Chapter 872
"Sister Tang, let me give it a try!"

Impatiently waiting in line, Gao Fei used his astrolabe to apply for the investigation authority of "Yaoguang Station", and soon received a series of system prompts.

"You are currently not in the domestic service area!"

"You belong to a transnational special operations team and have priority authority for extraterritorial investigation!"

"Your application has been authorized, please link to the magic communication satellite!"

Gao Fei raised his head and smiled: "Sister Tang, there is no need to queue up, I have already connected to the server of station No. [-]."

The corner of Tangning's mouth twitched, her eyes were filled with envy and hatred.

Gao Fei invoked the permission of the magic reconnaissance satellite, locked the monitoring angle on the river, and set sharing on the team page so that all teammates could clearly see the satellite monitoring screen.

On the broad river, 31 canoes lined up and sailed in the direction of Pirien Village.

Among them, 30 Asmats were on board each of the 10 ships. Judging from their thin and vigorous figures, they were all carefully selected young and strong men.

Gao Fei also observed that these Asmat people only wore grass skirts, with cockatoo feathers on their heads, shells carved in the shape of wild boar's tusks on their noses, and a big "X" drawn with chalk on their bare chests. ——It is said that this symbol can bring good luck, and bounce off the swords and arrows stabbing the chest.

Through the high-resolution satellite footage, Goofy also saw that every Asmat warrior carried weapons, including bows, spears and most notably shields.

The shields are finely carved with symbols of forests, bats, wild boars, and praying mantises, and the top of each shield is also engraved with genital-shaped protrusions.

The leading canoe carried a Bixizhu.

The Asmats brought Bizizhu to the battlefield, in addition to being used as a banner, it also served as a totem: praying for the spirits of their ancestors to show their strength through Bizizhu and help them win.

At Pep's request, Gao Fei locked the surveillance camera on the last canoe and zoomed in to see it more clearly.

As Wang Daqing observed through the binoculars just now, in the end there were only four people paddling hard on the boat, and the man sitting in the middle seemed to have a high status and didn't need to do this kind of physical work.

The man has a dirty braid at the back of his head, and two crossed scars on his bald forehead. The scars are painted with chalk and look like pale crosses, which contrast sharply with his brown, black and oily complexion. memorable.

He was thin and skinny, but he didn't look weak. Every muscle was as compact and strong as a steel bar, like a black panther.

Beside this thin man lay a strange beast.

The monster was indeed of the size of a male lion, but no one could mistake him for a lion or any other wild animal in nature just by looking at its face.

This monster looks like a large wolfhound, with a thick mane showing a strange dark blue color, an ugly face that looks like a human but not a human, and orange-red light shining in its eyes, giving people a sinister and cunning impression.

"The monster on the boat... looks a bit familiar." Qi Tian muttered to himself, "Have you ever seen a monster called 'Bargod' in the game?"

"I haven't seen it, but I've heard of it." Ma Tao took over, "Bargods are often mixed with goblins, and sometimes they are mistaken for goblin dogs. They are actually a kind of demon from the lower planes. By continuously devouring the corpses of the strong to improve its own strength, it will eventually evolve into a big dog monster."

"Brother Tao, if I'm not mistaken, the monster on the boat is probably a dog demon, do you understand what that means?" Qi Tian lowered his voice, his eyes hard to hide his anxiety.

"It means we may die." Ma Tao smiled wryly.

"Is the dog demon very powerful?" Jiang Feng asked curiously.

"Ordinary dog ​​monsters are not very powerful. They can cast some auxiliary magic. The challenge level is around level 6, but after growing into a big dog monster, the strength will be much stronger. The challenge level is usually not lower than level 9." Qi Tian introduced.

"It's only level 9, it doesn't seem too exaggerated." Jiang Feng shrugged disapprovingly, "We won't lose to that monster if we go head-to-head."

"Hero Jiang, you single-handedly challenged monster, don't compare yourself to us!" Ma Tao sighed, "To be honest, I don't have the courage to single-handedly challenge the big dog-monster, so I have to summon a group of cannon fodder to support the scene ...This is not necessarily a sure win."

"The scariest thing about the dog demon is not how strong it is, but its sexual preference to eat people." Qi Tian continued.

"Isn't that a coincidence? We happen to be in a place with a long tradition of cannibalism. No wonder the barghests and Asmats are mixed together, after all, they have similar appetites! Hahahaha... Uh, why aren't you laughing? ?”

Jiang Feng casually said a witty remark, which he thought was quite funny, but he made a cold stand when he didn't expect it.

"Comrade Xiao Jiang, do you think you are quite humorous?"

Gao Fei looked away from the astrolabe, scolding his heartless girlfriend.

"I just read the Monster Manual, the soul of the person eaten by the dog demon will be imprisoned in its body, unless the dog demon is killed within 24 hours and the soul is released, otherwise the dead will literally die ', even the 9-ring resurrection spell cannot bring the victim back to life!"

"Uh... Doesn't that mean that our Tiangong's 'Emergency Recovery System' also..." Cold sweat broke out on Jiang Feng's forehead.

"Only in very few special cases, the 'emergency recovery system' can't save our lives. Unfortunately, being bitten by the dog demon is one of the special cases." Qi Tian said quietly.

"Is that monster on the boat that looks like a dog demon, an angel dog from the Holy Blood Knights?" Gao Fei asked Tangning and Pep.

"Very likely!" Tangning said cautiously.

"I don't recognize that monster, but I recognize its partner." Pep's eyes were cold and his voice was low, "The man with the cross scar on his forehead is Fanigutas, the leader of Shulu Village, and also The sixth-ranked apostle of the Holy Blood Knights——'Blade' Simon!"

"Understood." Gao Fei made a decisive decision, "Wait a while, let me deal with the dog angel, everyone agrees?"

On the surface, he was seeking the opinions of all his teammates, but his eyes were fixed on Jiang Feng.

If there was anyone in the team who would object to him singleing out Dog Angel, it could only be Jiang Nvxia.

Gao Fei really saw his girlfriend right.

Jiang Feng had already shown his "dog-beating stick" when he was suddenly cut off by Gao Fei, and his face was filled with displeasure. He was about to jump up to protest, but when he noticed the majestic gaze of his boyfriend, he had to shrink back and complained in a low voice: "Damn it! Rob me It's so strange, and you still stare at me fiercely, this is the rhythm of domestic violence!"

(End of this chapter)

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