Chapter 869
All the residents of Pirien Village gathered at the edge of the swamp, and when the sun was about to set, the sacrificial ceremony officially began.

Three young men carried the totem pole through the crowd to the edge of the swamp, and stuck the totem pole in the wet soil.

Immediately afterwards, a group of men and women, whose hands were tied with straw ropes, came to the sidelines under the escort of spear-wielding warriors.

These prisoners looked sluggish, most of them had marks of beatings on their bodies, and their eyes were full of panic and despair.

Gao Fei asked Pep about it, and learned that they were all captives captured during the last attack on Xiulu Village, and they were selected as sacrifices for Bixi's celebration ceremony.

These lambs waiting to be slaughtered obviously already knew their upcoming fate.

Once upon a time in their own village, they had also seen with their own eyes what would happen to the captured enemy.

There is no difference between the two.

The last officiant to appear was Andre the Crocodile, the current ruler of Pirien Village.

Exactly like the one in the legend, this man is three meters tall, with an animal skin apron wrapped around his waist, exposing his muscular upper body and thick legs. His skin is covered with a thick layer of scales, shining in the setting sun Emerald luster.

What is even more shocking is his head, which looks exactly like a crocodile, with a broad and powerful long snout tightly closed, and sharp fangs protruding from the corners of his mouth.

As soon as Andre appeared on the stage, he firmly attracted everyone's attention. The villagers raised their arms high and cheered wildly at him.

Gao Fei stood in the crowd and looked at "Crocodile" Andre calmly, the fifth-ranked apostle of the Holy Blood Knights.

His eyes quickly shifted to the giant crocodile next to Andre.

This giant crocodile is 15 meters long from head to tail, and it must be Andre's partner "Crocodile Angel".

In addition to its huge size, Gao Fei is most impressed by the tail of Angel Crocodile.

The base of this monster's tail is swollen like an onion, resembling the air bag of an old-fashioned blower, which looks very weird.

Gao Fei knew that the twelve angels of the Holy Blood Knights were all double-mutated monsters.

The prototype of the crocodile angel is a not-so-uncommon mutated giant crocodile, and the onion-shaped protruding organ at its tail must be the product of another mutation after taking the hero drug.

Out of curiosity, Gao Fei asked Brother Pep about it.

"The tail of the crocodile angel is hollow, it can absorb water and store it, and spray it out during the battle, with great destructive power."

Pep once fought with the crocodile angel, recalling the experience of being hit by the high-pressure water cannon on its tail, he couldn't help but show lingering fear.

"I see."

Gao Fei nodded suddenly, secretly thinking about how to break the tail hydraulic cannon of Angel Crocodile in the event of future conflicts.

A total of 40 captives were escorted to the edge of the swamp, including men, women, old and young.

Andre personally selected 12 healthy ones from among these captives as sacrifices.

The rest of the captives were either old, sick, or seriously wounded in battle.

Andre declared that these unhealthy people were not worthy to be sacrificed in sacred ceremonies, and they were kept in prison as usual.

The oldest shaman in Pirien Village, with colorful tattoos on his face and lime smeared all over his body, held a sacrificial dagger made of crane and camel leg bones with both hands, and solemnly raised it above his head.

Andre took the dagger from the shaman and turned to face the captives standing side by side by the water.

At the last moment of life, these victims screamed and cried in despair, trying to escape.

However, their struggle was useless, and they were forced back by the guarded warriors with spears within two steps.

Andre, who was as tall as an iron tower, picked out women and children from the twelve sacrifices, stabbed them one by one with a dagger, pushed them down the swamp, and let them roll and howl in the mud.

The crocodile entrenched in the swamp was quickly attracted by the bloody smell and greedily chased after its prey.

Groups of crocodiles hunted six injured women and children, and there was no suspense in the outcome.

There were screams one after another, and the water surface was dyed scarlet.

Gao Fei watched the sacrificial ceremony, feeling extremely complicated.

The cruelty and bloodiness of this sacrifice did not surprise him.

What really surprised him was that he could stand by and silently endure this tragedy happening before his eyes.

This feeling is like watching a disaster movie in a theater. It can’t be said that he was not touched in his heart. Some sympathize with the victim, but also have aversion to the perpetrator, but the emotion is not strong enough to make him out of anger, and he must act. Stop this barbaric blood sacrifice.

Why is this?

Goofy was lost in thought.

Before arriving, Tang Ning said that the reason why Pep didn't want to bring Jiang Feng and the others to visit Bixi's celebration ceremony was because they were worried that they were either young and impulsive, or they had too strong a sense of sympathy and justice and couldn't help but meddle in other people's business.

However, Pep seemed to feel that it would not be a problem to bring Gao Fei to visit this blood sacrifice.

Goofy is not the youngest SWAT on the team.

Could it be that after getting along with him for this period of time, Brother Pep has seen through that although Gao Fei is young, he is no longer vigorous; or that he is an exquisite egoist in his bones?
In past missions, Gao Fei risked his life more than once to rescue disasters and rescue people. It would be unfair to say that he lacks compassion and a sense of justice.

However, he really doesn't seem to have that strong sympathy for the Asmat people who are different from him in terms of skin color, language and cultural background...

If it was a domestic compatriot who was treated as a living sacrifice, Gao Fei felt that he would have been unable to bear it long ago.

From this point of view, although I work for a public welfare organization that transcends national borders and even planes, I can't truly treat people equally and be impartial in my thinking, and I still can't escape the narrow concept of nationalism.

There's no way, everyone has to face their true self. Gao Fei gave a self-deprecating wry smile, then turned around and asked Pep and Tangning:

"Living people are being tortured and killed in the name of religious sacrifices. We have the ability to stop this tragedy, but we are watching with a cold eye. Is this really okay?"

Tangning didn't make a sound, her face showed hesitation, and her heart was clearly conflicted.

Pep shook his head, stared at Gao Fei solemnly, and said the same warning: "Mind your own business!"

"Brother Pep is right, we'd better keep our minds out of our own business." Tangning finally chose to take care of the overall situation, "Unless the source of the revival of the blood sacrifice custom is completely wiped out, the two apostles of the Holy Blood Knights, 'Crocodile' Andre and 'Blade' Ximen, otherwise we can manage it for a while, but not forever."

"Our Pirien Village is relatively civilized, but the people in Xiulu Village are more barbaric. Those who catch us will share the food with the whole village!" Pep said sullenly.

(End of this chapter)

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