Savior Simulator

Chapter 829 Signet of the Apostles

Chapter 829 Signet of the Apostles
Not long after, Gao Fei received the analysis report from Vinda's laboratory.

In the state of not taking drugs, "Ape Angel" is an adult male four-armed orangutan with 12 Hit Dice (HD), no obvious good or evil tendencies, and a large magical beast belonging to the neutral camp.

All attributes and talents are better than ordinary four-armed orangutans, but not too much.

And when this guy swallowed a hero medicine, he immediately changed drastically!


Comparing the data before taking the drug, it is not difficult to find that the hero drug provides the following gains for the ape angel: strength, agility, constitution, and intelligence each +4, natural defense +4, and body size +1.

After taking the medicine, the ape angel also awakened three new specialties, including "weapon proficiency", "combat reflex", "dual wielder", and there is another speciality acquired through acquired training - "weapon proficiency (guns)" !
This gorilla, whose intelligence has soared after taking drugs, actually learned to use machine guns and bazookas, and immediately became a combination of King Kong and Rambo.

For ordinary four-armed orangutans, the challenge level is only level 5, while for ape angels, it is level 8.

It can be seen that the combination of hero medicine and proper training has made this four-armed orangutan undergo a transformational evolution.

The effect of the hero medicine on the ape angel is mainly reflected in basic data such as attributes and specialties, and does not give it additional supernatural abilities.

Little Jacob took a very different evolutionary path.

After taking a hero medicine, the agility, intelligence, and perception attributes are +4 each, and the natural defense is +4; the four specialties of "vigilance", "dexterous movement", "weapon proficiency" and "ability specialization (remote control)" are automatically acquired.

During the duration of the drug effect, Jacob Jr. temporarily evolved into a mutant of the "psychic control system", awakening a superpower called "God's Hand".


Hand of God (psychic control superpower): Select a designated creature within 400 meters, and try to control the target's body movements.The target creature can break free with a successful DC 21 Fortitude save.The difficulty of the saving throw depends on the perception attribute, and it is enhanced by "Ability Focus (Remote Control)".

Comparing the actual combat performance of Little Jacob and Ape Angel, Gao Fei couldn't believe it. They both had the same challenge level, level 8.

How about little Jacob's paper stats?
Including the temporary gains provided by the hero potion, the attributes are: strength 13, agility 20, constitution 13, intelligence 18, perception 20, charisma 10.

Very nice attribute data.

It stands to reason that he should be able to fight well.

But in fact?
When this guy remotely controls the puppets outside the battlefield, his operation is indeed very good. Once he is in close combat and he is in danger, he immediately wins a fortune. His actual combat performance is not worthy of his stats.

This unbelievable conclusion just reflects the limitations of the level of challenge - it is only based on paper data to estimate combat power, and subjective factors such as courage, mentality, actual combat experience, and on-the-spot performance have not been fully taken into account.

Little Jacob's game controller is a tool for him to use the "Hand of God", and it is useless for anyone else to get it except himself.

In addition, Goofy also seized two things from Jacob Jr.: 20 hero medicines in glass bottles and a strange ring.

The crystal-carved hollow ring is filled with mysterious transparent mucus, and there is also a small group of gray flocculent suspensions the size of rice grains, which seems to be some kind of biological tissue.

Gao Fei used the astrolabe to identify the crystal ring, and the result was quite unexpected, showing "no relevant information"!
This was the first time Gao Fei encountered such a situation.

First of all, it is certain that this thing is not a magic guide, otherwise the astrolabe can definitely detect the magic aura.

So, is this just a decoration?
It doesn't look that simple either.

Gao Fei couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

If I knew this ring was weird, I should have asked him about it before sending Little Jacob away.

"Sister Tang, what is this ring for?"

Gao Fei handed the crystal ring to Tangning.Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, Ma Yun, Qi Tian and Wang Daqing also gathered around to look at the ring curiously.

Tangning took a look at it and said thoughtfully, "If I'm not mistaken, this is the 'signet of the apostles' that Judas mentioned. The apostles who wear the ring can use the mysterious power contained in the ring to communicate with their counterparts. The angel of the other party performs telepathy and orders the other party to serve him."

"So that's how it is... It's a pity that Angel Ape has been sent to Tianji Station, otherwise we can use this ring to control it." Qi Tian said regretfully.

His mutated praying mantis was charmed by the "Queen of the Ants", and defected before the battle. While chasing and killing the guerrillas, he was overtaken by an anti-tank rocket...

Qi Tian is very depressed about this, and at the same time, he is also planning to domesticate a new natural partner to fill the vacancy of the mutant praying mantis.

It would be great if a powerful thug like Angel Ape could be recovered with the help of the "Apostle's Signet Ring"!

"Little Tian, ​​don't just think about good things." Tangning shook her head and smiled wryly. "The so-called 'Apostle's Signet' can only be used by the apostles of the Holy Blood Knights. Others wearing this ring cannot command ape angels."

"Sister Tang, you haven't tried it, so how do you know it won't work?" Qi Tian asked back in disbelief.

"That's what Judas said." Tangning replied in a low voice, "If you want to ask why? I don't know. It is said that it has something to do with the mysterious 'Christ'."

"Christ?" Gao Fei raised his eyebrows, "Didn't Judas say that he had never seen Christ, and even suspected that this person didn't exist at all, and that it was just something Peter van der Waal made up to fool people?"

"Judas did have such a guess, but it's just a suspicion." Tang Ning explained, "If you want to compare the positive and negative evidence, then the evidence for 'Christ exists' is even stronger than the evidence for 'Christ does not exist' Some more."

"Peter van der Waals claims that the hero medicine is made from the 'blood of Christ'. We all suspect that he is lying, but who can analyze the true ingredients of the hero medicine? Even Vader's laboratory is currently unable to This complex work has not been done."

Gao Fei nodded and accepted Tangning's cautious point of view, "It's true as you said, before the truth comes out, we can't easily deny any statement."

"Sister Tang, following this line of thinking, can we reasonably suspect that the crystal ring that can be used to control the Blood Angels was also created by 'Christ'?" Ma Yun made a bold guess.

(End of this chapter)

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