Savior Simulator

Chapter 841 Pain Chain

Chapter 841 Pain Chain
Ma Tao and Ma Yun, who were blown away by Big Jacob's palm, finally landed near the market, where Tangning led them to buy souvenirs in the morning.

This is the busiest neighborhood in Agats, surrounded by shops and houses.

Local residents were alarmed when they saw two red "big birds" slide down from the sky and crash into a nearby warehouse the moment they landed.

The timid one hurried back to the shed and closed the doors and windows tightly.

But there is also no shortage of daring and good-for-nothing people, who come to watch with their heads poking around.

Ma Tao didn't want to cause panic among passers-by, so he quickly changed back to human form, switched his secondary job to a better priest, ignored the suspicious eyes of onlookers, and hurried into the collapsed warehouse to look for his sister.

"Ma Yun? Ma Yun? Are you okay?"

In the warehouse, classmate Xiao Ma has also turned back into a human form, crawling out of a pile of betel nuts in disgrace.

When Ma Tao saw his younger sister, he was relieved, but he was still a little worried, so he wanted to treat her.

"I'm not injured, you'd better save your magic power for fighting." Ma Yun didn't want to accept her brother's favor.

"Your head is swollen, why are you pretending to be strong!"

Ma Tao patted his sister's forehead angrily, and applied "spontaneous medical treatment" to help her eliminate the bruise.

Ma Yun rubbed her forehead, looked up at the sky, with confusion in her eyes: "It's strange, why is Da Jacob missing?"

"Don't worry about the pretender, I'll contact Brother Fei right away, I hope he's okay."

Ma Tao opened the astrolabe, and was about to send a letter in the team channel, when a very shrill scream suddenly came from his ear.

"Wori! Who called it so miserable... Sarilang?"

The brothers and sisters looked at the place where the screams came from. It seemed to be a shop across the street, and they didn't know what happened.

When Ma Tao saw his younger sister eager to try, he quickly darkened his face and warned: "Calm down, we don't have time to meddle in our own business now—"

Before he could finish speaking, there was a sudden sharp pain in the root of his right thigh, as if being cut by a sharp knife, and the bone was cramped. The pain caused Ma Tao to fall to the ground and almost passed out.

At the same time, Ma Yun also felt severe pain in her legs, her face turned pale, and dense cold sweat oozes from her forehead.

"Wori, he's a god!" Ma Tao hugged his thigh, swearing in pain, "What's going on? It doesn't hurt like this to give birth to a baby!"

"You haven't given birth to a baby, who knows how painful it is..."

Ma Yun curled up into a shrimp in pain, her mouth was not idle, and she argued with her brother in every possible way.

Ma Tao glared at her, looked around reluctantly, and found that the passers-by in the market were like him, falling to the ground with their thighs hugged and moaning, and even passed out from the pain.

Ma Tao looked at the sore spot, but there was no sign of injury.

The passers-by who fell on the street and cried out in pain also did not see any abnormality, but felt the same strong pain in the same part.

"It seems to be just a simple neuralgia..." Ma Yun gritted her teeth and guessed, "Do you still remember the scream just now? If I guessed correctly, the eighth-ranked apostle of the Holy Blood Knights 'Screaming' Bartholomew , should be hiding near here!"

Ma Tao completely agrees with his sister's speculation. He opened the astrolabe and checked his status bar, and suddenly a debuff called "Phantom Pain" appeared!

As the name suggests, phantom pain is not pathological pain, but a hallucination.

The victim of phantom pain is like being hypnotized. The performer makes you feel very painful, and you cannot resist the hypnosis with your own willpower, so you will experience the feeling of severe pain-although this is just a psychological suggestion.

In the most extreme cases, it can even cause people to die of pain, just like being frightened to death by a terrifying monster that does not actually exist.

According to the information provided by Tang Ning, after "Screaming" Bartholomew took the hero medicine, he awakened the "hypnosis" superpower "Pain Chain", which can convey the pain he feels to the people around him through howling, making the listeners Those who hear the cry experience double the pain.

This weird superpower just corresponds to the weird situation on the street.

Ma Tao is convinced that all the people on the street suffering from unexplained leg pain, including himself and his sister, are Bartholomew's victims!
"This pervert attacks passers-by indiscriminately, it is simply inhumane!"

Ma Tao cursed to extract the magic power, endured the severe pain, and blessed his sister and himself with a "secondary spiritual barrier".

This 3rd level spell can resist low-level negative mind effects, including illusion, hypnosis and enchantment magic below 3rd level, and similar supernatural abilities.

Bartholomew's "Pain Chain" should not exceed the immune limit of the "Secondary Mind Barrier".

Taking a step back, even if it is not completely immune, it can at least offset most of the pain.

After the blessing of the "Secondary Spiritual Barrier", Ma Yun's pain disappeared, she rolled her black eyes, and whispered in her brother's ear.

Ma Tao nodded again and again when he heard it, and it was rare to praise his sister: "Not bad, not bad, but you still have a lot of ghosts!"

As time goes by, the effects of the “chain of pain” fade.

Among the passers-by who fell to the ground and groaned, the stronger ones got up and limped away from this strange place.

Ma Tao also stood up and cast the "Level 3 Monster Summoning Technique", summoning a ball of golden light, like a lantern hanging in mid-air, emitting a holy light.

This inconspicuous ball of light is actually the "Holy Light God Envoy" from the heavens. As soon as Ma Tao summoned it, he opened the "Threatening Spiritual Light" and "Anti-Evil Magic Circle", and then cast the 2nd-level "Aid Technique" , providing a total of three buffs for the brothers and sisters, comprehensively improving attack, defense, immunity and vitality, and causing corresponding weakening of hostile creatures.

Ma Yun blessed herself with the "shield technique", and loaded six special bullets into the revolver.

Each bullet is filled with magic in advance, and the corresponding number is marked on the outside of the wheel.

The six bullets in the magazine, from No. 1 to No. 6, are filled with "Transformation", "Thunder Wave", "Spider Web", "Flash Dust", "Fuel Oil" and "Fireball" respectively .

The brothers and sisters got ready, pretended to be limping, blended into the crowd, approached the direction where the scream came from before, and carefully searched for Bartholomew.


A middle-aged woman in a rose red sarong skirt was sitting in front of the counter of a wood carving shop with her head bowed, her long hair half covering her heavily made-up face.

She looks like a very ordinary shop proprietress, but her flat chest and protruding Adam's apple reveal her true gender.

"What do you mean by 'let the world feel the pain'? That fool, Jacob, doesn't understand the beauty of pain at all. He should share the pain with the world."

The eighth apostle Bartholomew, who is both "transvestite" and "masochist", holds a blood-stained carving knife and mutters to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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