Savior Simulator

Chapter 846 Dragon and Orochi

Chapter 846 Dragon and Orochi
Jiang Feng landed on both feet, looked up, and unexpectedly saw Angel A flapping his wings, supporting his huge body, and slowly rising into the air.

Such a big beetle can actually fly? !
Looking at the Angel A that was taking off, Jiang Feng deeply felt that the world was so big and full of wonders.

Admiration is all admiration, she doesn't intend to let Angel A go.

Jiang Feng's two usual sub-professions, "Temple Raider" and "Yangyan Monk", are not yet able to fly, so he switched the sub-profession to "Dragon Warrior", turned on the berserk, turned into a red dragon, and spread his wings into the air.

The overly large and heavy body seriously hindered Angel A's air mobility, not to mention that he was seriously injured, and brown blood was continuously flowing from his back, dripping down.

In the current state, Angel A can barely fly, but the flying speed cannot be increased.

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Feng, who had turned into a red dragon, overtook him, and a mouthful of dragon's breath was sprayed down, which became the last straw that crushed it.

Like other Coleoptera insects, carapace angels usually fold their soft and fragile membranous wings and hide them under the hard carapace, lest they be damaged, and only use these wings when flying.

At this moment, the membrane wings had been ignited by the flames ejected by the red dragon, and the armored angel was unable to fly, falling like a meteorite into the muddy puddle, completely losing hope of escape.

Jiang Feng spread out his fiery red dragon wings, hovered and landed.

Angel A is already a cooked duck and cannot escape.

Jiang Feng turned back to look for "Steel Nail" Philip, only to find that this guy had slipped away at some point.

Jiang Feng was somewhat regretful that he could not catch Philip.

However, thinking that her companions were still in danger, she didn't care about chasing and killing Philip. She maintained her red dragon form and flew to the hotel with the horns of the armored angel to find her teammates.


The red dragon in the form of Goofy landed in the shanty town near the pier.

As soon as I stood up from the ruins of the collapsed hut, I heard exclamations from the riverside.

At first, he thought that the panic was caused by himself, and he turned his head to look at the river bank, only to find that the panic was caused by a boa constrictor that was more terrifying than his red dragon form.

This reptile is 20 meters long from head to tail, and it swims meanderingly on the river surface. The scales exposed above the water are shining with purple luster, and each piece is bigger than the palm of an adult.

The giant python's thick body is comparable to a torpedo boat. Wherever it passes, all the ships blocking the way are knocked away by it, scaring the boatmen to jump into the water and flee.

The giant python raised its huge head, spit out the forked letter, and sniffed the air, as if it was tracking its prey.

"Oh! If I'm not're the king snake, right?"

Gao Fei maintained his red dragon form, stood on the bank, and pointed his middle finger at the giant python in the river.

"Climb over here!"

This mutated giant python, which looks like it has eaten gold, is the snake angel of the Holy Blood Knights. Under the orders of "Son of Thunder" Da Jacob, he is tracking the Tiangong special police who was blown away by Da Jacob's "Shenluo Tianzheng".

The "taunt" that Gao Fei just released successfully angered the Snake Angel. He twisted his body and climbed up the river bank, grinning at him, hissing and spitting out letters, making a threatening gesture.

Compared with this giant python, the red dragon is like a baby facing a strong man.

The disparity in body size gave Snake Angel a psychological advantage, ignoring the oppression of Longwei, and took the initiative to attack.

Gao Fei jumped up, avoided the giant python's bite, spread his wings to float in the air, grasped the "Thunder King's Tooth" tightly with his claws, swooped down and slashed fiercely, the lightning-shining sharp blade slashed at the giant python's neck, almost killing its body. The head was cut off.

The moment it landed, Gao Fei stomped on the momentum, and the ground under his feet vibrated loudly, causing the giant python to turn over, exposing its milky white belly.

Gao Fei seized the right moment and swung his sickle to sweep away!
Lei Wangya was like a large scalpel. As Gao Fei continued to exert force, he cut a five-meter-long giant wound in the python's abdomen, literally "cutting open its belly".

Through the open wound, the bloody internal organs in the python's belly are clearly visible.

Ordinary mutated creatures would lose half of their lives if they were not killed.

The snake angel did not show the slightest pain or fear, ignoring the wounds on his neck and abdomen, turned his head and bit Gao Fei.

Gao Fei quickly raised his scythe to block the python's fangs.

The pressure from the arms quickly spread to the lower limbs, and the knees couldn't help trembling slightly.

Through head-to-head wrestling, Gao Fei estimated that the strength attribute of the snake angel is no less than 30.

Gao Fei's current strength attribute is 35, which is higher than that of Snake Angel. The disadvantage is that his body is two levels behind, and he can't take advantage of frontal wrestling.

Of course, this is not Goofy's peak state.

As long as the magic power of the "Righteousness Collar" is activated, Gao Fei can increase his strength attribute by 4 points and narrow the size gap with the Snake Angel. It is not difficult to subdue this giant python.

However, at this moment, two accidents disrupted his plan.

Gao Fei accidentally noticed that the wounds on Snake Angel's neck and abdomen were healing automatically. This scene reminded him of the troll he had seen in the game.

Ordinary mutated giant pythons don't have the body to regenerate flesh and blood. This is probably the superpower awakened by the snake angel after taking the hero medicine. Is it a "regeneration" physique or a "quick self-healing"?
Theoretically, "regeneration" is more resilient than "quick self-healing", even if the head is cut off, it can grow back, but Gao Fei would rather the snake angel have a "regeneration" physique.

Because he happens to have the means to restrain the "regeneration" attack, and although "quick self-healing" cannot regenerate severed limbs, it will not be restrained by flames or strong acid.

With the thought of exploring, Gao Fei was not too busy using "Righteousness Like a Rainbow", opened his throat, and sprayed a flame at the snake angel.

The big snake's armor was scorched by the dragon's breath, and then it was slowly reborn.

This sign made Gao Fei frown secretly.

The scorched flesh can also heal automatically, so it can be seen that the special physique possessed by the Snake Angel is "quick self-healing".

Suddenly being sprayed with dragon's breath, the snake angel roared furiously, turned around, and pointed its tail at Gao Fei.

It wasn't until this moment that Gao Fei noticed that the tail tip of the giant python was connected to a metal device shaped like a cannon barrel.

I wipe it, right?This set again? !

Gao Fei immediately thinks of Angel Ape and Angel Ant.

The mutated monsters domesticated by the Holy Blood Knights are often equipped with hot weapons such as guns and missiles. Could it be that the snake angel also has this style of painting?
At this moment, the tail of the snake suddenly lit up, shooting out a blue beam of light.

Worth!It's a laser launcher!

No matter how fast Gao Fei reacted, he couldn't keep up with the speed of light. He was hit by a laser cannon on his chest and suffered 22 points of burns.

The damage wasn't that big, but it surprised him a bit.

"Regeneration of flesh and blood, mechanical prosthetics... Boy, this is very cyberpunk!"

(End of this chapter)

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