Savior Simulator

Chapter 844 Manipulating the Magnetic Field

Chapter 844 Manipulating the Magnetic Field
After being shot twice, Bartholomew fell into a coma.

Ma Tao kicked him to confirm that the pervert had lost his mobility, then turned and walked towards the leech angel who was being chased by the activated fire extinguisher, bringing this disgusting worm cluster into the control area of ​​the "spiritual body guard".

Leech Angel was irradiated by the golden light radiated from Ma Tao's body, and his speed was halved immediately.

Ma Yun activated the fire extinguisher by remote control to catch up, and sprayed wildly at the leech angel until the bottle of fire extinguisher was exhausted, and the leech angel was already angry.

"It's too wasteful to kill this monster. If you catch it alive, you can exchange for more experience rewards." Ma Tao reminded his sister.

Ma Yun nodded, stood on the street looking around, suddenly her eyes lit up, she turned around and ran into the wood carving shop, and soon came back with a wooden bucket and broom, and handed it to her brother.

Ma Tao shook his head speechlessly, took the broom, and swept the leech angel who was still struggling in the dry powder into the barrel.

Ma Yun poured two large bottles of mineral water into the wooden barrel, then closed the lid, and performed the "restoration technique" to make the lid tightly seal the wooden barrel and fit tightly.

"The lid is so tightly sealed, will the Leech Angel be suffocated in the bucket?" Ma Tao asked worriedly.

"It's okay!" Ma Yun said confidently, "Didn't I pour two bottles of water into it? As long as the bucket is kept moist, the monster can survive a whole day without any problem."

Having experienced so many bloody storms together, Ma Tao's attitude towards his sister has also changed.

Although he was unwilling to admit it, he knew in his heart that his younger sister had grown a lot and was capable of being on her own. She could no longer be treated like a brat, nagging and chastening her in every detail.

Nodding silently, Ma Tao cast a spell to summon a steed, handcuffed the unconscious Bartholomew, and put him on the horse's back.

Considering that the time limit for the "Silence Technique" was about to expire, Ma Tao also asked his sister to borrow a roll of tape to seal Bartholomew's mouth so that the creature would not scream after waking up.

The horses summoned by the spell were not equipped with saddles, and there was no place to hang the barrels.

The wooden barrel that imprisoned the leech angel was heavy, so Ma Yun didn't want to run around the street with the wooden barrel, so she used the "activation technique" on the wooden barrel to temporarily inject vitality into it.

The activated wooden barrel floats up into the air, and wherever Ma Yun goes, it floats there, saving worry and effort.

The two opponents were quickly resolved, and the brother and sister took the captives and looked back for their lost companions.


In another block of Agatz, just as Jiang Feng walked to the door of the church, he heard a sneer from above his head.

"Hey! Beauty, did you come to find me for a tryst?"

On the balcony on the second floor of the church stood a man in a black windbreaker and sunglasses, holding a sniper rifle, pointing the black muzzle at the girl downstairs.

Jiang Feng looked up at him.

No need to ask, one could guess that this pretentious guy was the Seventh Apostle Philip "Steel Nail" who shot Tang Ning earlier.

Jiang Feng missed his companions in the hotel, so he didn't bother to talk to him, so he performed "Flying Steps", stepped on the wall perpendicular to the ground, and rushed straight to the second floor of the church.

"Hey! Is that okay? Are you a spider?"

"Steel Nail" Philip raised his brows in surprise, pointed his gun at the girl climbing up, and pulled the trigger mercilessly.

The 12.7mm steel core bullet burst out of the chamber, and was bounced back by Jiang Feng waving his hand the next moment.

Philip had suffered from this move before, and his injured ear was still hurting, so he had already taken precautions.

While shooting, he had already activated the superpower awakened after taking the hero medicine, controlling the strength and direction of the surrounding magnetic field with his mind.

The rebounded rifle bullet was disturbed by the strong magnetic field, deflected in the air, drew a beautiful arc, bypassed Philip, and shot at the wall behind him.

"Go back to me!"

Philip sneered and waved his hand, reversing the magnetic field.

The bullet that had sunk into the stone wall behind him was magnetically pulled away from the wall, and shot at Jiang Feng again, roaring.

At this time, Jiang Feng had just climbed up to the second floor and was about to climb over the balcony fence. Unexpectedly, the bullet that had just been reversed by himself flew back again, so he had to slow down and once again used the monk's special skill of "blocking the bullet" to block the bullet. went back.

The rifle bullet went back and forth four times between Jiang Feng and Philip, like a metal ping pong ball, already overwhelmed.

The moment Jiang Feng bounced it away for the second time, the warhead exploded in the air and disintegrated into countless metal debris mixed with steel and lead.

Philip pushed the sunglasses, suddenly flipped backwards, and fell off the balcony.

Jiang Feng climbed onto the balcony and realized that his opponent had already jumped downstairs. He couldn't help but feel angry, and raised his hand to shoot a "burning light" at him.

Philip was in the air and had nowhere to draw his strength. He never expected Jiang Feng to have such a weird trick. He hurriedly raised his rifle and blocked the golden beam with the butt of the gun.

The scorching light shot through the butt of the gun, and then burned a scorched mark on Philip's chest, making him gasp in pain.

Seeing that Jiang Feng had jumped off the balcony, Philip's face darkened, and he retreated to the small square at the entrance of the church, wrapped his finger with the "Apostle's Seal" in his mouth, and blew a sharp whistle.

In response to his call, the church door slammed open.

Jiang Feng looked over vigilantly.

A large beetle broke through the door and crawled to Philip's side.

This monster was as big as a bull, and its back was covered with a thick black carapace. The most eye-catching thing was its upper jaw, which protruded exaggeratedly, resembling horns.

"This is Angel A?" Jiang Feng looked the big beetle up and down.

It looked like a gigantic stag beetle, and the first impression it gave her was that it wasn't as oppressive as the ape angel, so it shouldn't be difficult to deal with.

Feeling the disdain in her eyes, Philip sneered and took out a capsule from his coat pocket.

"Beauty, don't underestimate my angel A, I'll do a magic trick for you!"

As he spoke, he threw the capsule in his hand at the big beetle.

Jiang Feng's eyes flashed, and his feet were as fast as a gust of wind, dragging the afterimage and rushed over to prevent Angel A from taking the hero medicine.

"Sorry, the performance has just begun, and the audience is not allowed to come on stage!"

With a wave of his hand, Philip threw out a large number of sharp steel nails. Under the action of the strong magnetic field surrounding his body, each steel nail shot towards Jiang Feng like a howling bullet.

Jiang Feng's face changed slightly, and he had to concentrate on dodging the steel nails flying over in a swarm.

Not wearing armor or holding a shield, the seemingly frail Jiang Nvxia has the highest defense level in the team, avoiding all the steel nails without any risk.

At the same time, Angel A has swallowed the hero medicine, and his body swells rapidly, comparable to an elephant!
As the body size increases, the strength and physical attributes of the armored angels also increase significantly.

What made Jiang Feng even more disturbed was the carapace of this giant insect. The original black chitinous exoskeleton turned steel blue, exuding a dazzling metallic luster!
(End of this chapter)

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