Chapter 874
"Now, we need to send two people to quietly approach the Bixi Pillar, stick the infusion plaster on it, and then keep within a hundred steps of the pillar to remotely activate the Bixi Pillar," Ma Yun said.

Qi Tian rubbed his hands excitedly, he did his part, and stood up: "It must be a thief who is good at sneaking and stealing! For example, I—"

Before he finished speaking, he was pushed back by Jiang Feng.

"Xiaotian is right! Gao Fei and I are the most suitable for this mission!"

"No... Sister Feng, I also have 4 levels of thieves!" Qi Tian was still not convinced.

"Little God, you are only a level 4 thief, and you are still a classic model of a bad street, so let's go back a little bit." Jiang Feng said with a smile, "My 'Holy Templar', Gao Fei's 'Spell Thief', comprehensive The performance is much stronger than the classic thief model, and the level is also higher. Besides, we have done a lot of things like putting plasters in the game, and we are more experienced than you. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Xiaoyun.”

Seeing Ma Yun nodding in agreement with Jiang Feng's statement, Qi Tian shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and decided that it would be better to concentrate on training "beast tamer", a more promising profession than thieves in the future.

Gao Fei took the magic injection plaster from Ma Yun, switched his sub-profession to "Spell Thief", and blessed himself and Jiang Feng with "Invisibility", and sneaked towards the Bixizhu erected at both ends of the battlefield.

Both sides in the scuffle were so red-eyed that they didn't notice the two invisible men sneaking up and doing something on their own Bixizhu.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng unknowingly put the infusion plaster on the Bixi Pillar, hid in the nearby bushes, kept their minds focused, remotely controlled the two activated Bixi Pillars, and slowly floated into the night sky.

At the same time, the flock of birds of paradise transformed by Tang Ning was divided into two smaller clusters on average, each circling and flying around an activated Bixi pillar.

"Unworthy children and grandchildren! Stop your crazy behavior!"

The villagers on both sides of the melee heard the terrible roar in the night sky, and they all looked up at the same time, and were surprised to find that Bixizhu was floating above their heads.

Numerous Birds of Paradise dance wildly around the floating Bixi Pillar with their brilliant tails.

The birds spoke collectively, and in the name of the ancestors of the two villages, condemned the descendants of being fascinated by the demons from Savannah, using weapons recklessly on this sacred land, and making too many meaningless sacrifices.

"Because of your unrestrained killings, the number of dead in this land has greatly exceeded that of newborns!"

"The balance between death and life is broken. If this dispute does not stop, the present world will be swallowed by Savannah, and all Asmats will perish at the moment the order collapses!"

The warning from the flock of birds echoed over the battlefield, touching the most sensitive nerve in the hearts of all Asmats and awakening the fear rooted in deep memory.

Gao Fei remained invisible. Seeing the terrified Asmat people put down their weapons one after another, he secretly praised Tangning.

Playing tricks is easy to say, but in fact it is easy to reveal flaws.

Old-fashioned rhetoric such as "peace is the most important thing" or "turning enemies into friends" will not work to persuade these red-eyed Asmats to give up killing each other.

"Same language, same species", "humanitarianism", "peace first", "put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately", "the only way to overcome hatred is to forgive the enemy"...

These consensuses widely recognized by modern people are actually not universal values, and can only be convincing in the corresponding cultural background.

If you read these scriptures from the Eastern and Western civilized worlds to the Asmat people who advocate headhunting, it is good or bad, and it may be counterproductive.

Because this is not in line with the Asmat people's ideology, it is not the way their ancestors should speak at all, and it will reveal their secrets as soon as they open their mouths.

Tangning did not make such a low-level mistake.

She not only imitated the dialect of the Asmat people with "smart words", but also started from the traditional culture of this nation, and gave reasons to stop conflicts around the dualistic philosophy of "balance of life and death".

The dispute between Pirien Village and Xiulu Village has dealt a heavy blow to both sides and paid a huge sacrifice. This is a fact.

It is also true that the number of residents who died in the two villages in recent years due to armed fighting far exceeds the number of babies born, and the population of residents has declined sharply.

It is also a fact that if the killing of each other continues like this, both villages will decline or even be destroyed.

Continuing to fight with weapons, to continue to cause killing and death is undoubtedly a wrong act that violates the ancestral motto of "balance between life and death".

Tang Ning reprimanded the unworthy descendants in the spirit of the ancestors of the Asmat people, ordered them to lay down their weapons, stop killing, and return to their villages to recuperate and restore the balance between life and death. It sounds reasonable. Living in harmony will make them more convincing.

Tang Ning is worthy of being a folklore scholar who has a deep understanding of Asmat's traditional culture. This set of words using superstition to curb superstition, Gao Fei directly calls the experts.

The villagers on both sides of the war believed the warnings of the "ancestral spirits", put down their weapons hastily, and knelt down to pray.

This conflict was about to end in reconciliation, but the situation quickly changed again.

Tang Ning could convince those simple Asmat fighters, but she couldn't convince the ambitious leaders of both sides of the conflict.

"Crocodile" Andre looked at Bixizhu floating above his head, a gloomy light flashed in his eyes, he slowly raised his left hand, and the apostle's seal ring on his middle finger was also shining.

The crocodile angel, who was munching on the corpse of a soldier in Xiulu Village, sensed the command from the apostle's seal, and inserted his tail into the swamp, sucking water and mud like an elephant's trunk, and the cavity in the tail expanded accordingly, like a large onion head.

The crocodile angel raised the tip of his tail, pointed at the suspended Bixizhu in mid-air, and with a strong force, sprayed out the mud filled in the cavity of the tail.

There was a roar in the night sky.

Jiang Feng's remote-controlled activated Bixizhu was unexpectedly hit by a high-pressure water cannon and smashed to pieces on the spot. Sawdust mixed with mud fell down one after another.

"Brothers in Pirien Village, don't believe that nonsense!" Andre yelled angrily: "The Bixizhu flying into the sky, and the group of talking Birds of Paradise, are just the shamans of Xiulu Village. Secretly casting witchcraft, pretending to be ghosts, trying to kill our fighting spirit, and giving up resisting the enemy's invasion! Don't be fooled, take up your weapons and kill all the despicable invaders!"

On the other side of the battlefield, the leader of Xiulu Village, "Blade" Ximen, raised his arms high, ten fingers were out of his palms, dragging muscles and tendons that stretched more than ten meters, and shot into the night sky, grabbing Gao Fei's remote control The activated Bixi pillar, exerting force with his fingers, actually broke the thick wooden pillar in half!

(End of this chapter)

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