Savior Simulator

Chapter 835 Sniper

Chapter 835 Sniper
Led by Hu Zi, Qi Tian and Wang Daqing quietly left the firefighting zone, followed the trajectory of the virus spread, and traced the source of the virus in reverse—that is, the hiding place of the tenth-ranked apostle Thomas "Suspicious" of the Holy Blood Knights .

The thugs who besieged the Pano Hotel were divided into two groups, each with more than forty people.

The group of thugs who attacked first had already been wiped out by Tangning's bird of paradise, and the survivors were retreating towards the pier.

The second group of thugs was supported by "suspicious" Thomas. They thought that with the help of the virus, they could easily break through the hotel and kill the prey hiding in the house.

The results backfired.

The virus spread by Thomas did not seem to weaken the opponent's combat effectiveness, but instead infected a large group of unrelated passers-by, who frequently broke into the firefighting zone, causing interference to both sides.

The hotel could not be attacked for a long time, and the mercenary captain had to call for air support again.

One of the armed helicopters that had been scared away by the birds returned to the sky above the thunderstorm battlefield and dropped cluster bombs downward.

The roof on the second floor of the hotel was torn off by bombs, and bricks and tiles flew across the sky.

Gao Fei and the others who were on the first floor were also shocked by the sudden bombing, and they couldn't help but fell to the floor. The sky was spinning, their ears were roaring, and it felt like the sky was about to collapse.

After the explosion subsided, Gao Fei got up with support and found that the ceiling above his head had collapsed. He could directly see the sky outside through the holes in the ceiling on the first floor and the blasted roof on the second floor.

The rain mixed with gunpowder smoke diffused in the air, and the shadow of the helicopter could be seen in the smoke, and the roar of the propeller was terrifying.

The hotel was no longer safe, so Gao Fei called his disgraced teammates to his side, planning to collectively transform into a red dragon, kill the helicopters in the air first, and then return to eliminate the thugs outside the door.

At this time, the familiar birdsong rang out from the sky, and a large flock of birds of paradise flew back despite the rain and surrounded the helicopter.

A series of roars came from the sky, densely packed with lightning, like countless golden snakes, tearing apart the cloud-covered sky and constantly beating the helicopter.

Seeing the vision in the sky, Gao Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

The thunder appeared before the lightning. This anomalous phenomenon was not a natural thunder and lightning, but Tang Ning, who was transformed into a flock of birds, was releasing "Thunder Waves" and "Summoning Thunder" in the air on a large scale in the way of "performance casting".

The 3rd ring "Summoning Lightning Art", when cast on cloudy and rainy days, its power is multiplied.

In the moment of thunder and lightning, the huge armed helicopter was bombarded by "thunder waves" many times one after another. The glass windows, instrument panels and even the bombs that had not been dropped were all shattered, and then the lightning called by the "thunder summoning technique" continued In the strike, all the electronic equipment failed, and he fell down.

Dragging black smoke, the helicopter finally crashed outside the hotel courtyard wall, exploded, and the raging flames evaporated the rainwater.

The van der Waals mercenary team outside the courtyard wall was so scorched by the heat wave that they couldn't breathe. They retreated in a hurry and looked at the wreckage of the helicopter from a distance, their eyes full of horror.

The flock of birds passed through the blasted roof and landed in the ruins of the first-floor hall, converging into human form.

"Sister Tang, you're back!" Ma Yun cheered and went up to meet her.

Tangning nodded, looked at everyone one by one, and found bloodstains on Gao Fei's body, she asked with concern, "Are you alright?"

"A little injury, I'm fine now." Gao Fei rubbed his arm, "Just now I was almost plotted against by the 'suspicious' Thomas, but fortunately the crisis was resolved in time, Xiaotian and Brother Daqing went to hunt down Thomas, and kept track of him through the astrolabe team channel. connection."

"It's good that everyone is fine." Tangning's beautiful face could not hide the tiredness, but her expression was extremely determined, "The gangsters outside the door are just cannon fodder, nothing to worry about, the real threat to us is the apostles and angels of the Holy Blood Knights. "

"Besides Thomas, there are three apostles and four angels who have yet to make a move. We have to prepare for a tough battle."

Tangning walked to the center of her teammates and used her mythical specialty "Universal Recharge" to draw energy from the astrolabe to replenish the poet's "Performance" skill. Then she cast "Performance Casting" to bless her teammates with "Bulletproof Barrier" and "Attribute Enhancement".

Just as she was concentrating on casting spells, a rifle bullet suddenly shot in from the window, hitting her chest, and blood spattered!

Tangning fell backwards as if she had been punched in the face unexpectedly.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng stepped forward to help at the same time, and saw a bloody hole in Tangning's chest, the size of a fist, and a beating heart could be vaguely seen through the blood gushing out like a spring.

This sudden shot pierced through the "bulletproof barrier" and almost shattered Tangning's heart!
If you were an ordinary person, you would surely die if you received this shot!

After all, Tangning is a level 14 "Tiangong Special Police", her vitality is far beyond human comparison, even after being hit by a sniper rifle, she still has a faint breath.

Regardless of the blood on his hands, Jiang Feng hurriedly used "Qi Therapy" to rescue Tangning.

Ma Tao also rushed over and healed Tangning without hesitation.

Ma Yun's face was pale, and she held Tangning's cold hand tightly, and called into her ear with tears in her eyes, "Sister Tang! Wake up...wake up!"

"Don't worry, Tangning's gunshot wound wasn't fatal, otherwise she would have been confiscated by Tiangong Hospital right now."

Gao Fei managed to remain calm and comfort Ma Yun who was flustered.

He had already looked at Tangning's status panel, and his health was knocked out by 72 points.

Based on this damage figure, the shot that hit her in the heart just now must have triggered a critical strike!

The moment Tangning was shot, his heart was shocked and he temporarily fell into a coma.With the full rescue of Jiang Feng and Ma Tao, he soon came to his senses, and a trace of joy appeared on his bloodless lips.

"The bastard who shot me black made a mistake...he should have aimed at my head...not my heart."

If the head was blown off by this shot, the damage figures would be meaningless. It would be equivalent to triggering the "beheading" special effect. No matter how tenacious Tangning's vitality was, she would be killed on the spot. She would not even have a chance of being taken back by Tiangong Hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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