Savior Simulator

Chapter 866 Pirian Village

Chapter 866 Pirian Village
The man who claimed to be possessed by the soul of his ancestor changed his name to Andre, and became the leader of Pirien Village since then, and revived the bloody and brutal "headhunting" tradition.

Pep also once admired his cousin, believing in his legendary experience.

It wasn't until half a year ago that Pep witnessed the explosion of Silver Flash and was selected by Tiangong to become a trainee special police officer. Later, he assisted Tangning in investigating the Holy Blood Knights, and realized that the reason why his cousin turned into a crocodile was because he awakened after taking the hero medicine "Change" super power.

The host of ancestor souls and the reincarnation of crocodile gods are all lies to fool the villagers, just like the "divine right of kings" proclaimed by medieval monarchs, which can add legitimacy to the monarch's ruling position by putting on a layer of religious mythology.

In this context of discourse, resisting "crocodile" Andre is tantamount to resisting a god in this world, and the ignorant villagers can't muster such courage.


Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Tang Ning, Ma Tao, Ma Yun, Qi Tian, ​​and Wang Daqing, a group of seven people went ashore, each took "disguise potion", disguised themselves, and came to Pirien Village as a reporter and a folklorist. Investigate local customs and collect wood carving crafts.

Pep stows the shrunken catamaran and leads the way.

"Brother Pep, if you bring a group of foreigners back to your hometown, will it arouse the suspicion of the local villagers?" Gao Fei asked.

"Silent Pep" shook his head, signaling that he needn't worry.

"Brother Pep was a tour guide before he became a Tiangong special police officer." Tangning explained for him, "In the early years, he often wandered around towns with a lot of tourists, such as Agats and Merauke, selling homemade If a tourist is interested in the customs of the Asmat people, he will take a group to travel to Pirien Village to earn some hard money.”

"Everyone in the village knows that he does this business, and he brings tourists to visit from time to time. He has long been familiar with it. It was not until the last two years that he gave up his career as a tour guide."

"Is it because after becoming a special police officer, I was too busy with work to take the tour group?" Gao Fei guessed.

Tangning took a look at Pep first, and seeing that he had no intention of hiding anything, she said to Gao Fei, "There are factors related to this, but the main reason is that a pervert named 'Crocodile' Andre came out of Pirien Village, and the whole The village is on the evil road. Under his influence, the villagers have become more and more advocating violence, often fighting with neighboring villages, fighting and killing, it is too dangerous for tourists, and it is no longer suitable as a tourist attraction. .”

"So that's how it is..." Gao Fei thought for a while, and then asked, "Has Brother Pep ever fought against Andre?"

"I fought once." This time without Tangning doing it for him, Pep answered by himself, "I turned into a dire bear and defeated him, but he still had Angel Crocodile by his side. I hadn't tamed the turkey at the time. I can only run away."

"Andre knows that you are the Tiangong Special Police?"

"He doesn't know." Pep shook his head. "I didn't reveal my identity. I pretended to be a wild bear and attacked him halfway... Unfortunately, I didn't win."

"No... Brother Pep, there is only one kind of bear in the wild in the Asmat area, the sun bear!" Ma Yun couldn't help complaining, "No matter how you pretend, it is impossible to put the huge dire bear Pretend to be a little sun bear, unless Andre is a fool, how can he not see the flaws!"

"I don't understand these things, but Andre doesn't understand even more." Pep shrugged nonchalantly, "He is an arrogant illiterate."

"Brother Pep, in my impression, tour guides are the kind who are eloquent and good at fooling around. A man like you who cherishes words like gold, will being a tour guide...well, being complained by tourists? "Gao Fei asked curiously.

"I have been complained about, but some tourists praised me for being stable and honest."

Recalling his career as a tour guide, Pep had a rare smile on his face.

Gao Fei could tell that he missed his old life very much.

It's a pity that the silver flash erupted and changed the world, along with the peaceful life that people used to take for granted.

No matter whether you miss it or not, everything can't go back to the past.

Passing through the pier, there is an endless wetland in front of you.

The village of Pirien sits right on the edge of the swamp.

The swamp is adjacent to the bay and belongs to the intersection of salt water and fresh water. When the tide is high, the flat land in front of you will be submerged.

The people living here, in order to adapt to the wetland environment, invented a unique construction technique, building the house on the pillars, so that it will not be submerged when the tide rises, and it also has the benefits of ventilation and moisture resistance.

When the tide goes out, the houses in the village hang in the air like rows of giants on stilts.

The stilt house is made of wood. In a high-humidity environment, it will start to rot after four or five years at most, and it needs to be rebuilt.

Because of this, brothers in a family are usually not separated, called "doors".

There is only one way into the village, and it is a wooden bridge that can only put two feet down. If you stumble, you will fall into the mud more than ten meters deep.

There are many crocodiles lying in the mud, baring their teeth leisurely, basking in the sun.

Even if the person who stumbled could not die from the fall, if he wanted to climb out of the mud pit, he had to ask the crocodiles if they would agree.

According to Pape, the reason why Pirien Village built such a single-plank bridge is to prevent the enemy from breaking into the village and massacring them.

Pep led the way, striding across the wooden bridge.

Gao Fei and his entourage followed behind him, tiptoeing, and moved their steps carefully, lest they accidentally fall into the mud and have close contact with the crocodiles.

At the door of every hut in the village, there were people sitting on the porch looking curiously at the group of yellow-skinned foreigners.

Seeing Goofy and the others clumsily crossing the bridge, the villagers laughed, showing their teeth stained black and brown by tobacco and betel nut.

Living in this environment all year round, the locals have developed agility. Even an old woman with a baby on her back can run freely on the narrow single-plank bridge.

As soon as Gao Fei and his party walked across the single-plank bridge, a naked little girl suddenly screamed, trembling violently, turned around and jumped into a ditch, desperately fleeing to the distance.

"You frightened her into thinking you were Mbji," Pep whispered to Goofy.

"There is a prevailing concept among the Asmats that foreigners who break into the village are regarded as the ghosts of their ancestors, called 'Mbji', which means creatures from the world of ghosts and gods (Savan)." Tang Ning explained.

Everyone walked to a big house with a veranda.

The owner of this portal is a relative of Pep.

Pep had some kind words for his relatives and gave them a pile of tobacco, betel nuts, and plastic vats of spirits.

With smiles on their faces, the family took the presents, packed up their palm sleeping mats and clothes, and left the house.

(End of this chapter)

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