', so that you don't need to take the initiative to detonate, and you can bomb targets that are far away from the casting range."

"Not bad! This kind of automatic hunting mine is more convenient to use!" Jiang Feng clapped his hands approvingly, "Xiaoyun, make an experimental product first, and use it for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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